Red Hat pulls Free Software Foundation funding over Richard Stallman's return:
The chorus of disapproval over Richard M Stallman, founder and former president of the Free Software Foundation (FSF), rejoining the organisation has intensified as Linux giant Red Hat confirmed it was pulling funding.
Stallman announced he had returned to the FSF's Board of Directors last weekend – news that has not gone down well with all in the community and Red Hat is the latest to register its dismay.
CTO Chris Wright tweeted overnight: "I am really outraged by FSF's decision to reinstate RMS. At a moment in time where diversity and inclusion awareness is growing, this is a step backwards."
Describing itself as "appalled" at the return of Stallman to the FSF board of directors "considering the circumstances of Richard Stallman's original resignation in 2019," Red Hat said it decided to act.
"We are immediately suspending all Red Hat funding of the FSF and any FSF-hosted events. In addition, many Red Hat contributors have told us they no longer plan to participate in FSF-led or backed events, and we stand behind them," said Red Hat.
[...] Red Hat's step marks an escalation in the war of words over Stallman's return. As both a long-time donor and contributor of code, the IBM-owned company's action might well give the FSF pause for thought in a way that thousands of outraged tweets might not.
FSF president Geoffrey Knauth stated his intention yesterday "to resign as an FSF officer, director, and voting member as soon as there is a clear path for new leadership."
Red Hat statement about Richard Stallman's return to the Free Software Foundation board
(Score: 5, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @05:32AM (37 children)
if redhat gave funds to FSF, then I'd say that's their most useful contribution to the world period.
it looks like I'll be making my FSF contribution early this year.
(Score: 3, Touché) by ls671 on Sunday March 28 2021, @08:25AM
Indeed, good riddance! Was the politically correct Rust language board of directors contributing to FSF as well? LOL!
Everything I write is lies, including this sentence.
(Score: 5, Insightful) by EEMac on Sunday March 28 2021, @12:26PM (35 children)
I've had more than enough of cancel culture and virtue signalling.
I hope the FSF keeps Stallman on. He literally *founded* the free software movement, provided the moral basis for it, and helped establish legal frameworks like copyleft and the GPL. I can't imagine anyone alive having better qualifications than him, to be on that board.
(Score: 3, Funny) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @12:42PM (5 children)
>> I can't imagine anyone alive having better qualifications than him, to be on that board.
That's because you're an entitled white male viewing this through the lens of patriarchy... if you had a more open mind you'd realize that there's a pink-haired transvestite who's got far better qualifications, being both pink-haired and transvestite.
(Score: 5, Insightful) by DECbot on Sunday March 28 2021, @02:38PM (4 children)
Well then, the solution should be easy. RMS should just dye his hair pink and start calling himself a girl.
cats~$ sudo chown -R us /home/base
(Score: 3, Touché) by Ethanol-fueled on Sunday March 28 2021, @06:48PM
In that case he'd likely poison himself eating all those paint chips from his toenail polish.
(Score: 4, Interesting) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @08:32PM (1 child)
Does having autism earn him any oppression points, or no?
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday April 01 2021, @07:48PM
According to Wikipedia, Stallman says he isn’t an aspie. People have to stop making excuses for his vullshit based on a lie. He isn’t an aspie or autistic - just a sick.
And he’s about to throw another Wobblies - soon he won’t be able to refer to it as Gnu/Linux when distros don’t contain much, if any, gnu software. Most GPL software isn’t gnu anyway.
Clang/LLVM has already replaced gcc as the default (or only) compiler. And I’ve never seen anyone use emacs. Vim, pick, nano, but never emacs. Time to remove it as part of the default package install. Gmake? Many devs use their own custom scripts.
And then there’s Java. And of course Windows, where the default editors of choice for those not using an IDE are Notepad+ and a distant second, JaEdit.
And no, FSF/Linux ain’t gonna fly either.
(Score: 2, Touché) by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 29 2021, @03:57AM
If he did that a bunch of your buddies would suddenly forget how pro-personal-freedom they claim to be.
(Score: 4, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @01:40PM (9 children)
I get it, it's really tempting to use the new jargon to look hip. But it is much clearer to say, "If even a godlike* programmer like RMS can be held to account, I am terrified about what might happen if my own conduct ever came under scrutiny. Plus, people framing discussions in terms of core social values makes me uncomfortable for reasons I cannot quite articulate because examining those reasons means looking at my failures as a human being and I can't do that for the five minutes required without needing a sedative, see previous."
* IMHO info is a greater achievement than emacs
(Score: 0, Offtopic) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @05:42PM (2 children)
Well, I suppose if your #1 priority in life is fucking people with menstrual cycles, that's your heteronormative, patriarchal point of view. Do you lure them in by claiming to be able to make them pr0n stars like another SJW? When's the last time you had sex with a dick girl*, you transphobe! And let me guess, the female programmers can't learn programming without your stinky breath down their necks!
As one of the elusive female programmers: GTFO! I don't want your axe smell in my cube, and I don't want your systemd smell on my server! Eww and ick ick ick!
* I am allowed to use this term according to the intersectional identity politics.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @05:46PM (1 child)
OK so now let's talk about your axe smell.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @07:05PM
Nonsense. Only incels use axe. Axe should be considered a public health hazard. Instead I recommend one of the Suave or Secret scents.
(Score: 2) by Azuma Hazuki on Monday March 29 2021, @12:41AM (2 children)
Emacs is an interesting desktop shell but its editor sucks. Someone should code a Nano or Vi mode for Emacs :D *runs like hell*
I am "that girl" your mother warned you about...
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 29 2021, @02:24AM
No need to run, "Use Emacs in Vi Mode" []
Just try implementing emacs inside Vi!!
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday April 01 2021, @07:51PM
(Score: 2) by EEMac on Monday March 29 2021, @04:14PM (2 children)
"You did not join in the Two Minutes Hate! What are you hiding, Comrade?"
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday March 30 2021, @08:14PM
Whining about perceived persecution while giving a pass for every Republican cancellation of the last few millenia is the height of entitled stupidity. Where were you when gays were canceled when their bosses found out they were gay? Where were you when immigrants were banned from the US for being muslim? The list goes on, but only when it affects white assholes do you suddenly care?
Charlie's got a song for you [] NSFW swearing
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday April 02 2021, @02:41PM
Yellow, you are not cleared for this information. Report to the computer.
(Score: 0, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @01:56PM (1 child)
I hope the FSF keeps Stallman on their board as well. It will be the death of an organization that has done fuck all except send out press releases for stupid calls to action without actually DOING anything. The sort of organization that does fundraising so they can continue their fundraising. Kind of like having toll booths on highways to pay for the tollbooths.
When’s the last time either the FSF or Stallman did anything useful or of note? (Stallman taking a shower would qualify, I guess).
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday March 30 2021, @07:39AM
(Score: 2, Interesting) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @02:17PM (12 children)
(Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @08:50PM (11 children)
He did found it as an ethical movement and organization, though. Open source - or merely sharing code - is very different from the Free Software movement.
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @08:58PM (10 children)
(Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @09:43PM (9 children)
No, because non-free proprietary user-subjugating software continues to be a plague upon humanity by enabling mass surveillance and control over users. The time to give up is never.
(Score: 2, Interesting) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @11:13PM (8 children)
That “plague of mass surveillance was directly caused by the GPL. People (Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc) saw that they could use GPL software and NEVER give away their modifications as long as they didn’t distribute binaries because the GPL is not a use license but a distribution license.
That loophole required them to run modifications on servers, which gave us the massive software as a service which is at the core of mass surveillance.
So the GPL encourages bad behaviour. Whereas I have tons of old software from before the surveillance economy that I bought and paid for, doesn’t need the internet, and can’t be yanked at will by the manufacturer. Because it’s mine, it runs locally, and that’s what I like.
If I have a choice between buying proprietary software that runs locally , does what I want, and doesn’t phone home, or paying a monthly fee (either money or by giving up my privacy), I’ll buy the proprietary software. At least I know in advance what I’m getting.
The GPL was a Trojan horse, and it encourages SaaS that provides an almost irresistible temptation to data mine users. Unintended consequences are still consequences, and it was foreseeable.
(Score: 5, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @11:58PM (1 child)
No, it's caused by unethical parasitic corporations that don't respect or care about your freedoms. Though in some cases Free Software can be used for evil, proprietary software enables even more mass surveillance because you can't control it at all. SAASS is a problem and must be rejected, being about as bad as proprietary software even if the software running on the servers is not proprietary. The acceptance of SAASS is the problem here, not the software running on the servers.
