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The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way.
  • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Friday October 13 2023, @08:15AM (28 children)

    by Anonymous Coward on Friday October 13 2023, @08:15AM (#1328687)

    Poor janrinok! So confused! He does not recognize the fruit of his own actions! Ain't karma a bitch!

    Starting Score:    0  points
    Moderation   -1  
       Spam=1, Total=1
    Extra 'Spam' Modifier   0  

    Total Score:   -1  
  • (Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday October 15 2023, @09:48AM (26 children)

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday October 15 2023, @09:48AM (#1328921)

    This comment needs more spam moderation. It should go all the way to eleven.

    • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Monday October 16 2023, @08:18AM (25 children)

      by Anonymous Coward on Monday October 16 2023, @08:18AM (#1328993)

      Still only one or two comments on the front page stories. Not long, now. Pay the $1, and shut the site down.

      • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Monday October 16 2023, @09:38AM (24 children)

        by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Monday October 16 2023, @09:38AM (#1328999) Journal
        32, 35, 18, 17, 10,24 - you mean for some values of 'one or two'?
        I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
        • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday October 19 2023, @08:17AM (23 children)

          by Anonymous Coward on Thursday October 19 2023, @08:17AM (#1329378)

          Right now, 10/19/2023 8:06 UTC, I am looking at:

          2, 5, 10, 1, 13, 17, 16, 12, 9, 15, 2, 5, 4, 26, 27

          For all the front page. Mean is 10. 9333, Median is 10, and the Mode is a measly 2. Do your stats better, janrinok. SN is dying.

          • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Thursday October 19 2023, @08:54AM (22 children)

            by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Thursday October 19 2023, @08:54AM (#1329380) Journal

            It is the mean that is more important - not the mode of a list that is so short it is the only number that features more than once. You ought to brush up on your statistics.

            I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
            • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday October 19 2023, @09:03AM (20 children)

              by Anonymous Coward on Thursday October 19 2023, @09:03AM (#1329381)

              There would be more comments if you weren't banning all new users again. Just today, you've banned dozens of new users. Nobody is left to comment on the stories because you've banned everyone.

              • (Score: 4, Touché) by janrinok on Thursday October 19 2023, @10:19AM (19 children)

                by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Thursday October 19 2023, @10:19AM (#1329385) Journal
                New 'users' you say? Do you mean these:

                | Fuck You Niggers (126-150)                | 36571 |
                | Adolf Janrinok                      | 36572 |
                | Janrinok Loves Hitler               | 36573 |
                | Janrinok Loves Adolf Hitler         | 36574 |
                | Janrinok is a Nazi                  | 36575 |
                | Runaway Fucked Janrinok's Wife      | 36576 |
                | Khallow Fucked Janrinok's Wife      | 36577 |
                | Janrinok's Dead Wife was a Nazi     | 36578 |
                | Janrinok's Dead Nazi Wife           | 36579 |
                | Janrinok's Dead Wife Loved Hitler   | 36580 |
                | Janrinok Loves Swastikas            | 36581 |
                | Hitler Fucked Janrinok's Dead Wife  | 36583 |
                | Khallow Fucked Janrinok's Dead Wife | 36584 |
                | Runaway Fucked Janrinok's Dead Wife | 36585 |
                | Janrinok Buttfucked Runaway         | 36586 |
                | Janrinok Buttfucked Khallow         | 36587 |
                | Janrinok Sucks Ass                  | 36588 |
                | Janrinok Loves Hamas                | 36589 |
                | Janrinok is a Terrorist             | 36590 |
                | Janrinok Loves Hezbollah            | 36591 |
                | Janrinok's Dead Wife Joined Hamas   | 36592 |
                | Ralph JewHater Nader                | 36593 |
                | Nazi1956                            | 36594 |
                | HamasLover1956                      | 36595 |
                | Janrinok's Dead Terrorist Wife      | 36596 |
                | Janrinok Censored his Dead Wife     | 36597 |
                | Janrinok Banned his Dead Wife       | 36598 |

                And you wonder why we will not let you back onto the front pages. Remember to take your medication and have a rest.

                I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
                • (Score: 2) by krishnoid on Thursday October 19 2023, @06:23PM (1 child)

                  by krishnoid (1156) on Thursday October 19 2023, @06:23PM (#1329427)

                  I'm very sorry, I laughed out loud at this. I'm a terrible person with a juvenile yet jaded sense of humor.

