The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday January 04 2023, @03:51PM
(18 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Wednesday January 04 2023, @03:51PM (#1285124)
Decided to check back in on the drama. I am the one that keeps pointing out how SN can easily reveal IPs, though your comment about TOR and VPNs correctly highlights how easy it is to avoid most of the tracking. Your insistence that you don't care about WHO or WHERE people are is bullshit since you repeatedly unmasked ACs and continue to make false accusations about identities.
I bring that up in this thread because I see once again you are posting an opinion that I know is at least partially false, yet you state it with absolute conviction.
I did not create the Azuma Hazuki 2.0 account, I simply saw a comment from the actual creator in response to the original Azuma Hazuki telling them to fuck off and stop using her name. The POS gave away the password, racial slurs unsurprisingly, so I decided to see if they were lying and try logging in. The account's karma was fucked, the email address was [something] (maybe no dash), and I left the email address because it was evidence of where the account came from. I rehabilitated the account's karma with non AC posts since that is the only way to get karma that I was aware of, and then used the account for AC posts except when I forgot to check the box. I didn't think Azuma would mind and asked a few times in replies to her comments if the account should just be terminated, never saw a response. After some ensuing drama from a journal post calling out rightwing dipshittery (is anyone on the fence after the US' insurrection and continued fascism?) the original owner reset the password and supposedly disabled the account. Track that password reset and you'll have the creator of the account, I simply turned the account around to add some honest moderation with all the sock puppetry going around, and I did my best to only downmod appropriately and not based on personal bias against usernames.
Anyway, the point is that I've seen lots of lies around the account and it goes absolutely against Aristarchus' entire personality to use racial slurs and attack Azuma Hazuki that way. Maybe he is an epic troll, but it is much more likely that apk/APK/Runaway1956/Ethanol-Fueled were the trolls attacking other users and using sock puppets so they could spam their worst hate filled racist rants. Now there is a BOT creating thousands of sock puppets and naming Aristarchus? Why would Aristarchus do such a thing and then deny it? I've seen accounts that actually seem like the original Aristarchus, and many that use Aristarchus in the name to spew racism.
After being constantly attacked myself, mistaken for Aristarchus because I stand up against the admin abuse that was regularly going on and the lies about privacy and security, well it has become clear that you Janrinok are either a fool or part of a rightwing campaign. Your insistence that your privileged information, which you then try and spin as not so useful, allows you to KNOW I am Aristarchus when I am not has shown me how much correlation and presumption goes on with your statements.
I can't speak to the details of who created what accounts, corrected the record and shared the email domain of the prick that created the spoof account, and pointed out for anyone that cares how easily Soylent News can obtain real IPs while pretending they are securely hashed. You keep trying to downplay that fact and everyone here should be concerned about why that is. Do you expect every nerd to understand internet security? Why not be open, why require users to drag out the details and unmask the lies and half truths?
Why tolerate downmods of such factual information? Why not update SN guidelines and offer advice for people to protect their identities? Why allow spam mods on non-spam posts just because you suspect the author is someone else? Why allow spam mods of actual Aristarchus posts if they are not spam? You tolerated racism for a long time until recently when the spam mod was approved for such posts, but Aristarchus criticizing the site is too far?
Food for thought, may it be buried yet again under more downmods so few users see this post and wonder how much validity there is to the criticisms. I have stated facts and opinions and been clear about which is which, and hopefully no one still visiting this site is still unaware of the problems around here.
"So carry on trying to convince people otherwise with your bluster and denials. You are not very good at what you are trying to do, in fact you are particularly bad at it and you should be embarrassed." - not aristarchus, also not the AC you replied to who may or not be aristarchus
"Act like an adult. If you shut up perhaps people will stop pointing out your many inadequacies and failures." - right back at you with your multiple false accusations that I am aristarchus or that aristarchus is the one spamming new user accounts with their own name and racist slurs. While I can not say whether aristarchus went nuts and decided to spam slurs and spoof other users it sure seems more likely that it is a rightwing asshole impersonating all the vocal leftwing users. I am just an AC tired of the lies, intentional or not, but sadly there is no way to prove to others that your accusations that I am aristarchus are false. So these posts are the best I can do. Be a better admin Janrinok.
Now there is a BOT creating thousands of sock puppets and naming Aristarchus? Why would Aristarchus do such a thing and then deny it? I've seen accounts that actually seem like the original Aristarchus, and many that use Aristarchus in the name to spew racism.
