The religious and cultural tensions the West faces are "payback" for slavery and colonialism, a Chinese state-run newspaper said Tuesday in the wake of the Islamist attack on Charlie Hebdo magazine.
The editorial in the Global Times newspaper — which often takes a nationalistic tone — dismissed the weekend's huge marches in Paris and elsewhere as "painkillers" that cannot halt the intensifying "clash of civilizations".
What do you think ?
(Score: 2) by zeigerpuppy on Friday January 16 2015, @01:18AM
How can people be so naive as to think that the wars we started will tidily stay in the boundaries we defined.
We send hundreds of thousands of soldiers to the centre of the middle east, killed thousands of women and children as well as a goodly proportion of the young men.
We destroyed their farms, their water infrastructure and their civil services. We tried to steal their oil and subvert their industries.
So we are embroiled in the most viscious of wars.
Now why should we be surprised when occasionally that war comes home.
If we continue to ignore our own barbarism it will be very much in our faces more and more.
Always remember that terrorism kills less people that motor vehicle incidents (by far) and falling furniture (by some estimates).
To understand this war we need to follow the money, the ideals are quickly cast aside and the raw terror of what we have done to these people becomes evident.
I'm not saying I support the reactions of the most radical elements of the middle east resistance but I do think we have created this desperate state of affairs and would be wise to seek an end to our aspirations of theft and control. But the pot has been stirred and no amount of rhetoric will appease those who have seen their children, parents, brothers and sisters killed by our troops and our bombs and by starvation and disease as the consequence of sanctions.