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SoylentNews is people

posted by azrael on Sunday September 21 2014, @07:37AM   Printer-friendly
from the use-as-much-as-you-want dept.

A developer affiliated with has announced and released a fork of systemd, sardonically named uselessd.

The gist of it:

uselessd (the useless daemon, or the daemon that uses less... depending on your viewpoint) is a project which aims to reduce systemd to a base initd, process supervisor and transactional dependency system, while minimizing intrusiveness and isolationism. Basically, it’s systemd with the superfluous stuff cut out, a (relatively) coherent idea of what it wants to be, support for non-glibc platforms and an approach that aims to minimize complicated design.

uselessd is still in its early stages and it is not recommended for regular use or system integration, but nonetheless, below is what we have thus far.

They then go on to tout being able to compile on libc implementations besides glibc, stripping out unnecessary daemons and unit classes, working without udev or the journal, replacing systemd-fsck with a service file, and early work on a FreeBSD port (though not yet running).

Responses from the wider Linux community are yet to be heard.

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  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday September 21 2014, @12:58PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday September 21 2014, @12:58PM (#96295)

    Regardless of the relationship, Pipedot seems totally dead compared to this site. There are actually comments here for most submissions. Over there, it's a great achievement when a submission gets more than 3 comments.

  • (Score: 2) by zafiro17 on Sunday September 21 2014, @07:37PM

    by zafiro17 (234) on Sunday September 21 2014, @07:37PM (#96410) Homepage

    It's true this site is getting more comments than Pipedot, but "number of comments" isn't a great indicator. Slashdot gets a huge number more comments than Soylent does, and yet the bulk of those comments are of poor quality. Pipedot and Soylent can coexist, as can Slashdot and even Usenet's comp.misc. Each place has a different crowd, a different flavor, and a different way of communicating. It's all good.

    Dad always thought laughter was the best medicine, which I guess is why several of us died of tuberculosis - Jack Handey
    • (Score: 2) by zafiro17 on Sunday September 21 2014, @07:40PM

      by zafiro17 (234) on Sunday September 21 2014, @07:40PM (#96411) Homepage

      How funny - I just went over to slashdot, where I see it's hit their front page today too, so now the uselessd article has been published at all three venues, in increasing-size order. Nice.

      Dad always thought laughter was the best medicine, which I guess is why several of us died of tuberculosis - Jack Handey
  • (Score: 2) by HiThere on Sunday September 21 2014, @07:47PM

    by HiThere (866) on Sunday September 21 2014, @07:47PM (#96416) Journal

    Pipedot also has fewer stories. There's probably a relationship. Usually I come to SN first, then go to Pipedot. I'm unlikely to follow the discussion twice unless I'm really interested.

    Javascript is what you use to allow unknown third parties to run software you have no idea about on your computer.
  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday September 21 2014, @07:48PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday September 21 2014, @07:48PM (#96417)

    The title of every post in a thread there is displayed as h1.
    That's ridiculous.

    Maybe they have a stylesheet that improves that.
    Don't know. By default, I only download viewable text.
    If a site doesn't degrade gracefully, it's badly designed.

    (S/N does this as h4; much more intelligent.)

    ...and the fact that threading on Pipedot comment pages isn't obvious to me just makes them another beta.

    -- gewg_