I think that you are confused? The thousands of fake accounts are just that - fake accounts which are being created by a bot. The sock puppet accounts number between 600-700. You don't even know what you are talking about - yet you will glibly admit to abusing somebody else's user name. How much trust should we put in what you say? I can answer that - none.
You say it isn't aristarchus. He has compromised his original email address - the one which was used to create the 'aristarchus' account - and which can be traced to the creation of hundreds of sock puppets. When it suits him, he claims he is not aristarchus because he has an alternative username - or more correctly over 600 usernames. It doesn't matter which name he wishes to use, he is not welcome on this site. Nor is anyone else who behaves or acts like him.
Now either Azuma Hazuki stated to somebody who was abusing her name "to fuck off and stop using her name" or she didn't. Yet you felt that you had every right and her implied permission by her not responding to your 'requests': I didn't think Azuma would mind and asked a few times in replies to her comments if the account should just be terminated. How unclear was her original response that made you think that what you were doing was OK? And you have just admitted to sock-puppetry yourself. If you act like aristarchus you will be treated like aristarchus.
pointed out for anyone that cares how easily Soylent News can obtain real IPs while pretending they are securely hashed
We don't have to bother - every IP address arrives at our server unhashed, either IPv4 or IPv6 format. We already HAVE the IP address - why would we bother to hash it if we wanted to use it? The hashing is NOT a security feature as I have explained several times previously. CmdrTaco found it easier to work with hashes in the code than with IP addresses and, like us, he didn't see any reason for having them lying around in the database. If you object to IP addresses then get off the internet because that is how it works. And let me see someone present a rainbow look-up table that works for both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. We haven't got one - the NSA might have one but if that is what worries you then again you shouldn't really be posting on here should you?
However, can you substantiate a single element of what you have written? You haven't done so up to now. Yet you have admitted that, if not him, then you are no different from him. And you will be treated like him.
it has become clear that you Janrinok are either a fool or part of a rightwing campaign.
Ah, so that is it - we are back to the right-wing accusations. You are convinced of my political beliefs yet I argued publicly against ANY political topics being discussed on this site back in the very early days. Both sides have been treated in exactly the same way. They have received the same punishments for the same abuses. All of aristarchus' posts and submissions are still there to be seen. He has not been treated unfairly.
So are you aristarchus, or are you Azuma Hazuki 2.0 today, or are you somebody else entirely? You know, I simply don't care who you are.
-- I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday January 05 2023, @11:04AM
by Anonymous Coward
on Thursday January 05 2023, @11:04AM (#1285258)
If anger is a precursor for being destroyed by the gods, I'd say you're in deep trouble right now. Let's just look at the usernames of some of the sock puppets you've created:
Yup, there are accounts identifying as aristarchus mixed right in with the sequences of sock puppets with vile usernames. I don't have admin access to see the hashes or emails associated with those accounts, but I'd bet they're easily traced back to the aristarchus account.
I just hope people look through some of the usernames of your sock puppets and see how truly vile and abusive they are.
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Friday January 06 2023, @02:42AM
(8 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Friday January 06 2023, @02:42AM (#1285408)
You say it isn't aristarchus. He has compromised his original email address - the one which was used to create the 'aristarchus' account - and which can be traced to the creation of hundreds of sock puppets.
This is a blatant lie, or an attempt by janrinok to dox the original aristarchus. Lying Liars and the lies they tell.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Friday January 06 2023, @05:55AM
(6 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Friday January 06 2023, @05:55AM (#1285427)
Search says no such user found. Fault of search, or fault of janrinok? Secret, so we will never know. Are there any other editors we could talk to? I hate to go all Karen on janrinok, but it is quite evident that he is no longer mentally competent for the task at hand. And, he luvs him some Runaway!
Accounts: 2645 (aristarchus) and 17903 (SillyJanrinok) were both created using the same email address. I will not compromise the email address here. They both exist in the database and both accounts have been banned.
Account 17903 was created on 2 Aug 2022.
-- I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
Only 1 person is banned permanently - all of his accounts are eventually banned but initially they are only disabled by software. It still requires an admin action to ban the account.
