Can We Feed Billions of Ourselves Without Wrecking the Planet?
We are now producing more food more efficiently than ever, and there is plenty to go around for a human population of 7 billion. But it is coming at a drastic cost in environmental degradation, and the bounty is not reaching many people.
Sustainable Food Production, a new Earth Institute primer from Columbia University Press, explores how modern agriculture can be made more environmentally benign, and economically just. With population going to maybe 10 billion within 30 years, the time to start is now, the authors say.
The lead author is ecologist Shahid Naeem, director of the Earth Institute for Environmental Sustainability. He coauthored the book with former Columbia colleagues Suzanne Lipton and Tiff van Huysen.
This is an interesting interview with the author. Do you agree (or disagree) with his conclusions?
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(Score: 4, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday January 11 2022, @07:20PM (1 child)
You had control over last 50 years to
1. choose how many children you have
2. elect officials that either empower women with birth control or treat them as incubators without choice -- this is actually quite literal choice in many nations
(Score: 1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday January 11 2022, @08:42PM
Having children is neither oppression nor abnormal.
It is a warped mind that thinks it is normal to not have children. Your kind are winning the Darwin Award. You will be replaced by the breeders.