Does this site need ACs? Why not just get people to create an account with a silly name if they want to be anonymous, and let use filter down new users (where new is registration date, number of posts etc) or let us add them to 'freaks' and filter them down that way.
ACs are a way for people to say what they want without fear. It also lowers the hurdle for people to interact with the site. Anyone can contribute, no registration required.
-- SN won't survive on lurkers alone. Write comments.
Conversely, one could try not going on a drunken rant on IRC.
And as I recognize the username from said drunken rant: If you choose to drunken rant, please don't start the drunken rant with a racial slur. The impact of threatening to raise hosting cost as a way to blow off steam will be left as an exercise for the reader.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 17 2014, @07:28PM
by Anonymous Coward
on Monday March 17 2014, @07:28PM (#17763)
From FatPhil, a handy one-line script to see all of Khyber's IRC "contributions":
for i in 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16; do GET "$i.html"; done | grep -i Khyber | sed -e 's,.*<\(.*\)>,\1:,'
Everywhere needs anonymity if you ask me, AC on its own is only a shared pseudonym named to tease and let people blow off steam without risking karma and so on. Our silly names are also nothing but pseudonyms.
I have no experience with the following on SN but except for issues with Lynx and similar and for example text to speech it should be reasonably easy to filter out everything below any chosen threshold or possibly also add AC as a foe or freak or whatever it is called.
-- Bite harder Ouroboros, bite! linux USB CD secure desktop IRC *crypt tor (not endorsements (XKeyScore))
(Score: 1) by Yog-Yogguth on Monday March 17 2014, @09:39AM
+1 Cute :)
Bite harder Ouroboros, bite! linux USB CD secure desktop IRC *crypt tor (not endorsements (XKeyScore))
(Score: -1) by NullPtr on Monday March 17 2014, @12:52PM
Does this site need ACs? Why not just get people to create an account with a silly name if they want to be anonymous, and let use filter down new users (where new is registration date, number of posts etc) or let us add them to 'freaks' and filter them down that way.
(Score: 1, Funny) by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 17 2014, @01:13PM
Some would say we don't need null pointers; I say that dereferencing these damned danglers is more trouble than it's worth.
(Score: 1, Informative) by NullPtr on Monday March 17 2014, @02:00PM
Java has no pointers; however, it still generates null pointer exceptions. Life is sweet!
(Score: 5, Insightful) by tibman on Monday March 17 2014, @02:09PM
ACs are a way for people to say what they want without fear. It also lowers the hurdle for people to interact with the site. Anyone can contribute, no registration required.
SN won't survive on lurkers alone. Write comments.
(Score: 1, Troll) by Khyber on Monday March 17 2014, @02:32PM
"Anyone can contribute"
Except in IRC, where no matter how much you've contributed, ONE drunken rant gets you banned, and then you can no longer contribute.
Power-tripping mods and site owners are going to be the death of this site.
Destroying Semiconductors With Style Since 2008, and scaring you ill-educated fools since 2013.
(Score: 5, Insightful) by efitton on Monday March 17 2014, @03:08PM
Conversely, one could try not going on a drunken rant on IRC.
And as I recognize the username from said drunken rant: If you choose to drunken rant, please don't start the drunken rant with a racial slur. The impact of threatening to raise hosting cost as a way to blow off steam will be left as an exercise for the reader.
(Score: 1, Flamebait) by Khyber on Wednesday March 19 2014, @02:36PM
"If you choose to drunken rant, please don't start the drunken rant with a racial slur."
Considering I'm partially African, I'm free to use the damned word if I please, ESPECIALLY when I'm using the IGNORANT PERSON definition, you nigger.
Destroying Semiconductors With Style Since 2008, and scaring you ill-educated fools since 2013.
(Score: 1) by efitton on Wednesday March 19 2014, @05:50PM
I thought you were leaving?
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 17 2014, @07:28PM
From FatPhil, a handy one-line script to see all of Khyber's IRC "contributions":
for i in 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16; do GET "$i.html"; done | grep -i Khyber | sed -e 's,.*<\(.*\)>,\1:,'
(Score: 0, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 17 2014, @02:21PM
Fuck you
(Score: 1, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 17 2014, @05:28PM
No AC means I'm no longer a visitor to this site. I've heard similar sentiments from others.
(Score: 1) by Yog-Yogguth on Monday March 17 2014, @05:52PM
Everywhere needs anonymity if you ask me, AC on its own is only a shared pseudonym named to tease and let people blow off steam without risking karma and so on. Our silly names are also nothing but pseudonyms.
I have no experience with the following on SN but except for issues with Lynx and similar and for example text to speech it should be reasonably easy to filter out everything below any chosen threshold or possibly also add AC as a foe or freak or whatever it is called.
Bite harder Ouroboros, bite! linux USB CD secure desktop IRC *crypt tor (not endorsements (XKeyScore))