-- I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday January 06 2023, @09:05AM
(2 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Friday January 06 2023, @09:05AM (#1285447)
The user account aristarchus on SoylentNews had this email associated with it. A web user from 2a01:cb08:89ef:1b00:7512:8cd8:3f7a:7c8 has just changed it to
janrinok gets all my email, now. So why did he create a sockpuppet account for a banned user, you may ask?
I don't get any of your email. We change the email address that we hold for your account so that any emails that WE ARE SENDING are rerouted so that you do not receive them. Your sock puppet accounts can request a new password, but you will never receive it.
Accessing your email accounts would be an offence under US law and elsewhere.
-- I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 07 2023, @07:25AM
by Anonymous Coward
on Saturday January 07 2023, @07:25AM (#1285633)
Finally, janrinok admits to felonies under US Law. Runaway to follow. Both of you are guilty of conspiracy to commit illegal banning of a member of a news aggregations site. Stand by to receive summons, under pain of penalty.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 07 2023, @08:27PM
(1 child)
by Anonymous Coward
on Saturday January 07 2023, @08:27PM (#1285725)
The answers to your question are in the comment, but I'll spell it out for you since you so really very truly don't care :|
I am not aristarchus and I did not create the AH2.0 account. I simply took over the account to add some sane moderations, and a few journals critical of right wing nonsense. Some comments made as AC, and a few where I forgot to click post as AC.
I had one account I created sometime after the site launched that I stopped using after seeing the abuse of admins and staff with unmasking users and handing down punishments for aristarchus that most here thought were aristarchus whining, such as the moderation ban, figuring his karma was what did it. Turns out that modban was real as another staffer figured out.
So I am no other user that anyone gives a shit about and the creator of the AH2.0 account reset the password and controls it now. I take you to task for the lies, half truths, and blatant abuses of power, and for that I'm accused of so much. Your information is incomplete, you make many false accusations, and barring my good sense I've explained my part in this dumb drama.
So fix yourself, build a real community of trust, accountability, and high standards (duh racisssmmmm) if that is truly something you value. Even now there are enough good users left, and at least you implemented the user accounts only rule which will help with the worst content abuses. However that goes against the pure free speech ethos, and the ban of aristarchus also goes against those values. So update the site policies to match your actual governance, and if you ban one user for publishing public information then you should ban others engaging in stochastic terrorism or spreading bigotry. Or unban aristarchus, though I personally would prefer that ban stay if the doxxing really came from that account along with banning the bigots and terrorists. The hypocrisy is a huge issue, along with power abuse and mysterious database wipes.
Really wonder what this site is actually about, none of these problems make sense and the blatant lie that you care about privacy while storing IPs forever and unmasking some AC posts is hard to get past.
(Score: 1, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday January 08 2023, @04:14AM
by Anonymous Coward
on Sunday January 08 2023, @04:14AM (#1285779)
Your comment is ignorant. It's laughable to say that I don't care about privacy concerns. In fact, I emailed janrinok within the past week to raise privacy concerns, including about the duration that IP hashes are retained. The fact is, janrinok and I had a polite and civil discussion about my concerns. I appreciate him writing me several emails, which I'm sure was a significant time commitment. I chose not to post my concerns in the comments because I didn't think it was the appropriate forum. I don't think adversarial behavior toward the staff is the correct way to raise concerns. I've sent multiple emails to the staff about concerns I have, and I'm quite certain they haven't always been very happy with me for things I've said.
I'm not ignoring privacy concerns. But those concerns don't justify creating sock puppets, abusing the spam mod, doxxing, and other abuses. Yes, there is racist spam on this site. But that doesn't mean you should be using the Azuma Hazuki 2.0 account. You could have created a separate account for that purpose, and you've never actually explained why you needed to use the Azuma Hazuki 2.0 account. By the way, there are many sock puppets [] using the Azuma Hazuki username.
If you want changes to how this site retains data, email the staff to let them know you're not satisfied with the policy and want changes. But don't use it as an excuse to break the rules or harass users.
In that discussion, the Azuma Hazuki 2.0 account is complaining about alleged admin abuses, just as you are doing now. I find that interesting.
Moving on, however, Azuma Hazuki clearly said:
Do me a giant fucking favor and don't try to use me to push whatever agenda you have, okay? If this were really about moderator/admin abuse, you'd have registered a name that looks like Uzzard's at first glance, *not* mine. This is kind of funny in a juvenile way, but it's also gross and creepy.
