Web developer Trevor Morris has a short post on the attrition of web sites over the years.
I have run the Laravel Artisan command I built to get statistics on my outgoing links section. Exactly one year later it doesn't make good reading.
[...] The percentage of total broken links has increased from 32.8% last year to 35.7% this year. Links from over a decade ago have a fifty per cent chance of no longer working. Thankfully, only three out of over 550 have gone missing in the last few years of links, but only time will tell how long they'll stick around.
As pointed out in the early and mid 1990s, the inherent centralization of sites, later web sites, is the basis for this weakness. That is to say one single copy exists which resides under the control of the publisher / maintainer. When that one copy goes, it is gone.
(Score: 1) by khallow on Wednesday January 31 2024, @12:41AM (2 children)
There's a hubbub in academia right now about shifty right-wingers searching for plagiarism (and similar misdeeds) in order to shame/embarrass/remove academic targets. It already caused a Harvard president to resign. It'll be interesting to see if this effort catches a bunch of targets (I gather the wife of the rich guy funding one of these efforts got caught as well) . My take is that there's some fields where this sort of skullduggery is probably incredibly widespread. OTOH, while I think a house-cleaning of plagiarizing academics would be useful, I doubt it'll have the effect that said right-wingers want.
(Score: 4, Interesting) by bzipitidoo on Wednesday January 31 2024, @03:31AM (1 child)
You might find interesting a facet of chess problem composition. Evidently, the space is small enough that inadvertent recreation of chess problems happens quite often. So often, there's a term for it: anticipation. First decent chess problem I made, I learned had been "anticipated". By 150 years.
(Score: 2) by JoeMerchant on Wednesday January 31 2024, @12:45PM
See also: Melancholy Elephants
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