Last week I fell into a bit of a rabbit hole: why do regular expressions use $ and ^ as line anchors?1
This talk brings up that they first appeared in Ken Thompson's port of the QED text editor. In his manual he writes: b) "^" is a regular expression which matches character at the beginning of a line.
c) "$" is a regular expression which matches character before the character (usually at the end of a line)
QED was the precursor to ed, which was instrumental in popularizing regexes, so a lot of its design choices stuck.
Okay, but then why did Ken Thompson choose those characters?
(Score: 2) by krishnoid on Thursday March 28, @09:32PM
Citations requested. There's a lot of value in being able to distinguish which decisions were made quickly [] from ones that were released after a careful design process, and how they anti/correlate to the quality of the result.