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posted by LaminatorX on Saturday December 06 2014, @12:21PM   Printer-friendly
from the changing-of-the-guard dept.

In the dying hours of 3rd Dec (UTC) into the early hours of 4th Dec something significant occurred in the vicinity of the SoylentNews PBC boardroom. One witness is reported to have said "it was as though a light zephyr appeared unexpectedly, brushed by a pile of watermelons before shooting up into the sky as a vivid light", this has not been confirmed as an accurate portrayal of events and quite honestly we're not sure they weren't just making it up.

Moving to a more formal note. The timeline above is correct. In what seemed like a few brief moments of discussion and accord, NCommander stepped out of the position of CEO and yours truly (juggs) stepped in as interim CEO.

To quickly dispel any doubts or concerns, this was not some hostile power play within the board, more an amicable and pragmatic changing of the guard. It was notably lacking in any form of drama whatsoever.

Firstly, I'd like to thank NCommander for bringing us to where we are today - a thriving, growing community with a stable foundation from which to grow and many tomes of vision for what the road ahead may lead us on to build. I'm sure I'm not alone in hoping he sticks around and makes a reprise - I have a strong feeling he will.

As much as I'd like to mark my entrance with some grand vision - in the very short term I'll have to mostly concentrate on some very mundane but very necessary corporation affairs.

Longer term, I have a few nascent ideas in the back of my mind that need kicking into shape - but given the whole transition was out of the blue, I'm more at the sort the desk out and find the nearest coffee dispensary stage than the grand visionary stage. I do however fully intend to revisit NCommander's SN vision statements and go from there as an immediate starting point at the very least.

Feel free to use the Comments for questions, concerns or suggestions, I'll be sure to reply.


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  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday December 06 2014, @11:44PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday December 06 2014, @11:44PM (#123324)

    go with simple text without specific div id to beat the adblockers. maybe also worth using a url shortener for advertiser links

  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday December 07 2014, @03:10AM

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday December 07 2014, @03:10AM (#123371)

    simple text

    That's all you really needed to say.
    Google is the most successful advertising company on the planet and they haven't yet deviated from that simple plan on their search page.
    N.B. I block ALL scripts by default, so maybe I'm not seeing something that others do.

    without specific div id to beat the adblockers

    Well, I do have stuff like in my filter list (to hide text-based page elements). []
    Generally, that's because some idiot's page layout puts useless junk at the top of the page and doesn't include useful accessibility features like id=main-content (I hate when they do that.)
    ...or puts interstitial crap in the content area. (I hate that even more.)

    The S/N guys don't seem to be consumed with designeritis|greed, so I think we're good on this count.

    -- gewg_