You don't have that choice, because you don't control the software. Even if the proprietary software doesn't do any surveillance or actively abuse users in other ways at present, it could in the future. Windows is a very good example of this.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday March 30 2021, @12:49AM
As a developer the FSF doesn’t care about my freedom. I will choose whatever terms are most beneficial to me. That can mean writing SaaS in an ethical way, by charging for the service and not selling the data. People are willing to pay for services that preserve their interests. So it’s in my best interest not to turn such SaaS into spyware.
Of course that means not giving away services for “free” and then ass-raping the users. As people demand more control over their personal information, business models like Facebook and Google will come under more pressure. Hopefully they will fail. But probably not, because people know the cost of everything and the value of nothing.
But since nobody has answered my challenge as to what has Stallman done that’s useful this century, the answer is simple - he made one minor commit way back in 2003. A few in 1997 and 1998.
Surprised? I’m not.
(Score: 1, Troll) by Azuma Hazuki on Monday March 29 2021, @12:43AM (3 children)
How much did Microsoft pay you for that? Hopefully not much because wow, that sucked. A little more subtlety would be really helpful.
Let me guess, you're also going to say all regulation is bad because some corrupt CEOs have purchased politicians and had their own laws written? Aroint thee, shill, and begone back to the pits from whence Win32.dll was spawned!
I am "that girl" your mother warned you about...
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 29 2021, @10:39PM (2 children)
I am definitely NOT a shill for anyone. However, I know that vendors of proprietary software have more of an incentive not to abuse their customers because that means losing a paying customer going forward. When you’re using Gmail, Facebook, or some other “free” service you agree to them using and selling your data.
Apple is the better choice for most people. It does what most users want without the hassle of Google , Microsoft, or the lack of functionality and choice of Linux.
But back to the main topic. What has RMS done in the last 20 years that would justify him being relevant today? He’s made ONE minor commit in 2003, and a few in 1997-98. Nothing else since.
And he’s notorious for his lame attempts to hit on women, giving out what he calls “pleasure cards.” []
Totally unprofessional, and he was notorious for giving them out to attractive women at events. The guy is gross.
No wonder he’s an incel. That he wasn’t fired after this happened a few times speaks volumes of the complacency of the FSF towards bad behaviour by this asshole. Tell me you wouldn’t want to slap him if he gave you one of these cards - or maybe throw up a bit in your mouth.
Women have complained about his behaviour since at least the turn of the century, so it’s not like this was a big secret. The FSF deserves to die for gross incompetence and being an enabler of institutional misogyny.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 29 2021, @11:34PM (1 child)
yeah, well have a policy on shit and enforce it. no need for all these lies and character assassination.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday March 30 2021, @12:51AM
It’s not character assassination if it’s true. And it’s all been public knowledge for decades.
(Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 29 2021, @03:18AM (1 child)
It was not GPL license, but the ubiquitous, fast, cheap (flat fee) Internet (esp. in wirelessly connected devices) that made server based computing possible, along with all the abuses that enables.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday March 30 2021, @01:20PM
(Score: 4, Insightful) by Reziac on Monday March 29 2021, @01:26AM (3 children)
Yep, cancel culture and virtue signaling can go fuck themselves.
I dislike RMS, and I don't see how he's qualified to be on the board let alone run it (one suspects it's more "this is where the free money comes from") ...
BUT... it's the FSF's own damn decision. It shouldn't be mine, or yours, or some gang of petition signers, or RedHat's. If you don't like RMS on the board, don't support the FSF, fine and dandy. Let the FSF's decision succeed or fail on its own merit, and if no one gives them money anymore, they get to deal with it.
But if it's acceptable to enforce "virtue" by way of mobs with pitchforks... eventually that mob will come for all of us.
And there is no Alkibiades to come back and save us from ourselves.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 29 2021, @05:35PM (2 children)
Amusingly conservatives only care about and come up with a catchy phrase once their own are on the receiving end of judgmental popular opinions. You lot were happy to "cancel" anyone you didn't like, lost your collective minds for years when anyone told you to stop being assholes or demonstrated their support for minorities of any stripe. Now you're terrified, spurred on by lies from the Fox network and a subconscious awareness of how shitty conservative culture has been to non-white non-christians.
Perhaps if you were able to drum up this level of energy for all the stories of police brutality and societal discrimination then you wouldn't sound like an entitled raging cunt.
(Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 29 2021, @11:43PM (1 child)
There is nothing wrong with discriminating against non-whites by whites. Discrimination to promote your own people is perfectly natural. In fact, non-whites are proudly doing it in the open, but whites are criticized as evil. Whites need to wake up and reclaim territory for their children's future.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday March 30 2021, @08:16PM
Black Supremacists were put down and are not tolerated because they advocate racial violence.
White Supremacists get the same treatment, boo hoo you ignorant fucking prick. While I don't want anyone to suffer the stupidity of your boogaloos I will gladly watch you hate filled fucks get stomped into oblivion, may your children free themselves from your *cough* culture.
(Score: 5, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @05:45AM
We don't want your systemd!
(Score: 5, Interesting) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @06:05AM (1 child)
They're obviously bigoted against the neurodiverse.
(Score: 3, Interesting) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @02:01PM
(Score: 5, Interesting) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @06:12AM (46 children)
Opinion: Debian and like minded distros will be infested with SJW and fold (or be reduced enough to be useless)
Were I M$, this is what I would do, shuttle a bunch of SJW into the mix and cause chaos.
For distros tied to corporation(s), they will roll over at some point. (Remember the "deal" between M$ and Novell? And where is Novell now?)
Were I M$, I would try any and all tricks available to me to undermine Linux. I would have small teams working on different tasks/research to find any and all ways to cripple Linux. Wherever there is Linux, have minions available to scuttle things. Flood message forums with them. Flood mailing lists with them. Anywhere and everywhere, M$ should remain dominant.
Remember, it can only be ONE MICROSOFT WAY.
(Score: 4, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @07:03AM (37 children)
Microsoft? I thought it was RedHat behind it, but this is looking more and more like IBM is the mastermind.
The SJWs have been systematically infiltrating and destroying open source projects, which RedHat has been 'helpfully' bailing out (and taking over). Now they are owned by IBM. With the 'or later' clause that many projects include in their GPL licences, which was required for many to move to GPLv3, if the SJWs take over the FSF then they will be able to create a GPLv4 with pretty much any terms that they want, requiring an SJW friendly CoC for any open project using it, allowing closed commercial use like BSD, or both. That combination would effectively kill the open source movement while allowing corporate takeover. And anyone who questions it will be labelled a bigot and be cancelled.
(Score: 0, Troll) by Eratosthenes on Sunday March 28 2021, @08:55AM (24 children)
Yes, Social Justice Warriors, the good guys, have been infiltrating your all misogynist and covert racist club house for quite some time. Now you will have to finally grow up, and stop using terms like "libtard" and "sjw", and stop being radicalized by alt-right edginess and retro-fascist nonsense. Time move out of the basement, and join the adult world. Sorry, it is painful. That Super Bright Light in the Sky (we call it, the "Sun") can be painful until you get used to it, just don't look directly at it. But the main thing is that, in attacking the FSF, and in defending it as an alt-right edgelord, you all are aiding and abetting proprietary software, and the ultimate enslavement of humankind. Just, stop it.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @09:21AM
I must not be full aspie, because I actually caught on when I reached this part: "painful until you get used to it, just don't look directly at it." Everyone knows that the Evil Daystar causes spontaneous combustion or turns us to dust on contact. I suppose that you advocate lighting people on fire to keep them warm, too.
(Score: 3, Insightful) by c0lo on Sunday March 28 2021, @09:39AM (7 children)
Care to explain it, oh, you chief of a library long gone?
I admit that I lost track how FSF is conducting its mission today or indeed what exactly is this mission. Mind you, I'm not saying it doesn't have a mission just that, as a limited human as I find myself, I lost track of it in the practical sense. Like, what has FSF done for us in the last 5 years?
And then, how exactly the entire Stallman brouhaha - quitting, rejoining (and, I suppose, quitting again soonish) - helped or didn't help keeping the proprietary software at bay?
(Score: 5, Interesting) by Anti-aristarchus on Sunday March 28 2021, @10:45AM (4 children)
The battle has been long. Not so much what FSF has done in the recent past, but the insistence on Free Software. We have seen many, many attempts to destroy that. Novell has been mentioned. COREL? SuSE went to the Dark Side, and Redhat has committed sins against free software that are questionable, if not unforgiveable. Not to mention systemd. SCO, Linux Foundation. "Open Source". DRM in WWW3 standards. Creeping attempts to confuse the issues, confuse the public, and ultimately destroy free software as a concept, and as a GPL. Those are the stakes. Also why I cringe when ever I hear "public-private partnership."
(Score: 2) by c0lo on Sunday March 28 2021, @11:43AM
Those I know about. What happened to them lately? Are we better or are we worse in this regard?
If we aren't better, what was FSF doing to at least try to make them better?
I heard nothing of "yet another city/county/state going open source", nothing about "open standards", nothing about "Social Media with privacy", nothing about many things, only about RMS pro and against.
So... what else?
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @01:03PM (2 children)
Take a chill pill already and try to leave your reality distortion field for a moment. There’s no attempt to confuse the public because the public has never heard of RMS, the FSF, or the GPL, and doesn’t give a shit. If, after all these years, that’s still the case, then it’s all been a miserable failure.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 29 2021, @12:05AM (1 child)
So, who cares about the public? Really. This isn't a popularity contest where it matters how big the Kardassians asses are. The public may not care about free software, but nerds don't care about the public. Stop trying to push your normie social standards onto other groups you bigot.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 29 2021, @10:45PM
You say nerds don’t care about the public, but you complain when anyone calls out your bullshit. Nice.
Fucking hypocrite.
(Score: 2) by Eratosthenes on Monday March 29 2021, @12:28AM (1 child)
Doesn't help, at all. In fact, a distraction? A manufactured, intentional distraction? This is really my point, and I do not mean to engage in the details of the "brouhaha", but this is an attack on free software. Post-conventional warfare is like this. The players are often not clear, the attacks are oblique, and the game is a long one.
(Score: 2) by c0lo on Monday March 29 2021, @04:26AM
Safe to say, then, that either:
Coming to TFA,
Well, Geoffrey mate, just don't waste your time, the sooner you find a new (and proper) leadership, the better.
(Score: -1, Offtopic) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @02:23PM
Libtards are libertarians, not liberals. So feel free to continue using the term.
Same as antifa is hardly an insult - the opposite would be pro-fascist.
And woke? Far better than sleepwalking through life..
(Score: 1, Interesting) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @04:42PM (9 children)
Maybe people are “aiding and abetting proprietary software “ because, as a programmer, it put a roof over my head, and as a user, it meets the users needs.
For most coders and most users, this is simply the result of the freedom to choose. In many cases free software that doesn’t do the job is just too damn expensive.
So anyone railing against that free choice, by, for example, calling them unethical and immoral, deserves all the shit he’s getting now. He’s a fascist fat smelly incel who deserves all the opprobrium being heaped on him and his world view.
(Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @04:58PM (1 child)
And people wonder why these insults don't mean anything anymore.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @05:53PM
Almost like somebody has been diluting the term and using projection to accuse others of what they themselves are doing. Can't imagine why... let's discuss it at Davos.
(Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @10:04PM (4 children)
A fundamentally unethical job putting a roof over your head does not justify your fundamentally unethical job. Much in the same way that although the TSA provides jobs to people, that fact does not justify jackbooted government thugs molesting people at airports and forcing them to take off their shoes. The fact that you can make money doing something does not by itself justify doing it.
(Score: 1, Disagree) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @11:32PM (3 children)
How is it unethical to write software, sell it, and not give the source? Is it not mine to do as I choose? If someone pays for it because they see value in it to them is it not a fair exchange of goods or services for payment?
Don’t like it, write a competitor and give it away for free, or STFU. But considering how much proprietary software is sold, most people are far more satisfied than with spyware Software as a Service that the GPL forces devs to do if they want to use GPL software without having to give out their modified source.
You may feel that’s against the spirit of the GPL, in which case you clearly misunderstood it - it is a distribution license, not a use license. Blame Stallman for the blunder.
Do you I call the cake baker, the pizza maker, and the restauaunter unethical when they don’t give you THEIR source - their lists of suppliers and recipes? I don’t think so. You might, in which case don’t eat it because you’re supposedly supporting someone you think is unethical.
Stallman was a fool. Question is, who is the greater fool - him or his followers. Because it was his labeling people unethical for not giving away their work that is unethical. He didn’t care - he never actually earned a real living, spending his working years sleeping in offices or mooching a room here and there. How is being a smelly fat mooch for his whole working life ethical? He’s a useless bum, and he even looks lithe part.
(Score: 5, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 29 2021, @12:04AM (2 children)
Because although that personally benefits you, it harms society overall. We're in a society right now plagued by both proprietary software and SAASS (service as a software substitute). The end result is that the vast majority of people do not control their own computing, leaving them more open to being spied on and otherwise abused than they otherwise would. If they want to educate themselves about how the software they run works, they can't because it's proprietary. If they find out the proprietary software they've been trained to depend on spies on or abuses them in some way, it's far more difficult to get rid of it and no one can fork it in favor of a non-abusive version. Pizza can't spy on you or abuse you in the way that software can; that is a braindead false equivalence.
Proprietary software is inherently antithetical to freedom, education, and independence. The general tendency of people to accept black box computing has harmed society immensely.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 29 2021, @05:38PM
amazing how people used to complain when software automatically changed anything on your system, or a game company bundled in spyware with their product. These days most people have given up and shrug with a "whatcha gonna do" attitude. We need laws with teeth, trying to police and track all the various spyware is a losing battle and seems to rarely hurt company's bottom line anymore.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 29 2021, @10:53PM
It’s basically the same thing.
And if it’s unethical, when are you going to start giving away pizzas and bread for free?
(Score: 2) by Azuma Hazuki on Monday March 29 2021, @12:45AM
Well, you can always learn to, shit. That was insensitive wasn't it? :/
I am "that girl" your mother warned you about...
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 29 2021, @11:48PM
You're a Suited Whore. What are you even doing here? Shouldn't you be in West Hollywood slanging your ass?
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @07:31PM (2 children)
More like social patriarchy warriors. SPWs uphold gender dichotomy and masculine heteronormativity. They frequently spout off homophobia, presuming that dicks are unattractive, and so they are complicit in the misandry of patriarchy. Furthermore, they seek to brutalize people assigned male and induct them into a cult of chivalry, predicated on male virility (i.e. those are who not virile are "incels"). They seek to keep women locked up in safe little cages ever dependent on a social justice Prince Charming to deliver them from the unworthy masses of bastards and other freebirth toads, into his arms.
This is not justice. This is the same old, boring, obsolete patriarchy.
Did we ever find out what horrible, transphobic thing RMS said?
(Score: 2, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @07:39PM (1 child)
Search rms transphobia on the google. It sounds like the pronoun police are sperging over blog posts like this one: []
It is actually linked near the top of his homepage. []
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @08:50PM
Ah, I must work on my duck-fu. As always with the SPWs, I am left scratching my head and wondering if they've ever actually encountered transphobia.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday March 31 2021, @03:28AM
It's our fucking software that we wrote. Not you women and transfags.
(Score: 2) by takyon on Sunday March 28 2021, @12:15PM
IBM is not a great mastermind. Aren't they busy laying off 10,000 of their employees every other year?
[SIG] 10/28/2017: Soylent Upgrade v14 []
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @02:09PM (10 children)
This is an own goal entirely of their own making. It’s been obvious for years that the FSF isn’t doing much, if anything, useful. As an example, check out the FSF annual “call to action -10 projects that need assistance.” Totally ineffective. Or their call to have Windows 7 made open source. They’re a joke.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @08:54PM (6 children)
Whether the borderline libelous smear articles about what RMS said about Minsky were predictable or not, the fact that so many corporate media organizations were willing to write blatant lies about what he actually said calls everything else into question. When your movement to remove him from the FSF starts with such blatant lies, the whole thing is suspect.
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @09:19PM (5 children)
This has nothing to do with Minsky or Epstein. Stallman has been a huge asshole for decades, hasn’t done anything useful in ages (hence is salary as the head was $0 - he doesn’t actually do anything of note, it’s all for show), and people were happy that they wouldn’t have t put up with his pompous bs any more - and then the FSF screwed it up by bringing him back.
His “jerb” was PR, and he was a liability. Still is. As for other potential libellous statements, there’s plenty of evidence that he’s a fat smelly arrogant incel. And he can’t sue for damages because his reputation has sucked since before the toe-jam-eating video.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @09:59PM (4 children)
Yes, it does. This started over that, there were numerous smear articles about it, and the letter in opposition to Stallman mentions it as one of the key claims against him, among other total nonsense like his support of gender neutral terminology. That discredits their little movement to anyone with a brain.
