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posted by LaminatorX on Monday March 03 2014, @11:00PM   Printer-friendly
from the Java-should-be-open dept.

r00t writes:

"Taking a page out of Lexmark playbook, the Keurig company, famous for it's one-cup coffee making system, now comes with new and improved 100% DRM. Apparently, Keurig is upset over re-usable third-party 'coffee pods' which allow the consumer to escape the Keurig throw-away models which carry a retail price 5% to 25% more. Keurig's CEO, Brian Kelly referred to the move as 'game-changing performance.' Perhaps this will finally be the year of Linux on the Coffe Maker?"

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  • (Score: 2, Interesting) by cykros on Tuesday March 04 2014, @05:26PM

    by cykros (989) on Tuesday March 04 2014, @05:26PM (#10787)

    I'm wondering if this will go so well for Keurig in the long run. Seems like something that may get them a lawsuit for anti-competetive practices. For the most part, DRM is usually about intellectual property "rights" (or self-granted privileges). Provided these third party refill options don't violate any patents, I'm not sure how Keurig would fare in such a case.

    Anyway, here's to hoping that it dies in the marketplace before it can even get that far. I'll be sticking with my DeLonghi espresso machine personally, and drinking something that tastes GOOD instead (for less than the cost of a Keurig, I might add).

    Starting Score:    1  point
    Moderation   +1  
       Interesting=1, Total=1
    Extra 'Interesting' Modifier   0  

    Total Score:   2