r00t writes:
"Taking a page out of Lexmark playbook, the Keurig company, famous for it's one-cup coffee making system, now comes with new and improved 100% DRM. Apparently, Keurig is upset over re-usable third-party 'coffee pods' which allow the consumer to escape the Keurig throw-away models which carry a retail price 5% to 25% more. Keurig's CEO, Brian Kelly referred to the move as 'game-changing performance.' Perhaps this will finally be the year of Linux on the Coffe Maker?"
(Score: 1) by amicotoni on Tuesday March 04 2014, @08:33AM
The stove top coffee maker are not from Brazil. They were invented in Italy by Bialetti, in 1933: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moka_pot [wikipedia.org]