Anonymous Coward writes:
"2048, the most addictive game since Tetris, was recently released. Its origin has been traced back as far as Threes!, which inspired 1024, which inspired 2048. Finally, an improved version, with animations, was written by Gabriele Cirulli, 19 year old from Italy.
The game has enthralled many, and led directly to the waste of countless potentially productive hours. A variety of permutations have since surfaced: 2048 in 3D, 2048 in 4D, and 9007199254740992.
Some ask why it's so addictive. I say, it attacks our pleasure centers in ways that Wesley Crusher already warned us about."
(Score: 1) by Yog-Yogguth on Wednesday March 19 2014, @10:42PM
This is a warning from an old beard: I'm afraid transitioning from car analogies to people analogies is going to excite every single "troll" on the internet in the most obscene ways possible. Multiple times every time :|
That was a people analogy right there. The meta, it never stops.
Yes it might make internet history as well as define "trollnip" forever more. No it is still not a good idea :3
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