In a short interview with the San Jose Mercury News, Tim Berners-Lee, the creator of the World Wide Web, touts the W3C's HTML 5 standard, which was finally published last week after eight years of work. Sir Berners-Lee sees HTML 5 as advancing the Web as the central platform for delivering Internet content and applications, to mobile devices as well as PC users.
Q. How do you use the Web? Are there any sites or services that you use regularly?
A. We do all our work at the W3C on the Web — everything. We have a mantra: If it's not on the Web, it doesn't exist. When discussing things in a meeting, everything we do, the minutes of the meetings, it's always on the Web.
Some other quick takes on HTML 5 are here.
(Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Monday November 03 2014, @04:48AM
Now I do have a computer, I myself am into computers.
But actually most people I know don't own smartphones.
The phone I've got set me back $12.99. It makes really good voice calls. That's all I really want it for.
I am planning to buy an iPhone sometime soon, but only for the development of Apps. I expect I'll keep using my $12.99 phone for actual calls.
The people I discuss, who don't use computers because they do not want to, are not all old people. Most of them are younger than me (I am fifty).