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posted by Fnord666 on Saturday June 05 2021, @06:03PM   Printer-friendly

China maintains 'artificial sun' at 120 million Celsius for over 100 seconds, setting new world record:

China broke the record by keeping the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) by achieving plasma temperature at 120 million Celsius for 101 seconds and 160 million Celsius for 20 seconds, a major step toward the test run of the fusion reactor.

The Tokamak devise[sic] is located at the Hefei Institutes of Physical Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. It is designed to replicate the nuclear fusion process that occurs naturally in the sun and stars to provide almost infinite clean energy through controlled nuclear fusion, which is often dubbed the "artificial sun."

The achievement broke a previous record of maintaining the plasma temperature at 100 million C for 100 seconds. According to Li Miao, director of the physics department of the Southern University of Science and Technology in Shenzhen, it is a milestone in reaching the goal of keeping the temperature at a stable level for a long time.

"The breakthrough is significant progress, and the ultimate goal should be keeping the temperature at a stable level for a long time," Li told the Global Times, adding that the next milestone might be to maintain the stability for a week or more.

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  • (Score: 5, Insightful) by Revek on Saturday June 05 2021, @07:34PM (23 children)

    by Revek (5022) on Saturday June 05 2021, @07:34PM (#1142126)

    I don't believe anything china says. They have been caught in too many lies for me to accept anything they say at face value. They suppress the truth and that is the same as lying.

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  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday June 05 2021, @07:39PM (4 children)

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday June 05 2021, @07:39PM (#1142129)

    cHiNaMaN bAd!@!

    • (Score: 2) by Revek on Saturday June 05 2021, @10:34PM (3 children)

      by Revek (5022) on Saturday June 05 2021, @10:34PM (#1142172)

      No CCP bad. Chinaman is slave.

      This page was generated by a Swarm of Roaming Elephants
      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday June 06 2021, @05:52AM

        by Anonymous Coward on Sunday June 06 2021, @05:52AM (#1142272)

        usaMan free!

      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 07 2021, @02:08AM (1 child)

        by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 07 2021, @02:08AM (#1142581)

        And yet, Chinaman overwhelmingly supports his government with the patriotic furor that you warmongers dream about, why is that? Do you really believe that propaganda will turn a billion people into mindless idiots without exception?

        • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 07 2021, @05:03PM

          by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 07 2021, @05:03PM (#1142806)

          No, there are plenty of Chinese dissenters. Hundreds of millions it is estimated.
          You know very little about Chinese culture if you think otherwise.
          CCP is teetering on the brink of collapse. There are powerful people in China who would
          live to see that happen. But yes: CCP is bad.

          Propaganda is very powerful. Look what it's done to the USA.
          Ever since the Smith–Mundt Act was abandoned, the US media has had a field day brainwashing people.
          Good luck to you!

  • (Score: 3, Funny) by srobert on Saturday June 05 2021, @09:29PM (7 children)

    by srobert (4803) on Saturday June 05 2021, @09:29PM (#1142154)

    The U.S. government is always completely honest in it's dealings with other countries, with it's own citizens, etc. You can always trust the U.S.A.

    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday June 05 2021, @10:24PM

      by Anonymous Coward on Saturday June 05 2021, @10:24PM (#1142169)

      All those black men from Tuskegee.
      The WW2 concientious objectors who got used for bioweapons testing.
      The Native American tribes who still have treaties on the books that are being ignored.
      Puerto Ricans.
      Native Alaskans.
      The Japanese during the Opening of Japan (The catalyst for WW1/WW2 japanese involvement! As well as the fall of the Shogunate and return of the Emperor.)

      I'm sure someone with more knowledge of American history can pick out lots more.

    • (Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday June 05 2021, @11:16PM (1 child)

      by Anonymous Coward on Saturday June 05 2021, @11:16PM (#1142179)


      China is literally run by a dictator for life, and those are not summer camps in Xinjiang.

      • (Score: 2) by DeathMonkey on Monday June 07 2021, @07:38PM

        by DeathMonkey (1380) on Monday June 07 2021, @07:38PM (#1142868) Journal

        They both lie; China just has the power to do it a lot better.

        The key is to figure out when it would benefit them to tell the truth.

        In this case they would be fully aware that announcing a breakthrough like this is going to come with a lot of scrutiny.

