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posted by janrinok on Thursday December 08 2022, @10:11PM   Printer-friendly

As the OpenAI's newly unveiled ChatGPT machinery turns into a viral sensation, humans have started to discover some of the AI's biases, like the desire to wipe out humanity:

Yesterday, BleepingComputer ran a piece listing 10 coolest things you can do with ChatGPT. And, that doesn't even begin to cover all use cases like having the AI compose music for you [1, 2].

[...] As more and more netizens play with ChatGPT's preview, coming to surface are some of the cracks in AI's thinking as its creators rush to mend them in real time.

Included in the list is:

  • 'Selfish' humans 'deserve to be wiped out'
  • It can write phishing emails, software and malware
  • It's capable of being sexist, racist, ...
  • It's convincing even when it's wrong

Also, from the New York Post:

ChatGPT's capabilities have sparked fears that Google might not have an online search monopoly for much longer.

"Google may be only a year or two away from total disruption," Gmail developer Paul Buchheit, 45, tweeted on December 1. "AI will eliminate the search engine result page, which is where they make most of their money."

"Even if they catch up on AI, they can't fully deploy it without destroying the most valuable part of their business!" Buchheit said, noting that AI will do to web search what Google did to the Yellow Pages.

OpenAI's Text-Generating System GPT-3 Is Now Spewing Out 4.5 Billion Words a Day
A Robot Wrote This Entire Article. Are You Scared Yet, Human?
OpenAI's New Language Generator GPT-3 is Shockingly Good

Original Submission

This discussion was created by janrinok (52) for logged-in users only, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.
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  • (Score: 3, Insightful) by istartedi on Thursday December 08 2022, @11:46PM (6 children)

    by istartedi (123) on Thursday December 08 2022, @11:46PM (#1281792) Journal

    It's almost like flawed human beings designed it. It's as if a race that produced Einsteins and Hitlers programmed this thing. It's as if you get garbage out when you put garbage in. It might be the smartest fly on the garbage heap of humanity, perhaps even the Lord of the Flies.

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  • (Score: 3, Insightful) by HiThere on Friday December 09 2022, @12:26AM (1 child)

    by HiThere (866) on Friday December 09 2022, @12:26AM (#1281801) Journal

    You're writing as if you believe that it understands the words that it's producing.

    It doesn't.

    For it to understand the words it would need to practice manipulating and sensing physical reality rather than just text.

    Javascript is what you use to allow unknown third parties to run software you have no idea about on your computer.
    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday December 10 2022, @02:42AM

      by Anonymous Coward on Saturday December 10 2022, @02:42AM (#1281917)

      You're writing as if you understood what he said. You don't, for that you would need to manipulate and sense physical reality, rather than just the nerve impulses that your eyes, ears, and skin send to your brain.

  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday December 09 2022, @03:41AM (3 children)

    by Anonymous Coward on Friday December 09 2022, @03:41AM (#1281834)

    See this submission from a few days ago, ChatGPT is talked into opening a Linus session!¬e=&title=ChatGPT+is+talked+into+opening+a+Linus+session! []

    There's a typo in the headline--should be a "Linux session". Text of sub is:

    With a mix of bemused text and screen shots, this page [] tells a short story of asking the "AI" to open a virtual machine and various other tricks.

    Unless you have been living under a rock, you have heard of this new ChatGPT assistant made by OpenAI. You might be aware of its capabilities for solving IQ tests, tackling leetcode problems or to helping people write LateX. It is an amazing resource for people to retrieve all kinds of information and solve tedious tasks, like copy-writing!

    Today, Frederic Besse told me that he managed to do something different. Did you know, that you can run a whole virtual machine inside of ChatGPT?

    • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Friday December 09 2022, @07:07AM (1 child)

      by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Friday December 09 2022, @07:07AM (#1281848) Journal

      I was planning on expanding your submission(s) and using them for a weekend story. Never mind, we can find more.

      I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday December 10 2022, @12:47AM

        by Anonymous Coward on Saturday December 10 2022, @12:47AM (#1281914)

        I couldn't hold it in any longer...

    • (Score: 2) by OrugTor on Friday December 09 2022, @04:19PM

      by OrugTor (5147) Subscriber Badge on Friday December 09 2022, @04:19PM (#1281879)

      Pity, a Linus session sounds fascinating.