This is a summary report from the Friday, Aug. 4th 2023 20:30UTC (1:30pm PDT, 4:30pm EDT) meeting of the SoylentNews governance committee.
There is an IRC log available of the meeting itself from the #governance channel of SoylentNews IRC. For technical reasons (handling of the # sign), the link -- -- can't be entered here directly, but here is a link provided by a URL shortener (which does work): Within the IRC log, the meeting begins at 20:28:47 according to the timestamp.
This was the committee's first meeting.
Draft Minutes:
It was agreed that the group would further discuss audioguy's concerns before the next meeting.
1 These minutes are journaled but not initially posted on the wiki because the wiki login link appears broken at the time of writing.
2 deucalion reported at the completion of the meeting that he had contacted matt_ by email as discussed.
The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for Friday, August 11th, 2023 at 20:30UTC (1:30pm PDT, 4:30pm EDT).
The work of the governance committee takes place in the #governance channel of SoylentNews IRC. The community is invited to observe and participate. Thank you.
(Score: 2) by requerdanos on Friday August 11 2023, @06:26PM
1. Approval of Previous Minutes
2. Approval / Proposed Agenda
3. Committee Member Reports
4. Old / Outstanding Business
- Matt's participation requested.
- Experts in the community on organizational structure
- Staff procedures and compilation of such by janrinok
5. New Business
- Discussion / move the establishment of a new organization
- Will take proposals during #2
6. Proposal of agenda items for next meeting.
7. Scheduling next meeting.