In response, Azuma Hazuki 2.0 responded claiming to give away the password to the account. If you actually found that password and took over the account, it is virtually certain that you also saw Azuma Hazuki's condemnation of using her user name or similar names. Those comments were posted on September 20, 2020.
The asshole who created this account wasn't lying when he gave the password, so I've appropriated it :) Reverse troll fuckers! If you don't want me using this account to moderate posts instead of posting AC just reply here.
I just wanted to apologize for creating this troll account.
It isn't a good idea or else this site will devolve into parody and stupidity the likes of which 4chan can only dream of.
Be best everyone!
Let's be clear about what's going on here. Azuma Hazuki 2.0 posted it's supposed password in response to Azuma Hazuki's criticism. An hour later, Azuma Hazuki 2.0 posted a comment saying the account has been "appropriated" for use in moderating comments. The next day, the account posts a comment admitting to being the creator of the Azuma Hazuki 2.0 account and apologized for creating the account. To summarize:
1) You got called out by Azuma Hazuki and pretended to give the account away. 2) You then claim the account has been "appropriated" to moderate comments. 3) The next day, you apologize that you created the account.
There is no way that you didn't see Azuma Hazuki's condemnation of the account, but you chose to use it anyway. If you were otherwise an AC and just wanted to moderate, you could have created your own account. You had no need at all to use the Azuma Hazuki 2.0 account, especially after Azuma Hazuki explicitly condemned the account.
The account was never given away. You created the account, then pretended to walk everything back once you got called out by Azuma Hazuki and others. But you admitted that you were the creator of the account. From the beginning, Azuma Hazuki 2.0 complained about alleged admin abuses, exactly like you're doing now.
It was your account. You created it. Azuma Hazuki 2.0 was always your account. If it wasn't, you wouldn't have admitted it was in a journal.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday January 06 2023, @12:12AM
by Anonymous Coward
on Friday January 06 2023, @12:12AM (#1285380)
Anger about the truth, not shocking. No false statements made, and hypotheses clearly separated from fact. SN users be warned, staff are incompetent or malicious, and for a supposed pro-privacy free speech platform they should at least be clear about the tracking being done. Only by repeated questions were the answers teased out, and every post pointing out the facts argued and downmodded.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 07 2023, @07:27AM
by Anonymous Coward
on Saturday January 07 2023, @07:27AM (#1285635)
Your explanation is not plausible.
Looks very plausible. Certainly more plausible than your paranoid delusion of a conspiracy to, well, do something other than make SN look really fucking stupid, which you have already done. Mission accomplished, game over.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday January 04 2023, @03:51PM (18 children)
Decided to check back in on the drama. I am the one that keeps pointing out how SN can easily reveal IPs, though your comment about TOR and VPNs correctly highlights how easy it is to avoid most of the tracking. Your insistence that you don't care about WHO or WHERE people are is bullshit since you repeatedly unmasked ACs and continue to make false accusations about identities.
I bring that up in this thread because I see once again you are posting an opinion that I know is at least partially false, yet you state it with absolute conviction.
I did not create the Azuma Hazuki 2.0 account, I simply saw a comment from the actual creator in response to the original Azuma Hazuki telling them to fuck off and stop using her name. The POS gave away the password, racial slurs unsurprisingly, so I decided to see if they were lying and try logging in. The account's karma was fucked, the email address was [something] (maybe no dash), and I left the email address because it was evidence of where the account came from. I rehabilitated the account's karma with non AC posts since that is the only way to get karma that I was aware of, and then used the account for AC posts except when I forgot to check the box. I didn't think Azuma would mind and asked a few times in replies to her comments if the account should just be terminated, never saw a response. After some ensuing drama from a journal post calling out rightwing dipshittery (is anyone on the fence after the US' insurrection and continued fascism?) the original owner reset the password and supposedly disabled the account. Track that password reset and you'll have the creator of the account, I simply turned the account around to add some honest moderation with all the sock puppetry going around, and I did my best to only downmod appropriately and not based on personal bias against usernames.
Anyway, the point is that I've seen lots of lies around the account and it goes absolutely against Aristarchus' entire personality to use racial slurs and attack Azuma Hazuki that way. Maybe he is an epic troll, but it is much more likely that apk/APK/Runaway1956/Ethanol-Fueled were the trolls attacking other users and using sock puppets so they could spam their worst hate filled racist rants. Now there is a BOT creating thousands of sock puppets and naming Aristarchus? Why would Aristarchus do such a thing and then deny it? I've seen accounts that actually seem like the original Aristarchus, and many that use Aristarchus in the name to spew racism.
