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posted by n1 on Sunday September 28 2014, @06:27AM   Printer-friendly
from the yet-another-systemd-story dept.

Controversy is nothing new when it comes to systemd. Many people find this new Linux init system to be inherently flawed in most ways, yet it is still gaining traction with major distros like Arch Linux, openSUSE, Fedora, and soon both Ubuntu and Debian GNU/Linux. The adoption of systemd for Debian 8 "Jessie" has been particularly fraught with strife and animosity.

Some have described the systemd adoption process as having been a "coup", while others are vowing to stick with Debian 7 as long as possible before moving to another distro. Others are so upset by what they see as a complete betrayal of the Debian and open source communities that there is serious discussion about forking Debian. Regardless of one's stance toward systemd, it cannot be argued that it has become one of the most divisive and disruptive changes in the long history of the Debian project, threatening to destroy both the project and the community that has built up around it.

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  • (Score: 2, Flamebait) by darkfeline on Sunday September 28 2014, @10:00PM

    by darkfeline (1030) on Sunday September 28 2014, @10:00PM (#99363) Homepage

    Stop spreading more FUD. If you look at the supposed "systemd criticisms", they were inflammatory and deserved to be silenced

    Don Armstrong

    6:26 PM (11 hours ago)

    to listmasters, me
    On Thu, 25 Sep 2014, Gregory Smith wrote:
    > That is the story, that is what has happened. They have taken our
    > Linux distribution from us. The Frenchman above me is one of that
    > number.

    On Thu, 25 Sep 2014, Gregory Smith wrote:
    > This was an orchestrated fraudulent oligarchic takeover and charges
    > need to be brought agains you and them.

    These messages are off topic and inflammatory and have no place on

    Further messages along these lines may result in removing your ability
    to post to -user or additional Debian mailing lists without further

    Don Armstrong []

    This isn't life in the fast lane, it's life in the oncoming traffic
    -- Terry Pratchett

    Running around shouting "Systemd apocalypse is HAAAPENNINGG" will convince no one except other children like you.

    Now, there does seem to be a few good points in there from a quick skim, but all of them are accompanied by some version of "Lennart's cabal" or "Lennart POETTERING, PULSE-SHIT". Can the systemd-haters refrain from fear-mongering and ad-hominem, for maybe a week? long enough for a level-headed discussion to take place.

    Join the SDF Public Access UNIX System today!
    Starting Score:    1  point
    Moderation   0  
       Flamebait=1, Informative=1, Total=2
    Extra 'Flamebait' Modifier   0  
    Karma-Bonus Modifier   +1  

    Total Score:   2  
  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday September 28 2014, @11:13PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday September 28 2014, @11:13PM (#99383)

    Oh systemd, Oh systemd
    Thy features are creeping
    Oh systemd, Oh systemd
    Thy features are creeping
    Taking over syslog, udev and cron
    Why, oh why can I not logon
    Oh systemd, Oh systemd
    Thy features are creeping

    Oh systemd, Oh systemd
    Much pain thou can give me
    Oh systemd, Oh systemd
    Much pain thou can give me
    How often has the binary log
    Corrupted X��[Kak�N��QS�� ��$tt(P�-#13
    Oh systemd, Oh systemd
    Much pain thou can give me

    Oh systemd, Oh systemd
    How poorly implemented are ye?
    Oh systemd, Oh systemd
    How poorly implemented are ye?
    Thou boots up fast but treacherous be
    You fuck up Unix unapologetically
    Oh systemd, Oh systemd
    How poorly implemented are ye?

    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday September 28 2014, @11:56PM

      by Anonymous Coward on Sunday September 28 2014, @11:56PM (#99395)

      This briefly made the pain of systemd go away. But it roared back, like only a systemd infection can do.

  • (Score: 2, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Monday September 29 2014, @12:04AM

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday September 29 2014, @12:04AM (#99399)

    Have you seen what has happened to Firefox? Have you seen what has happened to GNOME? Those are two projects that have been utterly destroyed thanks to stupidity like we're seeing with systemd. It's utter, utter stupidity, and the end result is always the same: the project that's infected ends up dead.

    Firefox is well under 10% of the market now. GNOME 3 is a complete disaster. They're dead projects, for all intents and purposes. Maybe they'll still put out releases, but they've only got a very small number of users remaining.

    Nobody is crying wolf here. Systemd is a serious problem, and it looks like it's going to tear apart the Debian project. If Debian does manage to survive, it will be a severely wounded project. There are many long-time Debian users who are feeling very betrayed over how this inferior technology has been forced upon them, and they will move to another distro that doesn't make such asinine decisions about such critical software.

    The only projects that are going to win out of all of this are Gentoo and FreeBSD, and maybe Slackware. They're the only ones showing any sense in this matter.

  • (Score: 2) by LookIntoTheFuture on Monday September 29 2014, @08:00AM

    by LookIntoTheFuture (462) on Monday September 29 2014, @08:00AM (#99499)

    children like you.

    I am not a child. Attacking me personally isn't going to solve anything. Silencing speech is a bad idea. Does that really need to be said? People are angry for some very good reasons. Let them speak.

    • (Score: 2) by etherscythe on Monday September 29 2014, @10:12PM

      by etherscythe (937) on Monday September 29 2014, @10:12PM (#99802) Journal

      By way of comparison, what do you suppose would happen if we applied the same standard to Linus Torvalds? Is he qualified to speak on this matter perhaps? He hasn't, really, but I expect he'd have some choice words on the subject if he cared one way or another. Somehow I think calling him a child is not what we would do, and he would probably still be right.

      "Fake News: anything reported outside of my own personally chosen echo chamber"