Amazon’s indoor camera drone is ready to fly around your house
Next up: cameras. Amazon's crazy indoor, flying drone camera—the ambiguously named "Ring Always Home Cam"—is actually for sale now in the US. This was announced a full year ago, but now it's available "exclusively by invitation" for $249.99. This is a "Day 1 Edition" (read: a beta product). So Amazon isn't letting just anyone buy it. You can request an invitation to give Amazon money on the product page.
In case you've not had enough dystopian future products:
Amazon’s Astro Robot is Straight Out of the Jetsons
(Score: 3, Funny) by choose another one on Wednesday September 29 2021, @09:39PM (1 child)
Dear Amazon,
that is not me, does Prime have discount on divorce lawyers?
(Score: 3, Funny) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 29 2021, @10:32PM
Your query has been forwarded to Jeff Bezos.