Slash Boxes

SoylentNews is people

posted by LaminatorX on Monday March 17 2014, @06:29AM   Printer-friendly
from the the-story-of-us dept.

buswolley writes:

"Soylents: Concentrated pools of experts, doers, thinkers.

I am a neuroscientist.

What do you do?"

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  • (Score: 1) by Yog-Yogguth on Monday March 17 2014, @07:21AM

    by Yog-Yogguth (1862) Subscriber Badge on Monday March 17 2014, @07:21AM (#17432) Journal

    I do the same, except for the waving of arms and IRC.

    I'm getting really good at it too, I'll soon have to update my bio.

    Bite harder Ouroboros, bite! linux USB CD secure desktop IRC *crypt tor (not endorsements (XKeyScore))