To pretend that his comments about Minsky have nothing to do with this is laughable and disingenuous. If this is about RMS being ineffective in promoting Free Software, the people trying to get him removed from the FSF are far less effective than even him. In fact, many of them promote "open source" (a corporate-friendly approach that does not necessarily respect or demand user freedoms) over Free Software (which deals in ethics and demands freedoms for users).
And anyone bringing up nonsense like "fat smelly arrogant incel" shows that this is just about their hatred for Stallman as a person, and little else. Stop feigning concern over his effectiveness.
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @11:39PM (3 children)
Is Stallman fat? Yes
Is he smelly? Yes
Is he arrogant? Hell yes
Is he an incel? Yes
Has he done anything noteworthy this century? Nope, unless you count destroying the FSF .
A lazy bum. End of story. Truth hurts, doesn’t it? And NONE of this has anything to do with Minsky or Epstein. These were all pre-existing conditions.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 29 2021, @12:04AM
Have you inhaled his stench lately? Kept close track of his sexual history?
What skeletons are you hiding in your closet?
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 29 2021, @12:13AM (1 child)
It's not him doing that, but the people smearing him with absolute lies. If someone endlessly defames your character, takes what you say out of context, and outright lies about what you said, the issue is with them, not you. You're blaming the victim.
All of these "open source" morons and their useful idiots are advancing the cause of Free Software even less than you claim Stallman does. These people are not honest actors, and will gladly scour any and all of your words to look for something to take out of context to use as an excuse to remove you from a position of influence. We should stop viewing them as honest actors. So, even if Stallman is absolutely incompetent, he is still far better than these unethical idiots trying to get him removed again.
Then you obviously can't read, because the letter in opposition to Stallman directly mentions those things as very key points against him.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday March 30 2021, @10:58PM
This whole mess was decades in the making. Not everyone is willing to overlook his decades of abusive arrogant behaviour, his misogyny, his attempts to cancel transfolk, etc. For me it was his totally tasteless statement about Steve Jobs death that made me re-examine his place in the world. He’s an asshole who hasn’t done anything of note this century, and it would be best if he were to just go away rather than be an embarrassment and a distraction.
Let me do a Jedi hand wave and say “This is not the spokesman you are looking for.”
(Score: 3, Interesting) by Reziac on Monday March 29 2021, @01:38AM (2 children)
Well, it should be easy enough to determine whether RMS is a positive or negative influence.
They've had a year without RMS. What did they achieve during that year? How does it compare to what they achieved during the previous year with RMS?
And there is no Alkibiades to come back and save us from ourselves.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday April 01 2021, @08:18PM (1 child)
A better question is what have they achieved, period?
Take a look at Zoom. Nobody heard of it a year ago, but now it’s a verb - “I’ll zoom you.”
There were plenty of pre-existing free/libre alternatives. Why didn’t one of them fill the void that Zoom, Teams, and FaceTime did?
It can’t be because zoom came with any OS by default. People had to download it. And they did, enabling hundreds of millions of new users and businesses to survive the pandemic, and maintain contact with friends and family during lockdown.
So why did free/libre software turn into such a massive fail in this area, given its head start? Could it be because a for-profit company can better support its users and that their programmers can work full time on it, and that support isn’t just a “RTFM”?
Zooms success is an example of how free is sometimes just too damn expensive. And neither the GPL nor the FSF has ever proposed a viable alternative that fixes this, which should be considered as Bug Zero of open source in general.
(Score: 2) by boltronics on Saturday April 03 2021, @05:12PM
There's multiple issues at play here.
First off, video conferencing is a hard problem to solve. Companies like Google and Zoom would have many servers to support their operations. Stand-alone free software solutions, by contrast, would need to work directly peer-to-peer to avoid costs and achieve the maximum amount of user freedom.
The problem with this is that most people don't have a public IP for their computers, but are behind an IPv4 NAT. In many cases, they may even have a double NAT, where even the router they connect to doesn't have a public IP address. It can be challenging to identify what kind of firewall/NAT solution two people might be using, and even harder to figure out how to punch holes in the other person's NAT to send through a direct audio/video stream. Sometimes it can be done by relying on an external TURN server, but this won't always work and requires the assistance of an external service anyway.
By contrast, Google and Zoom can both afford public servers in many regions for the purposes of proxying through video calls when direct connections are not possible. Their users typically don't care about free software, so they don't have to deal with these kinds of problems.
It should be noted that Jitsi Meet [] is one notable exception of a free software project that works well as servers are apparently sponsored by 8x8. It uses WebRTC so doesn't require any specific software to be installed. I don't know how Zoom compares feature-wise, but I expect it's comparable. The FSF also provides Jitsi Meet hosting services to its associate members.
Why did Zoom take off where Jitsi Meet did not? I'd wager part of it was due to having a bigger marketing budget. I believe Zoom also allows people to change their background (similar to a green screen background effect but without the green screen) which might have also enticed a number of people early on, and then other people flocked to the service because it's what most people already had.
This is similar to how my company uses Google Meet, since they already use Google for calendaring and Meet integrates with that, so is the path of least resistance. Furthermore, it's possible that Jitsi Meet may always play some small level of catch-up because there's the possibility of the question "which server should we use?", and most people don't care about free software and don't want to think at all, and make it harder on everyone else.
I'm vegan, and many times I've been to a lunch at work or with a group of people at a restaurant that does not cater to vegans. They have to customize a non-vegan dish just so I have something to eat - a very inconvenient and unpleasant situation - yet it always happens. When it comes to groups of people, the majority who have different values will always get their way, even if it means that gaining a trivial convenience to them would cause a big inconvenience to someone else.
It's basically the same thing with video conferencing - Aaron Maxwell (a great Python instructor and motivator) did a bunch of Zoom meetings recently discussing Python techniques which I would have been interested in attending had I been available, but I'd have to use that proprietary software if I wanted to join in - even though (AFAIK) Jitsi Meet could have been used just as easily. People who participated would now be more likely to use Zoom for future meetings because that's the software they have now gotten used to.
Was Aaron just lazy, and didn't want to spend a few minutes setting up Jitsi Meet over Zoom (which he was presumably already familiar with)? Maybe, maybe not, since there's also the marketing to consider (and I'm sure he did!). How many people would skip the video calls because they were hosted on a service people are not familiar with? Compare that against how many people would skip the calls because they were hosted on a proprietary service? Many people that typically prefer free software still put their income ahead, and make decisions accordingly.
I'm sure there are many other factors I haven't even considered. Basically, to ensure a "win", a free software solution would need to be technically superior in the vast majority of aspects to its competition (requires significant funding), be very early to market, and have a huge marketing budget. Even then, someone like Google or Facebook could steal it away if they provide tight integration with their services which already have huge user bases.
Expectations need to be kept in check. FSF's approach that focuses on educating people on the dangers of proprietary software is likely the best thing they can reasonably do.
As for the RedHat news, I bet RedHat (now, IBM) has been looking for an excuse to cancel their FSF donations. The FSF's message goes against many of their business practices. I imagine IBM would secretly be happy if the FSF went away, so pulling their funding and speaking out against them helps IBM twofold. IBM's move is related to ethics, but not in the way they have publicly announced.
It's GNU/Linux dammit!
(Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @02:00PM (5 children)
Microsoft's assistance is not necessary since Linux undermines itself with fragmentation. There are now 371 distributions listed on Distrowatch, which is 75 more than the number of genders recognized by the average SJW. If there were only two or three distributions Linux would own the desktop by now.
(Score: 1, Interesting) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @02:14PM (4 children)
The fragmentation is an unintended but direct consequence of the GPL. And there’s no way of finding it, because anyone can fork any GPL program. I’m just surprised malware makers haven’t taken more advantage of it, because the existence of bugs in the kernel that have been sitting in plain site for 15 years disproves the claim that open source is more secure because anyone can look at the code.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @09:50PM (3 children)
It doesn't disprove that claim. It's possible for there to be bugs in the kernel in plain sight for 15 years and for Free Software to still be more secure than proprietary software in general. We don't know how many bugs there are in Windows and other proprietary software. Even if we do find one or several dozen, we're at the mercy of abusive companies like Microsoft to fix it.
Also, "open source" is irrelevant. This is about RMS and Free Software, not "open source." Whether Free Software is more secure overall or not is a secondary question that's less important than user freedoms.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @11:45PM (2 children)
As a developer I care about MY freedoms. Same as anyone who makes things for a living, whether it’s the restaurant owner or the baker or the book writer or anyone else making something of value. Stallman doesn’t care about workers in any field because he spent his career as a homeless bum mooching couches and rooms off people.