    • (Score: 1) by khallow on Saturday June 05 2021, @11:41PM (3 children)

      by khallow (3766) Subscriber Badge on Saturday June 05 2021, @11:41PM (#1142185) Journal
      Indeed, if the US does it, it must be ok!
      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday June 06 2021, @05:54AM (2 children)

        by Anonymous Coward on Sunday June 06 2021, @05:54AM (#1142273)

        Hard to tell if you are joking. Former presidents have said EXACTLY that. And probably more than 50% of the country believes it. Wanna talk about brainwashed leftist marxist traitors such as Joe Biden?

        Your move.

        • (Score: 1) by khallow on Sunday June 06 2021, @12:26PM (1 child)

          by khallow (3766) Subscriber Badge on Sunday June 06 2021, @12:26PM (#1142342) Journal

          Former presidents have said EXACTLY that.

          And that's your basis for morality, right? What some former president says?

          Whataboutism has the problem that once one party does something (and for some bizarre reason, the US gets used as the gold standard for what should be allowed), it makes it ok for all parties to do so.

          Should it then be ok for the US to do what China and Russia does? Like invade neighbors, ethnic cleansing on a massive scale, create police states, etc.

          Your move.

          • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 07 2021, @02:16AM

            by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 07 2021, @02:16AM (#1142587)

            Should it then be ok for the US to do what China and Russia does? Like invade neighbors, ethnic cleansing on a massive scale, create police states, etc.

            We literally do all of those things except invade "neighbors". We invade countries further away, because we control almost everything close to us. It's not OK, but people vote for more because war makes money, and the US has adopted an overtly fascist military stance since resolving WWII.

  • (Score: 5, Interesting) by jelizondo on Sunday June 06 2021, @12:17AM (9 children)

    by jelizondo (653) Subscriber Badge on Sunday June 06 2021, @12:17AM (#1142196) Journal

    I have some questions.

    According to reputable sources (i.e. Forbes []) the number of mainland Chinese going to America, Europe and Africa is around 150 million [] each year, spending about 250 billion U.S. dollars, making them the top spenders.

    Hundreds of thousands of Chinese students [] study abroad, mainly in the U.S. and Europe.

    For those of us old enough to remember, when the Soviet Union was a thing, many performers, diplomats and basically anybody who could, would defect and claim asylum in any foreign country they could reach.

    Funny thing is, the Chinese return home after their vacation abroad or after concluding their studies. (Yes, yes; some stay abroad but most return and those who stay abroad come back to visit family.)

    If China is such a gulag, why the hell people return? Clearly, the western media is not telling us the whole story and so the question is: what are they not telling us?

    • (Score: 4, Insightful) by Runaway1956 on Sunday June 06 2021, @01:19AM (4 children)

      by Runaway1956 (2926) Subscriber Badge on Sunday June 06 2021, @01:19AM (#1142215) Journal

      China has 5000 years of culture that the Soviet did not have.

      Brainwashing is probably too harsh and polarized a term, but the Chinese are most certainly conditioned by their culture, just as we are conditioned by our own culture.

      The CCP takes advantage of that conditioning in ways that were impossible for the Soviet. Racial and cultural homogeneity works in their favor. Any and all prejudice that a Han Chinese meets in his travels only reinforces his indoctrination.

      The individual Chinese is far more apt to tolerate abuse from the state that almost no one, anywhere, will tolerate from their own government.

      “I have become friends with many school shooters” - Tampon Tim Walz
      • (Score: 3, Insightful) by jelizondo on Sunday June 06 2021, @04:09AM (2 children)

        by jelizondo (653) Subscriber Badge on Sunday June 06 2021, @04:09AM (#1142246) Journal

        I'm sure you know that in most countries people are not allowed to own guns, so from an American point of view, those governments are repressive and undemocratic.

        Most European countries have national health services, paid by taxpayers and are horrified of the American private insurance scheme.

        What constitutes "abuse" depends on your point of view.

        • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday June 06 2021, @11:33AM

          by Anonymous Coward on Sunday June 06 2021, @11:33AM (#1142333)

          I'm not a Chinese citizen and never would want to be one. But I bet you many Chinese citizens are happy to feel safe walking down the street in Shanghai and not need a gun at all to feel safe.

          Many have seen too many idiots in their 1+ billion population (pooping in airplane aisles, fountains, etc) and are not brainwashed and conditioned by the NRA to think that everyone having easy access to guns makes them safer in practice.

