Red Hat pulls Free Software Foundation funding over Richard Stallman's return:
The chorus of disapproval over Richard M Stallman, founder and former president of the Free Software Foundation (FSF), rejoining the organisation has intensified as Linux giant Red Hat confirmed it was pulling funding.
Stallman announced he had returned to the FSF's Board of Directors last weekend – news that has not gone down well with all in the community and Red Hat is the latest to register its dismay.
CTO Chris Wright tweeted overnight: "I am really outraged by FSF's decision to reinstate RMS. At a moment in time where diversity and inclusion awareness is growing, this is a step backwards."
Describing itself as "appalled" at the return of Stallman to the FSF board of directors "considering the circumstances of Richard Stallman's original resignation in 2019," Red Hat said it decided to act.
"We are immediately suspending all Red Hat funding of the FSF and any FSF-hosted events. In addition, many Red Hat contributors have told us they no longer plan to participate in FSF-led or backed events, and we stand behind them," said Red Hat.
[...] Red Hat's step marks an escalation in the war of words over Stallman's return. As both a long-time donor and contributor of code, the IBM-owned company's action might well give the FSF pause for thought in a way that thousands of outraged tweets might not.
FSF president Geoffrey Knauth stated his intention yesterday "to resign as an FSF officer, director, and voting member as soon as there is a clear path for new leadership."
Red Hat statement about Richard Stallman's return to the Free Software Foundation board
(Score: 2) by fakefuck39 on Monday March 29 2021, @02:39PM (6 children)
Yes, I am agreeing with you about the purpose of me making fun of you. You calling someone laughing at you sad and pathetic is probably a bully coping mechanism that worked well for you in high school. Did mommy tell you the bully is stuffing you into a locker because the bully has personal issues? That's what's dangerous about raising a kid like that instead of teaching him to punch hard. That coping mechanism to get them through the day w/o crying becomes adult delusion.
Everyone who is making fun of you just has a sad life. Enjoy the inside of your locker.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 29 2021, @11:03PM (5 children)
Ah yes, so you're the bully. Bullies didn't pick on me, or more like they didn't pick on me very long, because I was taught the best way to deal with bullies is to hit them right back. And that's what I did. And that works because while bullies act tough they are really just piece of shit cowards, which is exactly what you've shown yourself to be. That's why I said if you actually went out in the world and interacted with others, you'd get the shit kicked out of you. So instead, you get your kicks out of trolling online, where the anonymity of the internet means you won't end up with a fist going through your worthless face. You truly do lead a sad, pathetic life.
(Score: 2) by fakefuck39 on Monday March 29 2021, @11:40PM (4 children)
sorry buddy. the ones that hit me back ended up really hurt. this happens when the bully is a russian guy who benches 3 times your weight. much like you're being shat on in this battle of wits.
making fun of you is not trolling you. it's simply getting entertainment at your expense. because you're clearly an incel and a white knight. what I write online has nothing to do with how I am towards others in life. much like a football player at a game, running people down and pinning them, does not do that in real life. but the fact that you think comments on the internet are part of real life does go well with the rest you've said. incel. plain and simple.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday March 30 2021, @03:24AM (3 children)
LOL. You must have felt so big and tough writing that. Fucking pathetic.
(Score: 2) by fakefuck39 on Tuesday March 30 2021, @04:16AM (2 children)
no need to be big and and tough, it's words on the internet. words like creepy whiteknight incel, defender of the honorable ukrainian club trash. words lie eeeuuuuwww. the reason you got bullied is not becase people are bullies. it's because you're a weird ugly creep who stared at people's girlfriends and made everyone feel uncomfortable. now that we're all adults, we don't stuff you into lockers anymore. because you stay in your basement with a sheet over the window.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday March 30 2021, @12:29PM (1 child)
There you are again, making shit up. You don't know anything about me. But we all know your a bully, that gets his kicks from trolling on the internet. That while you may be an adult, you're about as mentally mature as the schoolyard bully. And that you're a racist, sexist, bigoted asshole. All of this is from your own words, as you admit as much. You like to post about the life you imagine you live, as you stew in anger in some tiny dirty apartment somewhere, bitter that women don't want anything to do with your pathetic, loser ass. But hey, I suppose one reason you like to pick fights over the internet is that you can always convince yourself you win, which is a bit easier than when your pathetic ass isn't left in pain lying on the pavement.
(Score: 2) by fakefuck39 on Sunday April 04 2021, @09:07PM
do you often go to football games and shout out to the world that no normal adult person would knock another one down just because they decided to catch a ball? they need help those players - that's no way to act - what bullies, what violence. actually i bet you do do that.
posting shit online to you is socializing, because you are an incel and a loser. for me, it's posting shit online, much like a football game for a player is not his regular world. i come here to play football. you are a person who walked out in the middle of the field during an active game to have brunch. this is because you are a moron. enjoy getting knocked over over and over.