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posted by janrinok on Wednesday December 14 2022, @12:02PM   Printer-friendly
from the creepy dept.

MIT presents the "Wearable Reasoner," a proof-of-concept wearable system capable of analyzing if an argument is stated with supporting evidence or not to prompt people to question and reflect on the justification of their own beliefs and the arguments of others:

In an experimental study, we explored the impact of argumentation mining and explainability of the AI feedback on the user through a verbal statement evaluation task. The results demonstrate that the device with explainable feedback is effective in enhancing rationality by helping users differentiate between statements supported by evidence and those without. When assisted by an AI system with explainable feedback, users significantly consider claims given with reasons or evidence more reasonable than those without. Qualitative interviews demonstrate users' internal processes of reflection and integration of the new information in their judgment and decision making, stating that they were happy to have a second opinion present, and emphasizing the improved evaluation of presented arguments.

Based on recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI), argument mining, and computational linguistics, we envision the possibility of having an AI assistant as a symbiotic counterpart to the biological human brain. As a "second brain," the AI serves as an extended, rational reasoning organ that assists the individual and can teach them to become more rational over time by making them aware of biased and fallacious information through just-in-time feedback. To ensure the transparency of the AI system, and prevent it from becoming an AI "black box,'' it is important for the AI to be able to explain how it generates its classifications. This Explainable AI additionally allows the person to speculate, internalize and learn from the AI system, and prevents an over-reliance on the technology.

Will this help the fight against misinformation/disinformation? Originally spotted on The Eponymous Pickle.

Original Submission

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  • (Score: 2) by Snospar on Wednesday December 14 2022, @04:15PM (2 children)

    by Snospar (5366) Subscriber Badge on Wednesday December 14 2022, @04:15PM (#1282382)

    We all carry around relatively powerful computers which should easily be capable of processing this type of task. Why bother making it an independent "wearable" device? Unless of course you want to be able to spot, from a distance, those people who need this type of assistance. I've never really thought of idiocy as one of those invisible disabilities but maybe I should, maybe this is just what those morons need to stand out and feel special.

    (Sorry, that's come out more grumpy than normal. Bad day at work.)

    Huge thanks to all the Soylent volunteers without whom this community (and this post) would not be possible.
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  • (Score: 2) by looorg on Wednesday December 14 2022, @06:53PM (1 child)

    by looorg (578) on Wednesday December 14 2022, @06:53PM (#1282402)

    Do you want to surgically implant your smartphone into your brain (or other body cavity)? In that regard I guess I would prefer to have it wearable, at least then I can take if off. I recon people are somewhat turned off by the idea that you should insert things into your body, AI stuff or otherwise. But as noted I guess they want to go all man-machine and enhance ourselves or whatever they want to call it instead of just walking around with a fairly small computer in our pocket. Perhaps there is an interface and speed issue -- you can only type and read so fast but if you can just hook it up to your brain it might be there with or at the speed of thinking.

    • (Score: 2) by Snospar on Wednesday December 14 2022, @06:59PM

      by Snospar (5366) Subscriber Badge on Wednesday December 14 2022, @06:59PM (#1282403)

      Do you want to surgically implant your smartphone into your brain (or other body cavity)?

      Of course not! And I don't think I alluded to anything of the sort. You can use most of the functions of a smart phone, especially this sort of "assistant", using a discrete Bluetooth headset.

      Huge thanks to all the Soylent volunteers without whom this community (and this post) would not be possible.