Tell your pizza guy he has to give you his recipe or he’s immoral and unethical, no pizza for you! Software is no different.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday March 30 2021, @04:10AM (1 child)
Nobody is forcing you to use the GPL for your own code. It is only when you modify or incorporate someone else's code released under the GPL that you have any obligations, and that is because you are using their work.
A better comparison would be if you publish a spicy tomato sauce recipe with the condition that anyone using it must give the complete product recipe to their customers. Pizza Hut then starts using your sauce on their pizza. They could use their own sauce but yours is cheaper since they can get it in bulk. You order a pizza from them. Do they have to give you their dough recipe? They are using your sauce, so yes.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday March 30 2021, @02:03PM
I don’t have to support it with ads that invade privacy, I have support from the manufacturers because they have a financial incentive to keep their clients happy, same as I do. It’s the same deal when you go to the store and buy a bicycle, a book, a box of doughnuts, or a coffee. Both parties are involved in an exchange of goods or services for a consideration - money.
Same as the plumber who changes a faucet isn’t required to give you instructions on how he did it if you ask - you want a course in plumbing, pay for it or do your own research. All he or she is obligated to do is change the damn faucet. And if you insist on hovering over their shoulders watching then your bill will be doubled, because plumbers don’t like people acting like spyware either.
You get what you pay for. With the GPL, increasingly, that’s not much. Go look at all the dead software sitting in the average distro. Gaming is a failure. Assistive technologies - pre-Windows 3.1 levels. Comprehensive packages of utilities? Still behind DOS era PC-Tools 5. And if you complain, the answer is simple - it’s open source - you fix it.
But nobody fixes it because (1) there’s way too much to fix, and (2) it’s easier to pay for stuff that actually works - you know, a fair trade?
Are you against fair trade between consenting adults?
Businesses that support themselves by such fair trade also support their clients. No “”fix it yourself or GTFO” - that would be economic suicide.
If the FSF is dependent on support from sponsors like RedHat, that’s their problem. Too bad they can’t support their independence by, say, selling software. Same as all the old software in the repos can’t support their developers making it better. It’s an economic dead end.
And because of the GPL, there’s no way to fix it. So sad, too bad, you drank deeply of the purple flavor-aide.
Dumb ass, dumb ass,
whatcha gonna do,
dumb ass dumb ass,
when sponsors say fuck you?
Ain’t fragmentation a bitch?
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @03:24PM
also remember: you should sleep with a pair of katanas under your bed.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @10:12PM
MS does not care about windows much anymore. Azure and Office 365 will be the breadwinners in the future.
They in the end will suck linux into windows or put windows into linux (which is the same thing in the end). It is not a matter of if, but when.
Why? Because it gives them a selling point for Azure of 'put your legacy apps in the cloud' and un-hitches them from having to fluff around with the desktop. Which is dead and on life support, the web is where it is at. You can see it in how they are positioning their tools (they have been a tool company pretty much forever and is a good indicator of where they want to go).
(Score: 5, Insightful) by fakefuck39 on Sunday March 28 2021, @07:08AM (74 children)
"[because] of accusation inflation that it is absolutely wrong to use the term 'sexual assault' in an accusation." As for statutory rape, Stallman said, "It is morally absurd to define 'rape' in a way that depends on minor details such as which country it was in or whether the victim was 18 years old or 17." -RMS
this is the big issue redhad has here. a guy speaking his mind with an opinion not popular with a bunch of sjw hipsters, which of course is going to have big impact on software development? got it RedShat - you're run by a bunch of morons, time for me to protect my customers from your terrible decision makers and sell them something else from your competitors. thanks for making it obvious and easy.
the fact is, rape is defined by age differences of a few months, and what's rape in one state is not rape if you take a 5min drive to a neighboring state. most states 17 and up is fine. in some 16 is fine. in most of the easter european countries these hookers came from - in their home country it wouldn't be "rape" because it's 14/15 there, and they're already drinking, clubbing, and fucking at that age. but a comment saying the most likely scenario is that these money-chasing 15yo sluts from eastern europe didn't want to fuck billionaires all on their own, and were not "raped." That a 17yo from Ukraine is not the same thing as your 17yo sheltered daughter in an american middle class suburb. I've been up and down all of europe - fucked plenty of 17 year old girls. In my 30s. Only one was a virgin, and I met them at clubs, drinking, and people at the nightclubs knew them as regulars. I guess me saying that means I'm bad at designing compute and storage infrustructure..
Thanks RedShat for your statement. Summary for those who don't want to read: we're a bunch of retards, don't use or purchase our products.
(Score: 0, Interesting) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @07:36AM (32 children)
personally, i catalog u as a mythomaniac, but still, u are mildly entertaining.
(Score: 3, Insightful) by fakefuck39 on Sunday March 28 2021, @07:47AM (29 children)
yes, there are people whose normal lives sound so out of this world for you that you can't even believe it's real. there are people's normal lives and stories that would sound unreal to me. personally, i "catalog" you as someone who has not traveled and seen the world, whose most interesting events to me would be a bland saturday, and whose life, by my standards is so shitty and so wasted, that you literally are an ant to me. And there are people to whom my life would look the same. The difference is, I have the brains to realize that concept, that with billions on the planet there are lives radically different from mine, and you, we'll you're an ant. well, actually you're a frog in a well. I'll let you look up what that is.
(Score: 3, Touché) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @08:49AM (28 children)
i have never lived in a country where i spoke my native language...
there is nowhere to travel, my retarded friend. mostly there are gray everydays everywhere, with people doing what they can to part the clouds and see that beam of magic golden light.
also, most "experienced" people tend not to have egos of ur size, they are angry, bitter, or humble.
and also, an "experiened" person does not attempt to denigrate or insult someone with the existence of these gray everydays, and the occasional calm saturday after a hard week of toil.
and finally an also: i have not said enough for you to profile me. i am only pointing out the fact that u are an mildly entertaining psycho, who have read some books and seen some shit on netflix.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @06:04PM
i think he is saying that he plays beer pong with his roommates every day. your life cant compare.
(Score: 2) by fakefuck39 on Sunday March 28 2021, @07:13PM (26 children)
>mostly there are gray everydays everywhere; there is nowhere to travel
yep. you haven't traveled anywhere. Me, got about 2000 flights under my belt, 49 states, 40+ countries. Didn't see the grays on top of the talles building in Dubai, where I ordered a helicopter from my uber app. Didn't see any grays on top of Mt Olympus either - did see a beam of magic golden light. Same beam as when I was swimming with manta rays in the middle of the ocean by my vacation condo in HI. Might have been Apollo traversing the sky. Yes, your statements are enough for me to profile you.
>i have never lived in a country where i spoke my native language
yes, perfectly fitting my profile. You're an immigrant who moved to a country and stayed in the lower and middle middle-class, and all the days for you are gray, everywhere you go, and you're too dumb to imagine they could be anything else for others who have more means, more resources, more imagination, and less self-imposed limits.
>people tend not to have egos of ur size
you call it ego, I call it "I come here to get my kicks once in a while by shitting on losers like you." I'm here to entertain myself at your expense, and you are my personal clown. Thank you for your service.
(Score: 2) by Azuma Hazuki on Monday March 29 2021, @12:48AM (15 children)
But can you see why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch?
I am "that girl" your mother warned you about...
(Score: 2) by fakefuck39 on Monday March 29 2021, @03:08AM (14 children)
Yes, yes I can. Because it tastes like a woman just after 30 hitting the wall - vinegar and potpourri.
(Score: 2) by Azuma Hazuki on Monday March 29 2021, @11:45AM (13 children)
This answer, um...raises all sorts of weird questions. Were you sexually abused by an adult woman when you were a kid or something? Did she force you to go down on her? You've got some issues, and nowhere is this more clear than your attitude toward the other ~51% of the human race...
I am "that girl" your mother warned you about...
(Score: 2) by fakefuck39 on Monday March 29 2021, @02:32PM (12 children)
There is no sexual abuse by an adult woman. I would have absolutely loved to fuck an adult woman as a teen, alas I was limited to my peers. It's clear you think women hitting the wall at 30 is a bad attitude. While you'd like the world to treat a post-wall woman the same as a 20-something actually attractive woman, and pretend the thick layer of makeup is your real skin, the world does not care about your opinion. Men age slower than women - you can accept that fact, or you can live in your delusion. Just don't expect the rest of the world to. Except of course for asians, who look the same till they're 60. Like my wife, who while being 7 years younger than me, is over 30.
