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posted by martyb on Monday November 17 2014, @11:15AM   Printer-friendly
from the more-systemd-fallout dept.

Longtime Debian contributor Tollef Fog Heen has announced his resignation from the Debian systemd maintainer team. His announcement states that "the load of the continued attacks is just becoming too much."

He has since written a detailed blog article surrounding the circumstances of his resignation. As he puts it,

I've been a DD for almost 14 years, I should be able to weather any storm, shouldn't I? It turns out that no, the mountain does get worn down by the rain. It's not a single hurtful comment here and there. There's a constant drum about this all being some sort of conspiracy and there are sometimes flares where people wish people involved in systemd would be run over by a bus or just accusations of incompetence.

This is yet another dramatic event affecting the Debian project in recent months. The adoption of systemd has been extremely controversial, even going so far as to result in calls for Debian to be forked. There have been other problems as of late, too, ranging from a serious bug breaking Wine just days before the Jessie freeze deadline, to the possibility of Debian GNU/kFreeBSD being dropped from Debian 8. And it was only just over a week ago that Joey Hess — another longtime Debian contributor — left the project, citing the "very unhealthy directions" that Debian has been led in lately.

Is the internal tension and strife caused by systemd about to tear the Debian project apart? Recent events such as the aforementioned have suggested that this is becoming more and more of a possibility. The repercussions of this drama will no doubt be felt wide and far, given Debian's own popularity, as well it forming the basis of other major Linux distros such as Ubuntu and Linux Mint.

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  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday November 17 2014, @11:23PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday November 17 2014, @11:23PM (#116992)

    Cut the crap, son. This isn't reddit. We aren't fucking morons here.

    The criticism against systemd is valid, and you know it.

  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday November 18 2014, @03:54AM

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday November 18 2014, @03:54AM (#117094)

    Exactly, this is why we can't have nice things. That sort of name-calling has no place in a technical discussion, and it raises the question of if you are a mean kid, or part of an astroturfing FUD campaign.

    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday November 18 2014, @04:15AM

      by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday November 18 2014, @04:15AM (#117101)

      There's nothing to discuss here. Systemd is full of technical flaws. Cry "conspiracy theory!!@!@!" all you want. None of that will change the fact that systemd is broken software that has no place in Debian, or any other serious Linux distro.

  • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Tuesday November 18 2014, @09:52AM

    by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Tuesday November 18 2014, @09:52AM (#117174) Journal

    So please enlighten us all and explain what all the 'valid criticisms' are. I don't just want bald statements that cannot be substantiated, but an intelligent and technical discourse on the problems as you perceive them. I'm using it and it works - I don't see a reason to change to it, but that is simply a personal view and not 'valid criticism'.

    I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday November 18 2014, @12:42PM

      by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday November 18 2014, @12:42PM (#117197)

      If you're discussing this matter, then you should already be aware of the criticism of systemd. If you aren't, then you should probably not participate in this discussion until you've done some research.

      Since finding basic information like this is apparently a severe challenge for you, you can start here: []

      • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Tuesday November 18 2014, @06:44PM

        by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Tuesday November 18 2014, @06:44PM (#117348) Journal

        Thank you AC, you have made my point perfectly.

        I didn't ask what other people dislike about it - I asked what the previous poster didn't like, why he didn't like it, and what he felt it stopped him from doing. I'm using it and I have no problems whatsoever with it. It works, I do not think that I will convert my other system over to it because I cannot see any advantages, but the binary logs are not a problem, the all-encompassing dependencies are not a problem. In fact, I haven't got any problems with it. Others may have - I haven't - and I asked for the previous poster's views. Not some regurgitated information about why someone else doesn't like it.

        I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.