Well, that didn't take long!
Last year, after Coke took 10% stake in the company, Keurig started shipping a new version of their instant coffee machines. The primary 'improvement' was the addition of DRM designed to exclude any coffee not approved by Keurig. It is a scheme very much like the ink cartridge DRM of IBM/Lexmark.
One coffee maker has decided to crack that Keurig's DRM and are now shipping a device you insert into the maker that lets you spoof it into thinking any coffee is 'authorized.' They are capitalizing on their new Freedom Clip by giving it away along with free samples of their coffee.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday February 02 2015, @10:18PM
The little bugger has saved me a decent amount of money.
I do not drink coffee however my wife does. So she would make about 4-6 cups of fresh ground coffee. She would drink one and the rest would go to waste as by the time she was done the rest was cold or tasted odd.
Per cup it is more expensive. But she was making 4-6 per brew. She still gets her fresh ground (you can get single reusable cups). And she can do whatever spice blends she likes.
At that point the thing is faster with less waste and you get the same effect.
I still have no need for the thing...