                  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday October 20 2023, @05:40AM

                    by Anonymous Coward on Friday October 20 2023, @05:40AM (#1329473)

                    HamasLover1956 rings a bell. A very right-wing Pavlovian Rand Paul kind of bell.

                • (Score: 1, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Friday October 20 2023, @05:52AM (16 children)

                  by Anonymous Coward on Friday October 20 2023, @05:52AM (#1329475)

                  I assume it's aristarchus creating those accounts, correct?

                  I suspect he thought up most of those names on the fly, just looking to attack people he doesn't like. However, one of them is a bit more interesting: Ralph JewHater Nader.

                  I've seen that username before. Ralph JewHater Nader [] was a very prolific troll account on Slashdot. It might be the most vile troll account in the history of Slashdot. It posted hundreds of comments, perhaps even thousands of them, pretty much all of which were blatantly antisemitic and racist. It routinely advocated for the genocide of Jews, and encouraged extreme cruelty. Here's a sample of some things that account posted, though I'll use asterisks to edit out slurs.


                  Thank you for your first post. I am proud to say that our combined efforts have finally alerted the Slashdot readers to a terrible threat: the zionist threat. We must fight the good fight. Kill all the jews! Execute the n*****s! Only then will the world be safe from the subhuman races!


                  All n*****s should be shot. All k***s must be gassed.


                  Shoot all the jews into space while they're at it and don't put any thermal protection on it. If they try to enter the atmosphere they'll burn like they did in Nazi ovens.

                  They also apparently took over a Ralph JewLover Nader account and posted []:

                  This account has been hijacked by the one and only Ralph JewHater Nader! Death to all k***s!

                  There are hundreds more comments like those, posted over the span of a year or two. Ralph JewHader Nader was a prolific troll account, repeatedly posting vile racist and antisemitic comments, and routinely supporting genocide.

                  That account name was not random, nor was it likely to be something that was invented on the spot. It was likely created because of the Slashdot account with the same name. I'm somewhat familiar with Ralph JewHader Nader's posting history on Slashdot, and it's one of the old troll accounts I actually remember, like cyborg_monkey, spork_testicle, and SCO$699FeeTroll. If aristarchus created a Ralph JewHader Nader account here, I'm sure he is aware of that account's history on Slashdot, and it says a lot about his character.

                  • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Friday October 20 2023, @09:30AM (14 children)

                    by Anonymous Coward on Friday October 20 2023, @09:30AM (#1329496)

                    I assume it's aristarchus creating those accounts, correct?

                    You assume incorrectly. You should stop. You are not very good at it.


                    • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Friday October 20 2023, @12:05PM (13 children)

                      by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Friday October 20 2023, @12:05PM (#1329507) Journal
                      He was correct.
                      I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
                      • (Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday October 21 2023, @07:22AM (12 children)

                        by Anonymous Coward on Saturday October 21 2023, @07:22AM (#1329614)

                        No, he wasn't. Holy Crapola, janrinok! Do you knot realize how much we are aware of your erroneous identifications of ACs? We know who we are, evidently, you do not.

                        Alleged aristarchus. Possible apk. Could be separatrix. Or the late dalek. Or any of many enemies that janrinok has made for SoylentNews. Maybe a Frojack, or a Francis, or a Fusty.

                        • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Saturday October 21 2023, @07:54AM (11 children)

                          by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Saturday October 21 2023, @07:54AM (#1329619) Journal

                          Strange then that the submission that comes from the very same hashes as your comment which is signed as 'aristarchus'. And in the last 9 years or more nobody else has ever used those hashes to contact this site. What a coincidence.

                          Just as were several comments recently. All from the same hashes, all verified by connection to other posts that you have made at the same time where you actually claim to be 'aristarchus'. So it seems that you either are aristarchus or you are frequently claiming to be him. Are you suffering from a multiple personality disorder? You will be treated as 'aristarchus'.

                          I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
                          • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday October 21 2023, @08:10AM (10 children)

                            by Anonymous Coward on Saturday October 21 2023, @08:10AM (#1329620)

                            Same hashes, hashes only janrinok can see, the hashes of the aristrarchus. This would be funny, if it did not indicate a serious mental illness. Your data cannot be correct, janrinok, because I know the hashes are not the same. What is wrong with you? Did you have a "incident"? Are you having an "episode"? Do we need to have someone do a wellness check on our dear janrinok, just to make sure he is alright?

