Gearbox Software ruined one of the best running jokes in software when they brought Duke Nukem Forever to market. At a recent developer conference in Brighton, they talked about working with independent developers to revive the character.
From Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford:
"I did not acquire the franchise merely to make sure we could all experience Duke Nukem Forever," Pitchford said. "That was sort of the toll we had to pay." He then explained that while Gearbox has carried out some concept development for the franchise, they'd need to work with the "correct developer" to make a new game.
One of the pitches:
Sam Barlow (Her Story)
Duke Nukem goes into a Vegas strip club at 4am, and it's kind of empty, and there's only two strippers working. He throws some money at them. Then, because there's no one else around, they sit down and they talk to him, and Duke sits there and he listens to this stripper talk about her life, why she's stripping, her family back home and how they live a state away but she flies into Vegas for two weeks of the month to earn money, then she goes go back and looks after her kids.
Then after an hour of this conversation, of him just listening to the woman talk, she asks Duke about his life, and then it flips. It's the first time anyone's actually asked about him, and he's forced to look inside himself and understand why he does these things, why he feels the need to kick ass, and it's just a lovely moment that they share. He walks away from it feeling like he understands himself a little bit better, but the ending is kind of ambiguous. We see Duke leave the strip club and we don't know what happens next.
What's your pitch, Soylent?
(Score: 2) by Jesus_666 on Sunday July 19 2015, @12:56AM
Actualy, you knoew what? He does die in the strip club. He's just alive again at the end of the game. Without ever explaining how he did that. That's what people in bad action movies do.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday July 19 2015, @04:13PM
We cut to Duke visiting Japan. While visiting a brothel in Japan, Duke offends a prostitute. Said protistitute gets into a fistfight with Duke defending the Honor of Japan from yet another gaijin douchebag. Aliens attack. