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posted by n1 on Wednesday September 17 2014, @04:49AM   Printer-friendly
from the was-not-paying-attention-to-begin-with dept.

A small study into electronic device usage during lectures found that there was minimal difference in scores between those who were distracted while listening to the lecture and those who weren't when there was a quiz afterwards.

Results. The sample was comprised of 26 students. Of these, 17 were distracted in some form (either checking email, sending email, checking Facebook, or sending texts). The overall mean score on the test was 9.85 (9.53 for distracted students and 10.44 for non-distracted students). There were no significant differences in test scores between distracted and non-distracted students (p = 0.652). Gender and types of distractions were not significantly associated with test scores (p > 0.05). All students believed that they understood all the important points from the lecture.

Conclusions. Every class member felt that they acquired the important learning points during the lecture. Those who were distracted by electronic devices during the lecture performed similarly to those who were not. However, results should be interpreted with caution as this study was a small quasi-experimental design and further research should examine the influence of different types of distraction on different types of learning.

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  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 17 2014, @12:10PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 17 2014, @12:10PM (#94498)

    ( I prefer the technical term, "a**H**es")


    Attention Deficit Hiperactivity Disorder and estimated stupid?

    Probably "AssHoles." Those students who sit in class watching reruns of Firefly or commenting on friends' Facebook walls. Those students whose activity is out of sync with the classroom presentation, distracting not only themselves but students around them and the lecturer.

  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 17 2014, @10:57PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 17 2014, @10:57PM (#94711)

    Facebook and poker. That's what goes on in large lectures. I've seen it with my own eyes. It's always either Facebook or poker. I can't begin to imagine how much money has been lost by poker players during lectures.