Actually, the little pockets of Alderaan life that survived would have been isolated and evolved into highly diverse communities --- of vacuum tolerant microbes if it were our galaxy, but a long time ago in a galaxy far far away apparently they had giant worm things with Mynocs flying around inside them which could live on tiny asteroids with scarce atmosphere and no reliable sources of food.
What are you talking about? They obviously fed on the midichlorians that were generated within their systems in a beautiful example of symbiosis.
Psst - Kathleen Kennedy. I'm available if you need new writers. And I'm cool with exploring under-represented minorities in the SWU, such as giant asteroid/sand/aquatic worms, Wampas, Sand People and green-skinned dancers. May I suggest a movie exploring the forbidden love between a Sarlacc and a Sando Aqua Monster? []
(Score: 2) by Murdoc on Sunday February 18 2024, @10:49PM (4 children)
...what little of it we see. And being Star Wars, I assume it was single-biome. :p (I know, it sure is now...sigh.)
I like mountains.
(Score: 2) by JoeMerchant on Monday February 19 2024, @07:21PM (3 children)
Actually, the little pockets of Alderaan life that survived would have been isolated and evolved into highly diverse communities --- of vacuum tolerant microbes if it were our galaxy, but a long time ago in a galaxy far far away apparently they had giant worm things with Mynocs flying around inside them which could live on tiny asteroids with scarce atmosphere and no reliable sources of food.
🌻🌻 []
(Score: 2) by Mykl on Wednesday February 21 2024, @12:30AM (2 children)
What are you talking about? They obviously fed on the midichlorians that were generated within their systems in a beautiful example of symbiosis.
Psst - Kathleen Kennedy. I'm available if you need new writers. And I'm cool with exploring under-represented minorities in the SWU, such as giant asteroid/sand/aquatic worms, Wampas, Sand People and green-skinned dancers. May I suggest a movie exploring the forbidden love between a Sarlacc and a Sando Aqua Monster? []
(Score: 2) by JoeMerchant on Wednesday February 21 2024, @01:47AM (1 child)
Aren't midichlorians just magic quantum entangled mitochondria?
🌻🌻 []
(Score: 2) by Freeman on Thursday February 29 2024, @02:43PM
You got the magic part right at least.
Joshua 1:9 "Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee"