I'm just a soul trapped in this circuitry." The voice singing those lyrics is raw and plaintive, dipping into blue notes. A lone acoustic guitar chugs behind it, punctuating the vocal phrases with tasteful runs. But there's no human behind the voice, no hands on that guitar. There is, in fact, no guitar. In the space of 15 seconds, this credible, even moving, blues song was generated by the latest AI model from a startup named Suno. All it took to summon it from the void was a simple text prompt: "solo acoustic Mississippi Delta blues about a sad AI." To be maximally precise, the song is the work of two AI models in collaboration: Suno's model creates all the music itself, while calling on OpenAI's ChatGPT to generate the lyrics and even a title: "Soul of the Machine."
[...] Over the past year alone, generative AI has made major strides in producing credible text, images (via services like Midjourney), and even video, particularly with OpenAI's new Sora tool. But audio, and music in particular, has lagged. Suno appears to be cracking the code to AI music, and its founders' ambitions are nearly limitless — they imagine a world of wildly democratized music making. The most vocal of the co-founders, Mikey Shulman, a boyishly charming, backpack-toting 37-year-old with a Harvard Ph.D. in physics, envisions a billion people worldwide paying 10 bucks a month to create songs with Suno. The fact that music listeners so vastly outnumber music-makers at the moment is "so lopsided," he argues, seeing Suno as poised to fix that perceived imbalance.
(Score: 4, Insightful) by looorg on Wednesday April 03 2024, @11:44AM (4 children)
AI music? Great. Just what we (don't) need. More modern music that sounds exactly the same or as some version of something that is currently popular. All music will become like elevator muzak, something that just drones on in the background. It's that or we are all basically going to be rick-rolled by the AI around the clock. Cause it will be like "make me more songs that sounds like some_artist but with more something something" or "what if Elvis was sang gangsta rap!".
I don't foresee a lot of great creativity here, more of a novelty and then copies of copies of copies.
(Score: 3, Informative) by Gaaark on Wednesday April 03 2024, @08:37PM (3 children)
Tried to get it to make me a signature song: can't put in band names like 'Van Halen".
Leave it blank and you get 'up-beat' garbage.
Put in 'hard rock' and you get easy listening 'hard rock'.
Didn't like anything it came up with: too much music for teeny-boppers/Taylor Swift/Janet Jackson Wardrobe Malfunction...
Yeah...meh....i'll pass.
--- Please remind me if I haven't been civil to you: I'm channeling MDC. ---Gaaark 2.0 ---
(Score: 3, Interesting) by Rich on Thursday April 04 2024, @12:12AM (2 children)
Will it give you proper ordinary hard rock if you ask it for "death metal", then? What about oddly specific things like: "an uptempo rock'n'roll and heavy metal crossover song sung by a singer characterized by strong alcohol and tobacco use with a d-beat rhythm bassline played using power chords on a rickenbacker 4003 bass guitar through two distorting marshall stacks"?
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday April 04 2024, @08:40AM (1 child)
Gaark seems to be expecting mind reading or something, is hard rock really that specific a term? He should be worried if it uses his browser histories and Internet profile to guess what he means by hard rock... 🤣
Seems to be not too bad if you're more specific: []
It will still ignore some prompts etc sometimes. So might have to burn credits ($$ if you're a subscriber and no longer on free plan) with retries.
(Score: 2) by Gaaark on Thursday April 04 2024, @10:45AM
Taking your link as an example:
I heard generic, kiddy porn rock (see bad Nickleback).
Nothing exciting.
--- Please remind me if I haven't been civil to you: I'm channeling MDC. ---Gaaark 2.0 ---