After being constantly attacked myself, mistaken for Aristarchus because I stand up against the admin abuse that was regularly going on and the lies about privacy and security, well it has become clear that you Janrinok are either a fool or part of a rightwing campaign. Your insistence that your privileged information, which you then try and spin as not so useful, allows you to KNOW I am Aristarchus when I am not has shown me how much correlation and presumption goes on with your statements.
I can't speak to the details of who created what accounts, corrected the record and shared the email domain of the prick that created the spoof account, and pointed out for anyone that cares how easily Soylent News can obtain real IPs while pretending they are securely hashed. You keep trying to downplay that fact and everyone here should be concerned about why that is. Do you expect every nerd to understand internet security? Why not be open, why require users to drag out the details and unmask the lies and half truths?
Why tolerate downmods of such factual information? Why not update SN guidelines and offer advice for people to protect their identities? Why allow spam mods on non-spam posts just because you suspect the author is someone else? Why allow spam mods of actual Aristarchus posts if they are not spam? You tolerated racism for a long time until recently when the spam mod was approved for such posts, but Aristarchus criticizing the site is too far?
Food for thought, may it be buried yet again under more downmods so few users see this post and wonder how much validity there is to the criticisms. I have stated facts and opinions and been clear about which is which, and hopefully no one still visiting this site is still unaware of the problems around here.
"So carry on trying to convince people otherwise with your bluster and denials. You are not very good at what you are trying to do, in fact you are particularly bad at it and you should be embarrassed."
- not aristarchus, also not the AC you replied to who may or not be aristarchus
"Act like an adult. If you shut up perhaps people will stop pointing out your many inadequacies and failures."
- right back at you with your multiple false accusations that I am aristarchus or that aristarchus is the one spamming new user accounts with their own name and racist slurs. While I can not say whether aristarchus went nuts and decided to spam slurs and spoof other users it sure seems more likely that it is a rightwing asshole impersonating all the vocal leftwing users. I am just an AC tired of the lies, intentional or not, but sadly there is no way to prove to others that your accusations that I am aristarchus are false. So these posts are the best I can do. Be a better admin Janrinok.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday January 04 2023, @06:58PM
This AC is correct. aristarchus doesn't do racial slurs, and someone using the name means nothing.
[And if you believe this, I have a janrinok to sell you!]
(Score: 2) by janrinok on Wednesday January 04 2023, @07:51PM (13 children)
I think that you are confused? The thousands of fake accounts are just that - fake accounts which are being created by a bot. The sock puppet accounts number between 600-700. You don't even know what you are talking about - yet you will glibly admit to abusing somebody else's user name. How much trust should we put in what you say? I can answer that - none.
You say it isn't aristarchus. He has compromised his original email address - the one which was used to create the 'aristarchus' account - and which can be traced to the creation of hundreds of sock puppets. When it suits him, he claims he is not aristarchus because he has an alternative username - or more correctly over 600 usernames. It doesn't matter which name he wishes to use, he is not welcome on this site. Nor is anyone else who behaves or acts like him.
Now either Azuma Hazuki stated to somebody who was abusing her name "to fuck off and stop using her name" or she didn't. Yet you felt that you had every right and her implied permission by her not responding to your 'requests': I didn't think Azuma would mind and asked a few times in replies to her comments if the account should just be terminated. How unclear was her original response that made you think that what you were doing was OK? And you have just admitted to sock-puppetry yourself. If you act like aristarchus you will be treated like aristarchus.
We don't have to bother - every IP address arrives at our server unhashed, either IPv4 or IPv6 format. We already HAVE the IP address - why would we bother to hash it if we wanted to use it? The hashing is NOT a security feature as I have explained several times previously. CmdrTaco found it easier to work with hashes in the code than with IP addresses and, like us, he didn't see any reason for having them lying around in the database. If you object to IP addresses then get off the internet because that is how it works. And let me see someone present a rainbow look-up table that works for both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. We haven't got one - the NSA might have one but if that is what worries you then again you shouldn't really be posting on here should you?
However, can you substantiate a single element of what you have written? You haven't done so up to now. Yet you have admitted that, if not him, then you are no different from him. And you will be treated like him.
Ah, so that is it - we are back to the right-wing accusations. You are convinced of my political beliefs yet I argued publicly against ANY political topics being discussed on this site back in the very early days. Both sides have been treated in exactly the same way. They have received the same punishments for the same abuses. All of aristarchus' posts and submissions are still there to be seen. He has not been treated unfairly.
So are you aristarchus, or are you Azuma Hazuki 2.0 today, or are you somebody else entirely? You know, I simply don't care who you are.
I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday January 05 2023, @02:18AM (1 child)
[I think he is already mostly gone. aristarchus has destroyed him! ]
Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad.
You mad, jan?
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday January 05 2023, @11:04AM
If anger is a precursor for being destroyed by the gods, I'd say you're in deep trouble right now. Let's just look at the usernames of some of the sock puppets you've created: [] [] []
Those are some seriously vile usernames. Of course, there are some other interesting usernames mixed in with those series of accounts: []
Yup, there are accounts identifying as aristarchus mixed right in with the sequences of sock puppets with vile usernames. I don't have admin access to see the hashes or emails associated with those accounts, but I'd bet they're easily traced back to the aristarchus account.
I just hope people look through some of the usernames of your sock puppets and see how truly vile and abusive they are.
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Friday January 06 2023, @02:42AM (8 children)
This is a blatant lie, or an attempt by janrinok to dox the original aristarchus. Lying Liars and the lies they tell.
(Score: 2) by janrinok on Friday January 06 2023, @04:12AM (7 children)
I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Friday January 06 2023, @05:55AM (6 children)
Search says no such user found. Fault of search, or fault of janrinok? Secret, so we will never know. Are there any other editors we could talk to? I hate to go all Karen on janrinok, but it is quite evident that he is no longer mentally competent for the task at hand. And, he luvs him some Runaway!
(Score: 2) by janrinok on Friday January 06 2023, @08:12AM (5 children)
Accounts: 2645 (aristarchus) and 17903 (SillyJanrinok) were both created using the same email address. I will not compromise the email address here. They both exist in the database and both accounts have been banned.
Account 17903 was created on 2 Aug 2022.
I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday January 06 2023, @08:54AM (1 child)
So there are at least two banned users on SoylentNews? Nice that you do not directly dox anyone, Mr. Admin Janrinok.
(Score: 2) by janrinok on Friday January 06 2023, @09:05AM
Only 1 person is banned permanently - all of his accounts are eventually banned but initially they are only disabled by software. It still requires an admin action to ban the account.
I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday January 06 2023, @09:05AM (2 children)
janrinok gets all my email, now. So why did he create a sockpuppet account for a banned user, you may ask?
(Score: 2) by janrinok on Friday January 06 2023, @09:18AM (1 child)
I don't get any of your email. We change the email address that we hold for your account so that any emails that WE ARE SENDING are rerouted so that you do not receive them. Your sock puppet accounts can request a new password, but you will never receive it.
Accessing your email accounts would be an offence under US law and elsewhere.
I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 07 2023, @07:25AM
Finally, janrinok admits to felonies under US Law. Runaway to follow. Both of you are guilty of conspiracy to commit illegal banning of a member of a news aggregations site. Stand by to receive summons, under pain of penalty.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 07 2023, @08:27PM (1 child)
The answers to your question are in the comment, but I'll spell it out for you since you so really very truly don't care :|
I am not aristarchus and I did not create the AH2.0 account. I simply took over the account to add some sane moderations, and a few journals critical of right wing nonsense. Some comments made as AC, and a few where I forgot to click post as AC.
I had one account I created sometime after the site launched that I stopped using after seeing the abuse of admins and staff with unmasking users and handing down punishments for aristarchus that most here thought were aristarchus whining, such as the moderation ban, figuring his karma was what did it. Turns out that modban was real as another staffer figured out.
So I am no other user that anyone gives a shit about and the creator of the AH2.0 account reset the password and controls it now. I take you to task for the lies, half truths, and blatant abuses of power, and for that I'm accused of so much. Your information is incomplete, you make many false accusations, and barring my good sense I've explained my part in this dumb drama.