Here in the real world, when I want to fuck someone, I'm going to pick from the most attractive option available to me. Why would I have sex with someone over 30 when I can pick from a selection of 20 year olds? In a relationship, yeah, I want someone closer to my age. But we're not talking about marriage, we're talking about having sex before someone's ready to settle down. And for any man, the only way they'd pick someone older, is because they're too ugly and fat to have better options.
But you keep thinking you're still attractive while slapping on that makeup with a paint roller to cover up the murder on your face. It's funny to see women like that out in public. Like going to a circus and watching the clowns. Your brain tells you all the men must have been "abused" by an older woman in their youth. The men on the other hand, who would have loved to screw an adult woman in their teens, would not look at that as "abuse" - they'd look at that as being really, really lucky. And look at someone like yourself as... Well, they wouldn't look at you at all, unless they're ugly losers. They'd look at the 20yo standing next to you. Because why would you have stale carrot cake when there's lots of chocolate cake right there on the plate. Sorry for your biology.
(Score: 2) by Azuma Hazuki on Monday March 29 2021, @11:48PM (11 children)
Um, I don't wear makeup. Like, ever, aside from a bit of foundation before an interview. You really don't seem to know who you're talking to here. I'm *gay,* idiot. I don't care what one single man on the entire face of the planet thinks about my attractiveness, as they're not my girlfriend/soon-to-be-wife.
What happened to you? Who hurt you to turn you into this? You're a parody of basically everyone who gets sent up on sites like We Hunted The Mammoth.
I am "that girl" your mother warned you about...
(Score: 1, Troll) by fakefuck39 on Tuesday March 30 2021, @12:01AM (6 children)
I do find it funny that you found my post making fun of post-wall thots and immediately got defensive assuming it has anything to do with you. sorry bro, I'm 99% sure you're a dude, not whatever this online persona you play is supposed to be. in fact, the "who hurt you, because that's the only reason I can think of anyone would make fun of me" thing screams a dude, and an incel, fresh off reddit. you know those GOP senators getting offended when people talk shit about nazis, and we're like "hey, if you hear us talk shit about nazis and think it's about you, hmm.."
fucking douche.
(Score: 2) by Azuma Hazuki on Tuesday March 30 2021, @12:13AM (5 children)
Do you want a used pad in the mail or something, you obsessive freak? Sorry getting called out on your incredible creepiness offends you!
I am "that girl" your mother warned you about...
(Score: 2) by fakefuck39 on Tuesday March 30 2021, @01:02AM (4 children)
so let's say you're a woman. you picked a comment and a conversation that wasn't about you, barged in, and started getting offended and defensive, and you call me obsessive and creepy? sure dude, whatever you say. you don't offend me, incel guy or post-wall dumb lesbo. you're just my entertainment.
(Score: 2) by Azuma Hazuki on Tuesday March 30 2021, @11:55AM (2 children)
I'm morbidly fascinated by what makes someone turn out like you, honestly. Why, if your life's supposedly been so wonderful, are you still so hollow and angry and superficial? There's nothing to you. You're empty inside, like a chocolate soldier.
I am "that girl" your mother warned you about...
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 03 2021, @01:49PM (1 child)
He's kind of funny, and kind of sad. He must be very angry at his impotence in the world, I believe. Maybe the big existentialist problem got him. Who knows. But we got stuck with his mix of bullshit and bad attitude.
The saddest possibility is that there might be a kernel of truth to him. Can you imagine travelling to every nation you ever desired, being snooty enough to value helicopter rides beyond the time savings vs. risk and environmental cost tradeoff, climbing Olympus... and then talking shit to ACs on a forum? How incredibly pathetic that would be, to find life so empty that it feels good or productive to railing futilely against ACs who will never return to read any reply, reasserting the incredibleness of himself while evidencing nothing similar.
So I choose to believe he's actually in a basement, alone, having never left his hometown, because at least then he's a just a sad man living a fantasy online, and not so incredibly pathetic.
Given his surface knowledge of much, and his lack of demonstrated deep understanding of anything at all, I think my choice isn't statistically unlikely, either. :)
(Score: 2) by Azuma Hazuki on Sunday April 04 2021, @12:37AM
It's not really possible to tell at this remove. I would not be surprised if he actually did do some or all of what he claims, and he definitely has the "new Russian" attitude I'm familiar with from Brighton Beach back in NYC. You know, that combinaton of stupidity, bullheadedness, and deliberate coarseness in lieu of anything actually deep or enduring?
Russian has two words for two different concepts I see popping up in this person. "Poshlost," more or less akin to the fake impression of piety, experience, and goodness a corrupt priest or authority figure spreads, and "nekulturny." That last one is literally "no culture/civilization" and could be very well translated as "vulgarian," and notably it's a very good description of someone who acts like Donald Trump, he of the possibly-apocryphal golden toilet. This is someone who would still basically be a nutsack-scratching cavemen with the morals--and interior decorating taste--of a schizophrenic magpie even if he had all the wealth in the world.
The sad thing is, exactly as you pointed out, all this supposedly high living and amazing peak experience doesn't seem to have done anything for him. And I notice he stopped responding to me right quick once I asked him what made him basically an empty matryoshka doll...
I am "that girl" your mother warned you about...
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday March 30 2021, @02:09PM
Your comment was about women over 30. How is it not absolutely on topic to reply to your mis-characterizations?
Them’s the rules. Don’t like it, then TFU.
(Score: 3, Insightful) by Runaway1956 on Tuesday March 30 2021, @12:16AM (3 children)
Women don't wear makeup for men. Women wear makeup for their own reasons, that men don't even pretend to understand. Can't possibly say how many men I speak for, but I've NEVER tried to get a date with some chick because I was impressed with her makeup. NEVER, as in, it has never happened. Bit tits, maybe. Nice ass, possibly. General all-around healthy look, yeah. Beautiful long legs, yes, yes, yes! Makeup? Not even under consideration. Any woman who thinks her makeup might catch the man of her choice can just stop wasting money on whale puke, bat shit, and toxic chemical mixes.
“I have become friends with many school shooters” - Tampon Tim Walz
(Score: 2) by Azuma Hazuki on Tuesday March 30 2021, @12:55AM (1 child)
Modded up, but I don't think our friend here has that level of either self-awareness or understanding of how women actually work...which is another reason I'm beginning to suspect he hasn't actually done any of the things (or people) he says he has!
You're absolutely right though, at least 2/3 of the makeup and clothes and accessories game is for other women, not men. The amount of unspoken subtext and low-key competition is ridiculous. We totally do judge one another on things like that, and probably one reason I've never been too popular is I never put much stock into it. My checklist is "am I clean, do my clothes coordinate, is my hair okay, and did I brush my teeth? If so, we're all done here." That seems to bother some people...
I am "that girl" your mother warned you about...
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday March 30 2021, @02:16PM
Pecking order is pecking order.
(Score: 3, Interesting) by Reziac on Wednesday March 31 2021, @05:22AM
In fact, since I prefer the natural look, it tends to go the other way... as in, "Gee, I wish she didn't wear all that makeup, I'll bet she's real pretty without it."
And there is no Alkibiades to come back and save us from ourselves.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 29 2021, @02:59AM (9 children)
I'm with the AC. You're just making shit up. If you did even a fraction of the things you claim you did, you wouldn't say all the stupid, ignorant, sexist crap that comes out of your mouth, mostly because people would have kicked the shit out of you if you did. Reality is you're probably sitting in some tiny, dirty apartment, leeching off your neighbor's wifi, that you only leave so often to collect your unemployment check. You try to get some enjoyment out of your pathetic, wasted life by trolling others on the internet because it makes you feel like the big tough guy you wish you were. You're entertaining, but just barely.
(Score: 2) by fakefuck39 on Monday March 29 2021, @03:13AM (8 children)
believe whatever you want. i could not care less what some random loser on the internet thinks. the entertainment here is you, and that entertainment is why I am here - to laugh at you, and to know for a fact how shitty your life is. that gives me literal enjoyment. convincing you of what I'm saying? not a goal in my life. you're definitely with the ac - you guys have a good show of mediocre clown life going; thank you for your service.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 29 2021, @12:56PM (7 children)
So you're agreeing with me then. Your source of entertainment is to troll people on the internet. Stirring shit up and derailing discussions purely for your own amusement.
You truly lead a sad, pathetic, wasted life.
(Score: 2) by fakefuck39 on Monday March 29 2021, @02:39PM (6 children)
Yes, I am agreeing with you about the purpose of me making fun of you. You calling someone laughing at you sad and pathetic is probably a bully coping mechanism that worked well for you in high school. Did mommy tell you the bully is stuffing you into a locker because the bully has personal issues? That's what's dangerous about raising a kid like that instead of teaching him to punch hard. That coping mechanism to get them through the day w/o crying becomes adult delusion.
