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posted by hubie on Saturday November 18 2023, @06:31PM   Printer-friendly
from the Aging dept.

Research suggests that your body may enjoy an exercise routine more than you do:

If you've ever started a new exercise plan or diet, you'll most likely have been told many times that consistency is the key to reaching goals. Now, scientists for the first time have found that sticking to a daily routine of when you work out could be just as important for bone and joint health.

A study out of The University of Manchester has looked at internal body clocks to see how exercising at the same time of day can potentially shield against bone and joint deterioration, protecting against injury and stave off age-related physical decline and associated conditions such as arthritis.

"Among the many health challenges, the age-related musculoskeletal decline – and its adverse consequences – is a major burden to individuals," said senior author Judith Hoyland, and spine/intervertebral disk expert from The University of Manchester. "We have identified a new clock mechanism underlying skeletal aging, which could have far-reaching impacts on understanding frailty and designing more efficient treatment timing of exercise and physiotherapy to maintain good skeletal health and mobility."

[...] "The daily 24-hour cycle that our bodies follow, such as our internal temperature dropping when we sleep and our blood pressure rising at certain times of day, is known as our circadian rhythm," said Lucy Donaldson, Director of Research & Health Intelligence at collaborating organization Versus Arthritis. "There are processes inside our body which keep this rhythm going, known as 'clocks,' which are all linked to our central body clock in the brain."

Studies have shown that if those other clocks are out of whack with our central timekeeper, it presents a higher risk of many health conditions including cardiovascular disease. Research suggests fat cells have their own biological clock, and the cardiovascular system's own ticker may explain the prevalence of morning heart attacks.

Now, for the first time, University of Manchester researchers have unlocked the mechanisms that make the body's intervertebral disk and cartilage clocks tick. With no nerves nor blood supply, until now it has not been entirely clear that the brain's circadian timekeeping is able to sync up with these unique body clocks.

[...] "And our work showed that clocks in skeletal tissues of older animals remain responsive to daily patterns of exercise," he added. "As such, walking groups organized for older people could be more beneficial for their health if they happen at a similar time every day."

[...] "We already know that exercise is one of the best ways to reduce the pain and impact of arthritis, and this very early research shows that exercising at certain times of day might bring added benefits for people with arthritis," said Donaldson. "This is an important discovery because it could help us to develop more targeted treatments for musculoskeletal conditions such as arthritis using exercise and physical activity."

Journal Reference:
Dudek, M., Pathiranage, D.R.J., Bano-Otalora, B. et al. Mechanical loading and hyperosmolarity as a daily resetting cue for skeletal circadian clocks. Nat Commun 14, 7237 (2023).

Original Submission

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  • (Score: 4, Interesting) by crafoo on Saturday November 18 2023, @07:36PM (1 child)

    by crafoo (6639) on Saturday November 18 2023, @07:36PM (#1333449)

    It sounds reasonable and it lines up with my own personal experience. There are so many other ways things can go wrong though. I watched a drunk man do 3 plate squats with bad form and ruin his back before I could stop him. If you want a long, healthy life, maybe do step 0 first: do not drink. Do not squat 3 plates if you're over 25-30 or so. In fact, fathers out there, get your sons to start lifting and building muscle mass as soon as they begin puberty. Building that muscle mass as soon as the hormone of the Gods hits their bloodstream is the one, sure way to ensure a healthy life for them. Not only muscle health in men, but just as important, bone density and bone health. This will serve them well throughout their life.

    Heavy lifting is dangerous, so get professional help to observe them form. Video record their form and review. Also, get them in a combat sport early, so Greco-Roman grappling or something similar. Boxing is OK too but not as good for the brain.

    The decades ahead are going to be hard. Bitch-made men with an overbearing mother is not what gen-Z or gen-Alpha require.

    Starting Score:    1  point
    Moderation   +2  
       Offtopic=1, Insightful=1, Interesting=2, Total=4
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    Karma-Bonus Modifier   +1  

    Total Score:   4  
  • (Score: 4, Interesting) by digitalaudiorock on Sunday November 19 2023, @02:23PM

    by digitalaudiorock (688) on Sunday November 19 2023, @02:23PM (#1333494) Journal

    I have to disagree with the idea that you have to put muscle mass on when you're young. I was a healthy active kid but not very athletic, and I had rather little muscle mass. I recall that in gym I was lucky to do about 6 pushups.

    At about age 40 I started not liking the pear-shape I seemed to be moving towards and started weight lifting, and never stopped. Now at age 70, at about 6 feet I weigh 155 pounds and have 9.5% body fat, and can easily do a clean set of 100 military spec pushups. It's never too late, and studies have shown that.

    As to the article, not sure on all the time of day stuff, bot for 100% sure weight resistant exercise DOES strengthen bones, and having good muscle mass around all your joints very much can keep your joints healthy for life. Mine are certainly as healthy as the ever were.