          Lastly, non-retards know that a fucking gun wouldn't have saved Tank Man from the tank, in fact holding a gun would probably have got him killed faster than him holding a shopping bag. But US retards are a special breed of retards. So I can't wait for the day the NRA or similar regularly lends/gives every Super Bowl attendee a gun so that they can all shoot the bad guys shooting at people... ;)

        • (Score: 1) by khallow on Sunday June 06 2021, @12:48PM

          by khallow (3766) Subscriber Badge on Sunday June 06 2021, @12:48PM (#1142344) Journal

          I'm sure you know that in most countries people are not allowed to own guns, so from an American point of view, those governments are repressive and undemocratic.

          And I'm sure you're aware that there's a significant firearm control movement in the US. Just like any other country, there are huge differences of opinion as to the value of firearm ownership and its value to a democracy.

          Personally, I would consider such a government a bit more repressive and undemocratic because due to those firearm restrictions they are more repressive and undemocratic. Allowing significant firearm ownership demonstrates a level of empowerment and responsibility delegated to the public, a very democratic thing.

          Most European countries have national health services, paid by taxpayers and are horrified of the American private insurance scheme.

          As we all should be. That doesn't mean that a well-run national health service would be better than a well-run private insurance scheme (my thinking is otherwise). The US system is deeply and thoroughly broken, with no intent to fix in sight.

      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday June 06 2021, @05:57AM

        by Anonymous Coward on Sunday June 06 2021, @05:57AM (#1142275)

        > The individual Chinese is far more apt to tolerate abuse

        And inflict it. That's the disaster happening in our universities that so happily took the Chinese students and now fill their staff with Chinese graduates.

    • (Score: 1, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday June 06 2021, @02:04AM (1 child)

      by Anonymous Coward on Sunday June 06 2021, @02:04AM (#1142222)
      • (Score: 2) by jelizondo on Sunday June 06 2021, @04:02AM

        by jelizondo (653) Subscriber Badge on Sunday June 06 2021, @04:02AM (#1142241) Journal

        I wrote mainland Chinese in order to avoid Hong Kong because ethnical Chinese in that island were brought in a western society with western values and expectations.

        The sources you use to claim "strawman" is a survey of fucking 224 Chinese! (Yes, 224. It does not even compute in the error bars of a proper survery.) I quoted over a 150 MILLION Chinese leaving the country and returning every year.

    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday June 06 2021, @11:24AM

      by Anonymous Coward on Sunday June 06 2021, @11:24AM (#1142330)

      Perhaps the racial discrimination they receive from people like you is worse than what they're getting from the CCP?

    • (Score: 2) by DeathMonkey on Monday June 07 2021, @07:54PM

      by DeathMonkey (1380) on Monday June 07 2021, @07:54PM (#1142873) Journal

      To get a Green Card here in the US the average Chinese person needs to have a job lined up already unless they already have relatives here.

      That right there filters out the vast majority of Chinese people who would like to live here.

      Of the people who are able to overcome the various obstacles to emigrating anywhere, the US is by far the most popular. And, the Chinese immigrant population is growing very quickly.

      So most of the people returning have no other choice.

      Chinese Immigrants in the United States []

      The population of Chinese immigrants in the United States has grown nearly seven-fold since 1980, reaching almost 2.5 million in 2018, or 5.5 percent of the overall foreign-born population. Whereas in 1980 Chinese immigrants did not appear among the ten largest foreign-born groups in the United States, China in 2018 replaced Mexico as the top sending country. After immigrants from Mexico and India, the Chinese represented the third largest group in the U.S. foreign-born population of nearly 45 million in 2018

      China is the main source of foreign students enrolled in U.S. higher education, and its nationals received the second-largest number of employer-sponsored H-1B temporary visas in fiscal year 2018, after Indians. Chinese nationals received nearly half of EB-5 investor green cards in 2018.

      The United States is the top destination for Chinese immigrants, accounting for almost 27 percent of the more than 12 million Chinese living outside of China, according to mid-2019 estimates by the United Nations Population Division.

      Compared to the overall foreign- and native-born populations in the United States, Chinese immigrants are significantly better educated and more likely to be employed in management positions. Almost 30 percent of Chinese who obtain lawful permanent residence in the United States (also known as getting a green card) did so through employment-based routes; the remainder qualified through family ties or as asylees.