(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday April 10 2023, @02:14AM
(3 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Monday April 10 2023, @02:14AM (#1300699)
Sorry, but ACs are by definition anonymous, so they can't be sockpuppets. Or is that what bothers janrinok so much, ACs posting as the unofficial and alleged sock-puppets of actors unknown! So now we are all sockpuppets, and Runaway a thousand times over. Don't Spam mod me, bro!!
The accounts that ACs try to create ARE sock puppet accounts if it results in having 2 account identities, particularly when they still have an existing working account. (Now somebody is just realising why we have kept one of his very early accounts active - although it appears that he has forgotten all about it.)
ACs remain as ACs. Logged in account holders can also post as AC but it doesn't delete their existing account.
-- I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Monday April 10 2023, @06:15PM
(1 child)
by Anonymous Coward
on Monday April 10 2023, @06:15PM (#1300782)
"Logged in account holders can also post as AC but it doesn't delete their existing account."
And logged in "AC" posts are forever tied to their username, contrary to the very wording of "anonymous coward" which maybe was the point all along? Wonder how many other excuses we'll get from you about how the site RLY RLY FOR RLZY DOESNT CARE WHO U R? You've stopped making so many accusations and now claim that never happened. Conservatives, morally bankrupt in every fashion.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 11 2023, @03:18AM
by Anonymous Coward
on Tuesday April 11 2023, @03:18AM (#1300867)
I wrote a journal criticizing janrinok for pandering to Runaway. 20 minutes later, my journal has been removed and my account banned. The journal is https://soylentnews.org/~Legend+of+Aristarchus/journal/14112 [soylentnews.org]. Janrinok says Soylent News cannot edit or delete journals. Here is proof he lied.
Janrinok is now blocking all new accounts. I got an email when I tried to create a new account to post about my journal:
Somebody using the email address '*********' has attempted to create an account with the username 'Censored By Janrinok'. Unfortunately it has triggered our security software and the account has been temporarily disabled. (Reference: ******/*****) If you were NOT trying to create an account then please accept my apologies and you can ignore this email. If you ARE trying to create an account then please contact me at admin@soylentnews.org and I will try to assist you. Please quote ******/***** in the title/subject of your email. jan rinok
Soylent News is dead. Not even NCommander can save us from janrinok and Runaway.
(Score: 2) by janrinok on Thursday April 06 2023, @01:45PM (4 children)
I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday April 10 2023, @02:14AM (3 children)
Sorry, but ACs are by definition anonymous, so they can't be sockpuppets. Or is that what bothers janrinok so much, ACs posting as the unofficial and alleged sock-puppets of actors unknown! So now we are all sockpuppets, and Runaway a thousand times over. Don't Spam mod me, bro!!
(Score: 2) by janrinok on Monday April 10 2023, @06:59AM (2 children)
The accounts that ACs try to create ARE sock puppet accounts if it results in having 2 account identities, particularly when they still have an existing working account. (Now somebody is just realising why we have kept one of his very early accounts active - although it appears that he has forgotten all about it.)
ACs remain as ACs. Logged in account holders can also post as AC but it doesn't delete their existing account.
I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Monday April 10 2023, @06:15PM (1 child)
"Logged in account holders can also post as AC but it doesn't delete their existing account."
And logged in "AC" posts are forever tied to their username, contrary to the very wording of "anonymous coward" which maybe was the point all along? Wonder how many other excuses we'll get from you about how the site RLY RLY FOR RLZY DOESNT CARE WHO U R? You've stopped making so many accusations and now claim that never happened. Conservatives, morally bankrupt in every fashion.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 11 2023, @03:18AM
I wrote a journal criticizing janrinok for pandering to Runaway. 20 minutes later, my journal has been removed and my account banned. The journal is https://soylentnews.org/~Legend+of+Aristarchus/journal/14112 [soylentnews.org]. Janrinok says Soylent News cannot edit or delete journals. Here is proof he lied.
Janrinok is now blocking all new accounts. I got an email when I tried to create a new account to post about my journal:
Soylent News is dead. Not even NCommander can save us from janrinok and Runaway.