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posted by Fnord666 on Thursday October 31, @08:58PM   Printer-friendly
from the you-have-died-of-dysentery dept.

From the Hollywood Reporter: Apple is turning the classic computer game Oregon Trail into a big budget action-comedy movie.

Grab your wagons and oxen, and get ready to ford a river: A movie adaptation of the popular grade school computer game Oregon Trail is in development at Apple.

The studio landed the film pitch, still in early development, that has Will Speck and Josh Gordon attached to direct and produce. EGOT winners Benj Pasek and Justin Paul will provide original music and produce via their Ampersand production banner. Sources tell The Hollywood Reporter that the movie will feature a couple of original musical numbers in the vein of Barbie.

Sounds like a good day to die of dysentery.

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  • (Score: 2) by aafcac on Friday November 01, @10:15PM

    by aafcac (17646) on Friday November 01, @10:15PM (#1379880)

    The Edutainment games back then were a lot better than the ones that we have now. A lot of that was because they didn't have to be so focused on education, teach kids to use computers was a bigger part of the concept than it is now. Sometime in the mid-90s that started to change where there had to be more educational content to be acceptable.

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