This is a topic that comes up all too often in comments, lambasting editors or praising them.
As it stands, editorial is a black box, they accept submissions, fettle them, then they appear as stories. Recently, the Original Submission link appeared on stories so you can see what went in and what appeared out of that black box, yet still the complaints come.
Just how much transparency is necessary? (This is an open question not rhetorical)
I like to believe that SoylentNews is the people that form it as a community, and the editing should reflect that.
Should we adopt some version control for subs so everyone can see who edited what through the pipeline that goes from sub to front page?
Thoughts on a postcard please.
(Score: 3, Insightful) by frojack on Friday May 29 2015, @07:05AM
Wait, we haven't got enough editors, so we are going to all become editors?
We have trouble getting enough stories submitted, so we are going to take submitters and make them editors.
Then we are going to get together and vote stories up and down before the are posted?
And we are going to comment on them, before we comment on them, and pretend we didn't by deleting the comments?
So who is left to read these stories after all that?
You've essentially drafted everyone we have into the editing process? There is nobody left to submit, and nobody left to read!!?
No, you are mistaken. I've always had this sig.
(Score: 2) by q.kontinuum on Friday May 29 2015, @08:07AM
I you over-dramatize. Most people are going to the main-page and will see the regular stories. Those people who already liked to take a peek ahead at the submit list will continue to do that and additionally provide some feedback. I don't think this will stop anyone from submitting more stories or reading the regular stories.
Registered IRC nick on qkontinuum
(Score: 2) by FakeBeldin on Friday May 29 2015, @11:34AM
I you over-dramatize.
I you get that a lot.
(Score: 3, Funny) by bzipitidoo on Friday May 29 2015, @12:54PM
Obviously the GP needs an editor.
Wait, maybe s/he is an editor? Who will edit the editors?!
(Score: 2) by q.kontinuum on Friday May 29 2015, @01:42PM
PANIC! DRAMA! We need an enhanced editor-staff to review comments before they go live! Immediately! And I need to take my time to write some journal entry on how to avoid such catastrophes in the future, and to apologize! Thanks for alerting me!
Registered IRC nick on qkontinuum