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posted by janrinok on Wednesday November 19 2014, @11:25AM   Printer-friendly
from the I-hope-we-don't-regret-this dept.

Ian Jackson's general resolution to prevent init system coupling has failed to pass, the majority vote deciding that the resolution is unnecessary. This means that not only will Debian's default init be systemd, but packages will not be required to support other init systems. Presumably, this means that using other init systems on Debian (without using systemd as a base) will not be possible without major workarounds, or possibly at all. It also leaves the future of Debian projects such as kFreeBSD unclear, as systemd is linux specific.

The vote results can be found here

The winners are:

Option 4 "General Resolution is not required"

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  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday November 19 2014, @01:21PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday November 19 2014, @01:21PM (#117630)

    With the Debian packaging, Linux became "modern" (for those of us coming from Slackware). Back to the ancient tar balls, then. Might as well fiddle with FreeBSD, too.

  • (Score: 1) by SlackStone on Wednesday November 19 2014, @01:31PM

    by SlackStone (815) on Wednesday November 19 2014, @01:31PM (#117641) Homepage

    All good things must come to an end. I always figured two things would hold up, the GPL and Debian. I've got so much love for Debian, it makes this painful and sad to watch play out. It'll be curious to see what distro gets the energy bump from players jumping ship.

    Yep - Damn Shame

    • (Score: 2) by CoolHand on Wednesday November 19 2014, @03:18PM

      by CoolHand (438) on Wednesday November 19 2014, @03:18PM (#117702) Journal

      I agree... I've VERY disappointed in DEBIAN. I thought they would ALWAYS put FREE (not as in beer) software values and choice for their users as a priority. It saddens me that they have come to this. I'm out. Already have gone to PC-BSD on my main desktop from Siduction, and looking at options on my laptops and home pc to replace Mint. (unfortunately since I've invested in Steam for Linux heavily lately, that complicates things)

      Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job-Douglas Adams
      • (Score: 2) by cockroach on Wednesday November 19 2014, @04:14PM

        by cockroach (2266) on Wednesday November 19 2014, @04:14PM (#117734)

        Ironic how Debian might be the new Windows - you need to keep it around for the Games ;)

        • (Score: 2) by CoolHand on Wednesday November 19 2014, @04:52PM

          by CoolHand (438) on Wednesday November 19 2014, @04:52PM (#117747) Journal

          True 'dat, brother..
          I'm also having to run a debian based virtual machine on my PC-BSD desktop for web browsing so I can easily get true JAVA client support for several things that I'm required to use at work. (there may be a few more native solutions but they seemed to be quite complicated and I haven't had time yet to make the attempt)

          Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job-Douglas Adams
          • (Score: 1) by linuxrocks123 on Wednesday November 19 2014, @06:02PM

            by linuxrocks123 (2557) on Wednesday November 19 2014, @06:02PM (#117765) Journal

            FreeBSD docs say icedtea-web should work. And FreeBSD has a Linux kernel emulation mode that should work for web browsing even if that doesn't. I'd look into it again if I were you unless you've already ruled all those options out.

            • (Score: 2) by CoolHand on Wednesday November 19 2014, @06:27PM

              by CoolHand (438) on Wednesday November 19 2014, @06:27PM (#117778) Journal
              icedtea-web does not work... I believe the Linux kernel emulation was the other option at which I was looking, but there was some bugaboo with 32bit vs 64 bit, and it just sounded messy, and since I had umpteen other conversion issues and ton of real work to get finished, I quit there. I will revisit it someday..
              Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job-Douglas Adams