youngatheart writes:
"First there was HipHop, the PHP interpreter which improved performance, now usually referred to by the less embarrassing name HHVM. Building on HHVM, they've just introduced Hack, which 'reconciles the fast development cycle of PHP with the discipline provided by static typing, while adding many features commonly found in other modern programming languages.'
Over the past year, Facebook has converted nearly all of its PHP code base to Hack, which makes up the core of its website."
(Score: 5, Insightful) by tibman on Saturday March 22 2014, @01:58AM
I still develop in PHP for fun. C# for work and C++ only occasionally. Javascript is likely to dominate in the next year or two. It's already almost tied with server-side code.
PHP will always have a bad reputation. Even from those who never took the time to learn it. Languages don't bother me but bad code certainly does. Poorly named variables and functions are possible in any language. Writing code without tests feels unprofessional. Methods with more than four or five lines in them look too busy. Functions that are both a command and query make me shiver. A collection of functions passing the same objects around is just a class in disguise. Presentation layers that have any database knowledge are cringe worthy. High level code should not depend on low level details. Long predicates should be made into boolean methods. Blah blah blah. The language doesn't mean shit. It's up to the person using it that determines how accurate/stable/fast/reusable it is : )
SN won't survive on lurkers alone. Write comments.
(Score: 3, Insightful) by rts008 on Saturday March 22 2014, @09:56AM
I've dabbled with html, a little Java, and a little python scripting, but I really do not know coding, programming, or any 'language'(I focus on some game 'modding' only)
Coming from a 'country/farm boy' background, blacksmithing, construction, and other blue-collar vocations, I see your post and react to it in that mindset.
To set the stage, coder/programmer/developer are fellow craftsman in my view, so keep that in mind for the below statements:
The language doesn't mean shit. It's up to the person using it that determines how accurate/stable/fast/reusable it is : )
The 'world's best, Super Ultimate, Foolproof, comprehensive' toolkit wielded by an incompetent or mediocre craftsman(?) will not achieve 'master craftsman' level results.
However, you can provide some basic tools to a true master craftsman, and they will achieve seemingly miraculous works.
I've personally witnessed this time, and time again in the construction field, and on the various farms and ranches I have worked; never more so than when I was in the US Army.
So yeah, you hit the nail on the head, from my POV.