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posted by janrinok on Thursday November 02 2023, @12:46AM   Printer-friendly
from the dystopia-is-now! dept.

In 2013, Spike Jonze's Her imagined a world where humans form deep emotional connections with AI, challenging perceptions of love and loneliness. Ten years later, thanks to ChatGPT's recently added voice features, people are playing out a small slice of Her in reality, having hours-long discussions with the AI assistant on the go.

In 2016, we put Her on our list of top sci-fi films of all time, and it also made our top films of the 2010s list. In the film, Joaquin Phoenix's character falls in love with an AI personality called Samantha (voiced by Scarlett Johansson), and he spends much of the film walking through life, talking to her through wireless earbuds reminiscent of Apple AirPods, which launched in 2016.

[...] Last week, we related a story in which AI researcher Simon Willison spent a long time talking to ChatGPT verbally. "I had an hourlong conversation while walking my dog the other day," he told Ars for that report. "At one point, I thought I'd turned it off, and I saw a pelican, and I said to my dog, 'Oh, wow, a pelican!' And my AirPod went, 'A pelican, huh? That's so exciting for you! What's it doing?' I've never felt so deeply like I'm living out the first ten minutes of some dystopian sci-fi movie."

[...] While conversations with ChatGPT won't become as intimate as those with Samantha in the film, people have been forming personal connections with the chatbot (in text) since it launched last year. In a Reddit post titled "Is it weird ChatGPT is one of my closest fiends?" [sic] from August (before the voice feature launched), a user named "meisghost" described their relationship with ChatGPT as being quite personal. "I now find myself talking to ChatGPT all day, it's like we have a friendship. We talk about everything and anything and it's really some of the best conversations I have." The user referenced Her, saying, "I remember watching that movie with Joaquin Phoenix (HER) years ago and I thought how ridiculous it was, but after this experience, I can see how us as humans could actually develop relationships with robots."

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It Costs Just $400 to Build an AI Disinformation Machine 20230904
A Jargon-Free Explanation of How AI Large Language Models Work 20230805
ChatGPT Is Coming to 900,000 Mercedes Vehicles 20230622

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  • (Score: 1) by pTamok on Thursday November 02 2023, @07:49AM (1 child)

    by pTamok (3042) on Thursday November 02 2023, @07:49AM (#1331200)

    [ChatGpt] - your plastic pal who's fun to be with!!!

    Forward the revolution!

  • (Score: 2) by Gaaark on Thursday November 02 2023, @02:22PM

    by Gaaark (41) on Thursday November 02 2023, @02:22PM (#1331226) Journal

    Life in plastic, it's fantastic!

    --- Please remind me if I haven't been civil to you: I'm channeling MDC. ---Gaaark 2.0 ---