Whether you're running systemd happily or begrudgingly, it's best if you disable systemd-resolved as your DNS resolver for the time being. Reported today at seclists is a new DNS cache poisoning bug in systemd-resolved.
At its simplest, an attacker triggers a query to a domain he controls via SMTP or SSH-login. Upon receipt of the question, he can just add any answer he wants to have cached to the legit answer he provides for the query, e.g. providing two answer RR's: One for the question asked and one for a question that has never been asked - even if the DNS server is not authoritative for this domain.
Systemd-resolved accepts both answers and caches them. There are no reports as to the affected versions or how widespread the problem may be. Comments over at Hacker News suggests that it might not be widespread, most users would still be running the backported 208-stable while the DNS resolver was committed in 213 and considered fairly complete in 216, but that is if they enabled systemd-resolved in /etc/nsswitch.config.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday November 13 2014, @07:43AM
Debian all about being a social progressive and supporting feminists lesbians and trannies actually. And policing speech. Code of conduct etc.
(Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday November 13 2014, @01:54PM
Hey, don't throw us in with the feminists. There are plenty of us who are equally pissed off at them. Probably moreso than you. Feminism is the systemd of gender equality. See the Michigan Womyn's Music Festival and wonderful people like Janice Raymond. Well, maybe Poettering might be worse than Raymond. At least you can ignore her.
Oh, why the hell am I wasting my time. Voting Libertarian? Got 1% or 2% of the vote at best. Waste of time. Arguing with MRAs who are delusional enough to believe that feminists approve of transsexuals or that being a transsexual makes one a socialist or a feminist? Equally a waste of item. Hoping some MRA gets his head out of his ass to see that there are a lot of transsexuals who lean libertarian. Impossible. Get it through your head: TRANSSEXUALS ARE NOT WELCOME IN FEMINIST GROUPS. FEMINISTS REGULARLY ATTACK TRANSSEXUALS. FEMINISTS LOVE "DOX"ing (I guess that's the right word) TRANSSEXUALS IN DEEP STEALTH. *breathes*
Why do you think anti-gamergate went after a group with a very inclusive policy for trans women? It doesn't matter that they used transphobia as a rallying cry. These people are con artists, and they'll say whatever they can to get support. Actions speak louder than words. Feminism continues to be about discrimination against trans women and the systematic privileging of the body part between the legs over the body part between the ears.
Fuck. People like you make me question why I support the Libertarian party.
What the hell is up with Soylent this morning?
--Velex's Ghost
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday November 13 2014, @09:24PM
It was a flamebait troll comment anyway. Don't take it too serious.
Politically I am a libertarian, but I am sad that so few people seem to actually want liberty.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday November 14 2014, @02:54AM
"FEMINISTS REGULARLY ATTACK TRANSSEXUALS" says the transsexual attacking feminists. Talk about sectarian conflict. You do realise that feminists have the concept of intersectionality right? That feminists are by a large stripe LBGTQ* allies? That they don't believe that gender has ANYTHING to do with what's between your legs? I can't believe you are complaining about bigotry by being such a bigot.