Slash Boxes

SoylentNews is people

posted by janrinok on Friday March 01 2024, @12:32AM   Printer-friendly
from the Browser-freedom dept.

There's a new browser in town: Nyxt. It is free software. It is intended to be modified by the user, perhaps even rewritten. From

Built-in programmability.

Use the built-in REPL to program Nyxt. Run short scripts, and try out new workflows. Everything in Nyxt is fully extensible and modifiable.

It is written in Common Lisp.

Is this the browser we programmers have been waiting for? The one we can modify to our wildest dreams?

[Ed's comment: The linked source is obviously intended to show a potential user how it will work, and in this role it does a reasonable job. But there is not a great deal to explain why they think it is a game changer, or why it will appeal to many users. If it is necessary to use Lisp to extend the browser then perhaps it will not have the impact that they seem to believe it will have. But what do you think? Will it gain a foothold, or simply fade away to be forgotten except perhaps for a few enthusiasts?]

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  • (Score: 3, Interesting) by JoeMerchant on Saturday March 02 2024, @03:50AM

    by JoeMerchant (3937) on Saturday March 02 2024, @03:50AM (#1347047)

    >not C which has all the sharp edges and no safety features

    Hey, I program in C++ pretty much the same way I do serious tree felling with chainsaws: in shorts and flip-flops, and very carefully. Nothing worse than wearing a bunch of cumbersome safety gear that makes you hot and sweaty and fatigued (and stupid) before you even start working. Same thing with "safe" programming languages, you can always screw things up, even when your language comes with training wheels, air bags, harnesses and curb sensors - and a lot of those things make the job harder instead of easier.

    I have done a couple of microPython projects on the Raspberry Pi Pico, because the tool chain is so damn friendly as compared to the nightmare of a C toolchain they sort of contemptuously threw out there. However, language to language, I never spent so much time chasing gremlins in C as I did in that microPython chasing garbage collector issues.

    🌻🌻 []
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