This is a topic that comes up all too often in comments, lambasting editors or praising them.
As it stands, editorial is a black box, they accept submissions, fettle them, then they appear as stories. Recently, the Original Submission link appeared on stories so you can see what went in and what appeared out of that black box, yet still the complaints come.
Just how much transparency is necessary? (This is an open question not rhetorical)
I like to believe that SoylentNews is the people that form it as a community, and the editing should reflect that.
Should we adopt some version control for subs so everyone can see who edited what through the pipeline that goes from sub to front page?
Thoughts on a postcard please.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday May 29 2015, @05:17AM
Actually, I'm rather happy with the new format. There were more problems than the one: see for example [], where an editor posted a blatantly false and inflammatory statement about Google. The editors had grown pretty snarky around that time, but the new editorial control has helped immensely, and the new format isn't that intrusive.
The editing here has gotten better than Slashdot's, and quickly, not that it's a high bar to reach. The comments, of course, are another matter...
(Score: 4, Informative) by GungnirSniper on Friday May 29 2015, @05:29AM
The editor in your example fixed the story and commented to that effect barely a half hour after it was posted. The whole story got all of three on-topic posts. So again, how big is this micro problem?
Tips for better submissions to help our site grow. []
(Score: 3, Insightful) by ticho on Friday May 29 2015, @06:50AM
Fully agree here. Please, let's not let few loudmouth conspiracy theorists ruin regulate this site into oblivion!