Everyone who is making fun of you just has a sad life. Enjoy the inside of your locker.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 29 2021, @11:03PM (5 children)
Ah yes, so you're the bully. Bullies didn't pick on me, or more like they didn't pick on me very long, because I was taught the best way to deal with bullies is to hit them right back. And that's what I did. And that works because while bullies act tough they are really just piece of shit cowards, which is exactly what you've shown yourself to be. That's why I said if you actually went out in the world and interacted with others, you'd get the shit kicked out of you. So instead, you get your kicks out of trolling online, where the anonymity of the internet means you won't end up with a fist going through your worthless face. You truly do lead a sad, pathetic life.
(Score: 2) by fakefuck39 on Monday March 29 2021, @11:40PM (4 children)
sorry buddy. the ones that hit me back ended up really hurt. this happens when the bully is a russian guy who benches 3 times your weight. much like you're being shat on in this battle of wits.
making fun of you is not trolling you. it's simply getting entertainment at your expense. because you're clearly an incel and a white knight. what I write online has nothing to do with how I am towards others in life. much like a football player at a game, running people down and pinning them, does not do that in real life. but the fact that you think comments on the internet are part of real life does go well with the rest you've said. incel. plain and simple.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday March 30 2021, @03:24AM (3 children)
LOL. You must have felt so big and tough writing that. Fucking pathetic.
(Score: 2) by fakefuck39 on Tuesday March 30 2021, @04:16AM (2 children)
no need to be big and and tough, it's words on the internet. words like creepy whiteknight incel, defender of the honorable ukrainian club trash. words lie eeeuuuuwww. the reason you got bullied is not becase people are bullies. it's because you're a weird ugly creep who stared at people's girlfriends and made everyone feel uncomfortable. now that we're all adults, we don't stuff you into lockers anymore. because you stay in your basement with a sheet over the window.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday March 30 2021, @12:29PM (1 child)
There you are again, making shit up. You don't know anything about me. But we all know your a bully, that gets his kicks from trolling on the internet. That while you may be an adult, you're about as mentally mature as the schoolyard bully. And that you're a racist, sexist, bigoted asshole. All of this is from your own words, as you admit as much. You like to post about the life you imagine you live, as you stew in anger in some tiny dirty apartment somewhere, bitter that women don't want anything to do with your pathetic, loser ass. But hey, I suppose one reason you like to pick fights over the internet is that you can always convince yourself you win, which is a bit easier than when your pathetic ass isn't left in pain lying on the pavement.
(Score: 2) by fakefuck39 on Sunday April 04 2021, @09:07PM
do you often go to football games and shout out to the world that no normal adult person would knock another one down just because they decided to catch a ball? they need help those players - that's no way to act - what bullies, what violence. actually i bet you do do that.
posting shit online to you is socializing, because you are an incel and a loser. for me, it's posting shit online, much like a football game for a player is not his regular world. i come here to play football. you are a person who walked out in the middle of the field during an active game to have brunch. this is because you are a moron. enjoy getting knocked over over and over.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 29 2021, @05:13AM (1 child)
Facefuck tells a story of drug problems and drinking, getting canned and having to look for work, periods of being broke and living on a balcony. You: traveled to many countries and had sex with young girls in an area famous for that. That life sounds too awesome to me to be true, you must be making it up.
Thank you for that. My life is pretty shit right now - gaining weight, sitting on my ass, trying to barely pay the bills. You just put things in perspective for me. Things are... alright. It could be much worse. I could have your life.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday March 30 2021, @11:07PM
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @07:41AM (18 children)
Careful, you may be talking yourself into prison here. Pretty sure there are laws in the US that criminalize travel to have sex with girls that would be illegal under US law, even if legal locally.
(Score: 4, Informative) by fakefuck39 on Sunday March 28 2021, @07:53AM (15 children)
hey, sherlock holmes over here, you don't know there's a difference between voting age and age of consent. you should look that up. The specific age you are looking for, for "rape" is the minimum age at which someone can consent. you can fuck a 17yo in every state besides Idaho. Idaho is the only state where you cannot consent to sex if you are under 18. Every other state in America is 17 and less. And most of the world, that age is 16. Most of the US is 16 as well btw.
Careful, you may be talking yourself into making up laws here.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @08:50AM (3 children)
I thought California was 18 and Texas used to be 14. There is also a world of difference between statutory rape and forcible rape, because the latter is violence and cruelty in its most base and brutal form.
(Score: 2, Interesting) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @12:29PM (2 children)
If you're Stallman there is a difference, yes. If you're the anti-Stallman mob, they're both classed as "sexual assault" and "rape", and since you can use the same word for both then they're the same thing.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @06:07PM (1 child)
Steady on with the rape-y terms. If it's legitimate rape then the female has a way of shutting that whole thing down. Etc.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 29 2021, @01:18AM
Exactly. If her body doesn't shut the whole thing down, then we know she's not a really a woman. Fake women should be forced to go through with the pregnancy as punishment for appropriating the female form.
(Score: 5, Informative) by helel on Sunday March 28 2021, @01:31PM (3 children)
You're out of date. The ages of content in the various states have been slowly rising over time. Wikipedia keeps a complete list. []
In Washington there are even specific instances where you could be convicted of "rape of a child" (as their law calls it) with 19 and 20 year olds!
(Score: 2) by fakefuck39 on Sunday March 28 2021, @07:18PM (2 children)
It is in fact out of date. Idaho is no longer 18. Every state is under 17 now. Cool.
You're out of brain. The category in your chart you're looking for is "Limited by relationship" - every state is 17 or less. I'm not a teacher fucking my students - yes, for that you have to be 19/20/21 in some states. I'm a guy who after work goes singing in 5 languages at a karaoke in France, leaving with a girl at the end of the night.
(Score: 1) by Coligny on Monday March 29 2021, @05:27AM (1 child)
Karaoke in France...
Damn... can’t even expat for 15 years and the place turn into a japanese redlight district dumpster...
If I wanted to be moderated by mor0nic groupthinking retards I would still be on Digg and Reddshit.
(Score: 2) by fakefuck39 on Monday March 29 2021, @05:51AM
lol you think karaoke is where you go to get bargirls. newsflash, karaoke is not from Japan - it's a bar with a tv on the wall - full of white trash, not bargirls and hookers. Karaoke in France is absolute shit, just like that. It's a bar with a TV on the wall. For good karaoke, you have to find a ktv. For good karaoke w/o the bargirls, find a ktv w/o lips next to the logo. The best karaoke is in places like Moscow and Dubai. No bar girls, backvocalists, professional sound engineer, and even girls who dance behind you on stage - and no, you can't take them home for cash. But they do take you to their home if they like you. And the easiest way to do that, at any karaoke, is to sing in several languages, then sing one in their native language. Guaranteed a bunch of girls come over and introduce themselves after that, and guaranteed you'll end up screwing one of them. Just don't be ugly.
And, FYI, as someone who's lived in Tokyo and dated a girl there - most of the karaoke in japan are not ones with bargirls. If you think they are, that says a lot about the places you frequent.
(Score: 3, Informative) by choose another one on Sunday March 28 2021, @02:18PM (6 children)
Careful Mr fake Moriarty, in some jurisdictions (some of which you claim experience, or fake experience, in) the age of "rape" is also not the same as the age of consent.
tl;dr : It's complicated, don't fuck people who are gonna complain afterwards or tell someone else who is gonna complain.
Where I am right now, the age of consent is 16, the age of statutory rape is 13.
WTF does that mean? - well:
<13 you are gonna be guilty of statutory rape unless you can convince judge&jury that you reasonably believed BOTH that you had consent AND that they were over 13.
13-16 if you have consent you would still be guilty of "sexual activity with a child" unless you can show reasonable belief that they were over 16.
>16 assuming you have consent you are fine, unless they are a pupil and you are the teacher or similar relationship (but the offence is not statutory rape)
>18 still not always fine even if you have consent, not statutory rape but causes problems, e.g. students and uni lecturers.
(Score: 2) by fakefuck39 on Sunday March 28 2021, @08:13PM
"careful, if you change careers and become a teacher who fucks your students, there is a higher age limit and it would be illegal."
thanks for that pertinent, on point advice. here's some for you: if you become a fish, and you grow fur as a fish, you need to watch out for the salmon cannon. People maintain the salmon cannon, and if you are a fish swimming through it, and the people doing maintenance of it have head lice, you can get infected by their head lice. so if you be come a fish with fur, make sure to keep that in mind.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @08:56PM (4 children)
I have uncomplicated it further using this one neat trick: don't fuck outside of marriage. Holyshit, it basically makes all this nonsense disappear. I wonder why people never thought of this before...
