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posted by janrinok on Friday November 22, @05:22AM   Printer-friendly
from the for-greater-justice dept.

US justice department plans to push Google to sell off Chrome browser

[...] The DoJ will reportedly push for Google, which is owned by Alphabet, to sell the browser and also ask a judge to require new measures related to artificial intelligence as well as its Android smartphone operating system, according to Bloomberg.

Competition officials, along with a number of US states that have joined the case against the Silicon Valley company, also plan to recommend that the federal judge Amit Mehta imposes data licensing requirements.

Google has said it will challenge any case by the DoJ and said the proposals marked an "overreach" by the government that would harm consumers.

It didn't go their way a few decades ago when they wanted to split or force Microsoft to split or part with some aspects of the company. Any reason to think they'll do better this time around?

According to Bloomberg they are tossing around the value of $20 billion. Who has that to spare for Chrome? That isn't already more or less a monopoly in and by themselves? One evil is as good/bad as the next evil.

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  • (Score: 3, Insightful) by Adam on Friday November 22, @06:25PM (1 child)

    by Adam (2168) on Friday November 22, @06:25PM (#1382885)

    It's hard to make a case for Chrome being worth much when Chromium is open source and widely forked. Google themselves, barring some injunction, could probably rebuild a new Vanadium browser within a couple of weeks from Chromium. Who's going to buy the brand name? If anything, the DOJ should follow Europe (in Android) in making search engine a mandatory or random choice within Chrome.

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    Total Score:   3  
  • (Score: 2) by DannyB on Monday November 25, @05:26PM

    by DannyB (5839) Subscriber Badge on Monday November 25, @05:26PM (#1383301) Journal

    Slightly related, Google plans to replace Chrome OS (think Chromebooks) with Android. Yep, really.

    Satin worshipers are obsessed with high thread counts because they have so many daemons.