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posted by janrinok on Tuesday December 14 2021, @04:04PM   Printer-friendly

New IBM and Samsung transistors could be key to super-efficient chips (updated)

IBM and Samsung claim they've made a breakthrough in semiconductor design. On day one of the IEDM [(International Electron Devices Meeting)] conference in San Francisco, the two companies unveiled a new design for stacking transistors vertically on a chip. With current processors and SoCs, transistors lie flat on the surface of the silicon, and then electric current flows from side-to-side. By contrast, Vertical Transport Field Effect Transistors (VTFET) sit perpendicular to one another and current flows vertically.

According to IBM and Samsung, this design has two advantages. First, it will allow them to bypass many performance limitations to extend Moore's Law beyond IBM's current nanosheet technology. More importantly, the design leads to less wasted energy thanks to greater current flow. They estimate VTFET will lead to processors that are either twice as fast or use 85 percent less power than chips designed with FinFET transistors. IBM and Samsung claim the process may one day allow for phones that go a full week on a single charge. They say it could also make certain energy-intensive tasks, including cryptomining, more power-efficient and therefore less impactful on the environment.

IBM blog post. Also at Notebookcheck.

See also: Samsung Begins Sampling 24 Gbps GDDR6 Memory Chips For Next-Gen GPUs

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  • (Score: 2) by mcgrew on Saturday December 18 2021, @08:53PM

    by mcgrew (701) <> on Saturday December 18 2021, @08:53PM (#1206213) Homepage Journal

    Whenever I see the word "Beryllium" I think of an Asimov story called Sucker Bait. It has a character who is obviously autistic even though it was decades before autism was ever recognized.

    A man legally forbidden from possessing a firearm is in charge of America's nuclear arsenal. Have a nice day.
    Starting Score:    1  point
    Karma-Bonus Modifier   +1  

    Total Score:   2