Taiwan has found a way to use a carefully designed social network constructively.
As stated in the Tyee,
Taiwan Is Crowdsourcing an Everybody-Wins Democracy
They had to do something. In 2014,
Opponents to the bill felt not just defeated, but invisible. The government had promised to listen to their concerns, but simply hadn't done so, rushing the bill onto the parliament floor. They had the votes; they could get it through. So that evening, protesters scaled the fence, kicked the door open and streamed onto the floor of Taiwan's parliament, the Legislative Yuan.
Sound familiar from recent history?
Well, the government found a way to listen.
They set up vTaiwan, a social network where prominence is given to posts that further concord instead of discord. And they're using it to craft proposals for legislation. Anyone can contribute.
The article doesn't state how the social network determines which posts promote consensus. I'd like to know.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday January 12 2021, @06:21PM (6 children)
Native American chiefdoms were "founded" on invasion, bloodbath, genocide of indigenous people to steal their land, and slavery.
(Score: 1, Touché) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday January 12 2021, @07:46PM (5 children)
So what's your point ? That because people have been barbaric savages for eons we should all continue to be barbaric savages ?
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday January 12 2021, @08:19PM (4 children)
My point: It is dishonest or ignorant to place blame on America as being somehow uniquely horrible for that time in history. Get over your *presentism* and *selective* outrage.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday January 12 2021, @08:52PM
nobody said america was unique in that regard
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday January 12 2021, @10:21PM (2 children)
Your point is that you are completely ignorant of Native American politics, or inter-tribal relations. This "slave" thing is a white European obsession.
(Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday January 12 2021, @10:46PM (1 child)
American Indians enslaved other tribes. They also stole white women and children in raids on white settlements. The more organized civilizations such as the Aztecs in Mexico not only enslaved other tribes, they skinned them alive and cut out their beating hearts. In the region of North America taken by the Europeans, alliances were formed by Indian tribes and Europeans against other tribes and Europeans. The Indians were not a united happy family.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday January 13 2021, @12:13PM
+1 for truth. Slavery has been a worldwide institution for all of recorded history. It is only in the last several centuries, where technological advance has cheapened the value of basic human labor to such a point that slavery is not economical. Government/political slavery, as in US prisons or Chinese Uighur camps, is outside the bounds of economics, as modern sovereign governments control fiat currency and don't need cash reserves to pay for anything.