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Reply to: Re:NES - Connector is poop

    (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday September 03, @10:56PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday September 03, @10:56PM (#1371112)

    Many of the aftermarket connectors are also poop, unfortunately. The cheap options which look more or less like the original connector tend to initially death-grip cartridges and then allegedly wear out quicker than the original connectors. The fancy options tend to be unavailable; worse, at least some of them have compatibility issues (eg. some cartridges have rather short pins that don't extend all the way to the edge of the cartridge PCB, and some of the fancy options don't make good contact with these).

    I've had good luck so far with cleaning the original connector (with 99% IPA, and more recently with Deoxit), and occasionally (maybe twice over the past 20 years) taking a dental pick and very slightly bending the contacts on the connector back into place. Crazy people suggest boiling the original connectors, the theory is this will cause them to slightly expand and shed corrosion, but I haven't brought myself to try.

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