The religious and cultural tensions the West faces are "payback" for slavery and colonialism, a Chinese state-run newspaper said Tuesday in the wake of the Islamist attack on Charlie Hebdo magazine.
The editorial in the Global Times newspaper — which often takes a nationalistic tone — dismissed the weekend's huge marches in Paris and elsewhere as "painkillers" that cannot halt the intensifying "clash of civilizations".
What do you think ?
(Score: 1, Funny) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday January 15 2015, @02:10PM
I hope you are never forced to emigrate to, say, China!
(Score: 1) by khallow on Friday January 16 2015, @07:58AM
I hope you are never forced to emigrate to, say, China!
Yea, he'd have to eat his own dogfood and learn Mandarin which is completely impossible for anyone to do. That would show him!