                            • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Saturday October 21 2023, @08:31AM

                              by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Saturday October 21 2023, @08:31AM (#1329627) Journal
                              And a second submission from aristarchus has recently arrived with the same hashes, but at least your comments' hashes have now changed.
                              I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
                            • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Saturday October 21 2023, @08:36AM (8 children)

                              by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Saturday October 21 2023, @08:36AM (#1329628) Journal

                              Almost all of the staff can see the hashes. Your latest hashes have only ever been used by Anti-Aristarchus on a single day in 2021. The coincidences just keep mounting don't they?

                              because I know the hashes are not the same

                              How do you know which hashes aristarchus is using? How could you possibly know....?

                              I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
                              • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday October 21 2023, @08:57AM (4 children)

                                by Anonymous Coward on Saturday October 21 2023, @08:57AM (#1329632)

                                Hash, hash, hash. Is that all you got, old man? You are wrong! You are falsely identifying! You are censoring the wrong people! And, you are being a right dick about it. Well, go on then, run for Speaker of the Active Staff. I wish you well, ruling over the ruins of SoylentNews. You killed it. Your fault. I am not who you think I am.

                                • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Saturday October 21 2023, @09:47AM (3 children)

                                  by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Saturday October 21 2023, @09:47AM (#1329639) Journal

                                  Give it up. I am aristarchus.

                                  You just signed your previous comment: []p

                                  I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
                                  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday October 24 2023, @08:57PM (2 children)

                                    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday October 24 2023, @08:57PM (#1330138)

                                    You are aware that anyone can type a username in a comment? That his how we know that this one is by you!


                                    • (Score: 3, Touché) by janrinok on Wednesday October 25 2023, @06:51AM (1 child)

                                      by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Wednesday October 25 2023, @06:51AM (#1330174) Journal

                                      Anyone trying to pass themselves off as the only banned person will be treated as the only banned person.

                                      I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
                                      • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday October 25 2023, @08:36AM

                                        by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday October 25 2023, @08:36AM (#1330185)

                                        And anyone trying to pass themselves off as UID 52 ought to be treated the same!


                              • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday October 21 2023, @09:02AM (2 children)

                                by Anonymous Coward on Saturday October 21 2023, @09:02AM (#1329633)

                                Um, janrinok, are you not aware that IP addresses are, in many cases, dynamic? That means they can change, and are not a reliable identifier of an individual user. Use of a VPN make that even the more so, so that the coincidence that one AC has the same hash as some other AC, some years ago, does not remotely mean they are the same person. Do you understand how the internets works? It's not a bunch of trucks, with license plates, it is more like a series of tubes, and you never know where the dump is coming from. So, stop with the foolishness, janrinok. Give it up. I am aristarchus.

                                • (Score: 3, Informative) by janrinok on Saturday October 21 2023, @09:20AM (1 child)

                                  by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Saturday October 21 2023, @09:20AM (#1329637) Journal

                                  I understand that perfectly. But when IP addresses are only used by a single account in over 9 years then it is a fairly good indicator that they are being used by the same person, particularly when they have used that IP for several years as a named account. A VPN might be used by millions of people, but we are only interested in the ones who access this site. Most hashes are unique. Where they have been used by more than one identity it is clearly obvious to us.

                                  But for the reasons that you state we DO NOT rely solely on IP addresses. There are other correlations that can be made that assist with identifying the user. For example, I can tie 5 different comments into the hashes that are associated with 5 separate comments made over a period of 16 minutes this morning. The chances of those comments coming from completely different users but all commenting in a short time period and all looking remarkably similar to those easily associated with a specific account are astronomically huge.

                                  There are also additional clues such as :

                                  Give it up. I am aristarchus.

                                  In essence, your security sucks.

                                  I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
                                  • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday October 21 2023, @09:53AM

                                    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday October 21 2023, @09:53AM (#1329640)

                                    Random IP assignments by VPNs are no basis for a system of government! Constant references to Monty Python's Holy Grail might be, however.

                  • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Friday October 20 2023, @08:28PM

                    by Anonymous Coward on Friday October 20 2023, @08:28PM (#1329558)

                    I have it on very good confidential information that he is incorrect, and janrinok is lying again. Mendacious staff, active, destroying SN in order to save it.

            • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday October 19 2023, @09:30AM

              by Anonymous Coward on Thursday October 19 2023, @09:30AM (#1329384)

              But the standard deviation of the current front page is 8.241590230277742. Still pretty wide, so the comments are not very deep. You do due numbers, don't you?

  • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday October 17 2023, @09:23AM

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday October 17 2023, @09:23AM (#1329127)

    Flyboy more than a brainiac. Spy more than a scientist. English more than human. Editor more than community member. It all makes sense, now.