I also am old enough to remember when people ridiculed the Pence Rule.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @10:09PM (1 child)
Don't fuck unless Big Daddy Government approves of your relationship! Sounds like nanny statism to me.
(Score: 2) by Azuma Hazuki on Monday March 29 2021, @12:51AM
It's big daddy religion, not big daddy government. Not at all the same. That's why there's no such thing as a theocracy anywhere for example.
I am "that girl" your mother warned you about...
(Score: 2) by hendrikboom on Monday March 29 2021, @03:13PM (1 child)
It is indeed vary convenient for your wife and your girlfriend being the same person.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday April 01 2021, @08:25PM
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @08:42AM (1 child)
To solve this conundrum, look carefully at the alleged perp's username.
(Score: 2) by fakefuck39 on Sunday March 28 2021, @07:21PM
3 - "saam" in korean
9 - "goo" in korean
"saam" - "by myself" in russian
fake fuck goo by myself
there you go. you learned some foreign words and figured out I like to jack off.
(Score: 2, Interesting) by hemocyanin on Sunday March 28 2021, @08:38AM (1 child)
"... accusation inflation ..."
I like that term. Very fitting for the modern world.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @06:09PM
Ha ha so typical of Obama's fascists to Orwellianize the beautiful American language.
(Score: 4, Insightful) by shortscreen on Sunday March 28 2021, @05:13PM (12 children)
Your post would have been better without smearing the girls as money-chasing sluts because that gives the SJW crowd ammo to dismiss anyone on the other side of the argument as 'misogynist'.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @06:11PM
That's the problem when you're a misogynistic racist violent self-hating sonofabitch, it tends to leak out.
(Score: 2, Offtopic) by fakefuck39 on Sunday March 28 2021, @07:25PM (10 children)
the girls are money-chasing slus. eastern european eurotrash in a pound of makeup and 6" heels, who cling to rich people at nightclubs. calling them anything else is being purposely dense. the sjw crowd defending them and calling the prostitutes and golddiggers "victims" is simply funny. they're suburban rats, sheltered by their parents, who have nothing in life so they pick a cause to defend people who never asked to be defended, while clinching their wallet in a black neighborhood. the people they're defending never asked for their help, don't want their help, and laugh at them.
(Score: 2) by shortscreen on Sunday March 28 2021, @11:31PM (9 children)
Epstein's recruits didn't all come from clubs in eastern Europe. It has been reported that they were lured in under false pretenses, which wouldn't have been necessary if they were actual prostitutes. You're making a generalization which likely doesn't hold. In any case it has nothing to do with what RMS said or attempts to cancel him.
(Score: 2) by fakefuck39 on Monday March 29 2021, @12:15AM (8 children)
promising a girl model stardom and lying to her to fuck her = rape. gotcha. some edvice: whitenighting still won't get you laid. you're too ugly.
(Score: 2) by shortscreen on Monday March 29 2021, @02:04AM (7 children)
Anyone practicing that modus operandi is a scumbag, FYI. But if your lawyer told you it was not technically rape then who am I to disagree.
(Score: 3, Touché) by fakefuck39 on Monday March 29 2021, @03:10AM (6 children)
scumbag = rape. gotcha. so, lemme ask you, why are you trivializing rape victims? those women who get raped don't appreciate you spreading this type of vile shit on the internet, like rape is just someone being deceptive and mean. why are you trying to normalize rape? are you a rapist?
(Score: 2) by shortscreen on Monday March 29 2021, @04:46AM (5 children)
You obviously have a lot of questions about rape, but like I said before I'm not here to offer you legal advice. I just suggested that you not make an ass of yourself by calling people money-chasing sluts without knowing what the fuck you're talking about. Take it or leave it.
(Score: 2) by fakefuck39 on Monday March 29 2021, @05:04AM (4 children)
I find it quite funny that you, a guy who actually doesn't know what he's talking about, is telling me, someone who's spent quite a bit of time hanging out with these types of sluts, anything.
to clarify: me telling you you're a white knight incel for thinking lying to a girl to fuck her is rape, is me laughing at the loser, not me asking you a question about rape. I understand your confusion though, as you are obviously not very bright.
(Score: 2) by shortscreen on Monday March 29 2021, @04:28PM (3 children)
You're the only one saying this.
You were on Epstein's island?? I wouldn't go bragging about that dude.
(Score: 2) by fakefuck39 on Monday March 29 2021, @07:34PM (2 children)
>Anyone practicing that modus operandi is a scumbag, FYI. But if your lawyer told you it was not technically rape then who am I to disagree.
I am the one saying that this statement you made means you need an attorney to explain to you that being a scumbag is not rape. This is pretty clear to anyone with a functioning brain.
>You were on Epstein's island?? I wouldn't go bragging about that dude.
No, I literally said I have spent much time fucking the type of girls on Epstein's island, in their home countries. This is pretty clear to anyone who can read.
>I wouldn't go bragging about that dude.
Saying I have experience with the subject matter is not bragging - it's saying I have experience with the subject matter. You on the other hand, and internet keyboard warrior who hasn't left his basement, thinking being informed on a subject is bragging, simply shows you are an incel, since you think anyone talking about sex is bragging. How's that crusty sock on the floor doing - time to wash it yet?
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday March 30 2021, @02:24PM (1 child)
(Score: 2) by fakefuck39 on Sunday April 04 2021, @09:15PM
Since we're talking about a 17yo in this thread, which is what my comments are talking about, no sherlock, it's not rape, even by your definition. because it's not grooming either. so let me see your mental gymnastics here: it's rape because grooming is rape. the grooming is taking place to get a girl to fuck you when she is old enough.
problem here sherlock, is she's been old enough to fuck for 2 years in her home country, has been fucking and partying for 2 years in her home country, and has already been legal to fuck for a year in most of the states here too. you can't groom someone who is already old enough for you to fuck. that's called lying and manipulating a consenting adults - like you telling some bitch at a club you're rich so you can rail her in the bathroom. something both men and women actively do at all ages, teens included, half of their mating cycle.
but let's face it - that's not what this is all about. it's personal. you're too ugly, too fat, and too old, to fuck an attractive 17yo. or 21yo. or even someone your own age. so let's call everyone who doesn't have your problem a rapist. winning!
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @08:58PM (6 children)
I don't think creepy guys in their thirties who fuck young girls are the best people to defend RMS.
(Score: 2) by fakefuck39 on Sunday March 28 2021, @09:29PM (5 children)
40s, not 30s, and no one gives a fuck what you think. In fact, neither did the 37yo mom of the 17yo college freshman girl I dated and lived with in France. The world is not what you think it is, nor is it all the same as the one you're surrounded with and used to. No, a 17yo American girl is not a good idea for someone in their 30s to date. In most of the world, what you attribute to a 21yo is the life a 17yo has already been living for a couple of years.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @09:45PM (4 children)
A guy in their 30s and 40s dating a 21 year old is also pretty creepy.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 28 2021, @11:17PM
Creepy but #winning. Unlike RMS.
(Score: 2) by fakefuck39 on Monday March 29 2021, @12:23AM (2 children)
strangely enough, not creepy to the girls, 21 or 17 alike. who, like me, could not care less about your opinions. although i did age pretty well by staying fit and going daily apeshit on face lotion, so not a wrinkle even afyer 40. although i do have to take hair pills.
it's funny you say 'dating' though. I did date one 17yo in france, who lived w me. but only one. newsflash -dating someone and fucking someone are not things that are related. so you're either a christian retard, or an old-ass incel.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday March 31 2021, @03:33AM (1 child)
Men should marry little girls, like the afghans do.
(Score: 2) by fakefuck39 on Sunday April 04 2021, @09:19PM
a 17yo from eastern europe is by no means a little girl. yes, she wouldn't give you a first look (at any point in her life). so it's easier for you to say it's immoral to fuck this perfectly legal energetic hottie, and that's why you do it. this is called being an incel pretending to be a white knight. both of those are bad. put them together and we got a bottom of the barrel choice for any woman. it really really sucks to be you. i mean, i don't feel sorry for you - but i do thank you for providing me material to laugh at, at your own expense. it would also be funny for me if you shit your pants in the middle of the street and then start yelling at passers by that they farted. can you do that for me, personal clown?