So fix yourself, build a real community of trust, accountability, and high standards (duh racisssmmmm) if that is truly something you value. Even now there are enough good users left, and at least you implemented the user accounts only rule which will help with the worst content abuses. However that goes against the pure free speech ethos, and the ban of aristarchus also goes against those values. So update the site policies to match your actual governance, and if you ban one user for publishing public information then you should ban others engaging in stochastic terrorism or spreading bigotry. Or unban aristarchus, though I personally would prefer that ban stay if the doxxing really came from that account along with banning the bigots and terrorists. The hypocrisy is a huge issue, along with power abuse and mysterious database wipes.
Really wonder what this site is actually about, none of these problems make sense and the blatant lie that you care about privacy while storing IPs forever and unmasking some AC posts is hard to get past.
(Score: 1, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday January 08 2023, @04:14AM
Your comment is ignorant. It's laughable to say that I don't care about privacy concerns. In fact, I emailed janrinok within the past week to raise privacy concerns, including about the duration that IP hashes are retained. The fact is, janrinok and I had a polite and civil discussion about my concerns. I appreciate him writing me several emails, which I'm sure was a significant time commitment. I chose not to post my concerns in the comments because I didn't think it was the appropriate forum. I don't think adversarial behavior toward the staff is the correct way to raise concerns. I've sent multiple emails to the staff about concerns I have, and I'm quite certain they haven't always been very happy with me for things I've said.
I'm not ignoring privacy concerns. But those concerns don't justify creating sock puppets, abusing the spam mod, doxxing, and other abuses. Yes, there is racist spam on this site. But that doesn't mean you should be using the Azuma Hazuki 2.0 account. You could have created a separate account for that purpose, and you've never actually explained why you needed to use the Azuma Hazuki 2.0 account. By the way, there are many sock puppets [] using the Azuma Hazuki username.
If you want changes to how this site retains data, email the staff to let them know you're not satisfied with the policy and want changes. But don't use it as an excuse to break the rules or harass users.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday January 05 2023, @09:43AM (2 children)
Your explanation is not plausible. Here's the discussion you reference, where you claim to have acquired the Azuma Hazuki 2.0 account: []
In that discussion, the Azuma Hazuki 2.0 account is complaining about alleged admin abuses, just as you are doing now. I find that interesting.
Moving on, however, Azuma Hazuki clearly said:
In response, Azuma Hazuki 2.0 responded claiming to give away the password to the account. If you actually found that password and took over the account, it is virtually certain that you also saw Azuma Hazuki's condemnation of using her user name or similar names. Those comments were posted on September 20, 2020.
Roughly an hour after that comment was posted, the Azuma Hazuki 2.0 account posted this: []
Nearly 24 hours after that, the Azuma Hazuki 2.0 account posted the following journal: []
Let's be clear about what's going on here. Azuma Hazuki 2.0 posted it's supposed password in response to Azuma Hazuki's criticism. An hour later, Azuma Hazuki 2.0 posted a comment saying the account has been "appropriated" for use in moderating comments. The next day, the account posts a comment admitting to being the creator of the Azuma Hazuki 2.0 account and apologized for creating the account. To summarize:
1) You got called out by Azuma Hazuki and pretended to give the account away.
2) You then claim the account has been "appropriated" to moderate comments.
3) The next day, you apologize that you created the account.
There is no way that you didn't see Azuma Hazuki's condemnation of the account, but you chose to use it anyway. If you were otherwise an AC and just wanted to moderate, you could have created your own account. You had no need at all to use the Azuma Hazuki 2.0 account, especially after Azuma Hazuki explicitly condemned the account.
The account was never given away. You created the account, then pretended to walk everything back once you got called out by Azuma Hazuki and others. But you admitted that you were the creator of the account. From the beginning, Azuma Hazuki 2.0 complained about alleged admin abuses, exactly like you're doing now.
It was your account. You created it. Azuma Hazuki 2.0 was always your account. If it wasn't, you wouldn't have admitted it was in a journal.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday January 06 2023, @12:12AM
Anger about the truth, not shocking. No false statements made, and hypotheses clearly separated from fact. SN users be warned, staff are incompetent or malicious, and for a supposed pro-privacy free speech platform they should at least be clear about the tracking being done. Only by repeated questions were the answers teased out, and every post pointing out the facts argued and downmodded.
SN users beware.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 07 2023, @07:27AM
Looks very plausible. Certainly more plausible than your paranoid delusion of a conspiracy to, well, do something other than make SN look really fucking stupid, which you have already done. Mission accomplished, game over.