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posted by LaminatorX on Monday March 03 2014, @11:00PM   Printer-friendly
from the Java-should-be-open dept.

r00t writes:

"Taking a page out of Lexmark playbook, the Keurig company, famous for it's one-cup coffee making system, now comes with new and improved 100% DRM. Apparently, Keurig is upset over re-usable third-party 'coffee pods' which allow the consumer to escape the Keurig throw-away models which carry a retail price 5% to 25% more. Keurig's CEO, Brian Kelly referred to the move as 'game-changing performance.' Perhaps this will finally be the year of Linux on the Coffe Maker?"

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  • (Score: 3, Insightful) by VLM on Tuesday March 04 2014, @06:40PM

    by VLM (445) on Tuesday March 04 2014, @06:40PM (#10847)

    Yes and even 7-11 is more expensive than a Kcup, especially when you factor in a quarter gallon of gasoline or so.

    And none of your suggestions make precisely one serving as far as I know (although I'm not a coffee drinker, which is why my wife only needs one serving...)

    I don't know of any fundamental reason single serving coffee couldn't be brewed at home using the technology I use for looseleaf tea brewing.

    Another interesting discussion point is she claims that the kcups taste vastly better than generic instant, which is what the kcups replaced. This makes sense to me, in that each serving is sealed, but it takes her weeks/months to use up a big instant coffee container so I imagine being an oil containing product it tastes pretty stale after a couple months exposure to air.

    Again I'm no coffee drinker but I believe the problem with the espresso maker is capital cost, aside from my wife not liking espresso. Aren't they like $1K, whereas the k brewer was about $100 and both last about 5 years?

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