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posted by mrpg on Sunday October 06, @03:44PM   Printer-friendly
from the more-mobility dept.

Arthur T Knackerbracket has processed the following story:

During the summer US Mobile announced it is now a “super carrier”, offering the ability to connect to all three major US cellular networks. There’s been a lot of confusion about this new change and how it works. I’ve spent a few months with the carrier getting to know it for that very reason. In this short guide, we explain US Mobile carrier switching and how it works, as well as if it’s as good as it sounds on paper and who it’s best suited for.

[...] This process is basically like fully transferring to another network. Though it’s possible to physically swap SIMs for the transfer, an e-SIM is essential if you want this experience to be as simple and painless as possible. Even then, it’s not exactly an instant procedure.

[...] It’s a bit both, frankly. While it’s true that US Mobile on paper might sound like it can seamlessly switch between carriers anytime you need better coverage, the reality is more mundane, tedious, and restricted than users might assume initially. The answer to whether it is worth it really depends on your needs. If you travel outside of your home region at least once or twice a month on average and have run into carrier issues, then yes this is a great deal. It’s also nice having the piece of mind to be able to switch anytime there’s extra congestion or a network outage, like the big Verizon outage that recently was in the news.

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  • (Score: 2) by ledow on Tuesday October 08, @10:31PM

    by ledow (5567) on Tuesday October 08, @10:31PM (#1376268) Homepage

    Multi-network eSIMs are everywhere and have been for a while.

    Just literally search that phrase.

    Anywhere, Nomad, Flexifone, .... there's pages of them.

    Starting Score:    1  point
    Karma-Bonus Modifier   +1  

    Total Score:   2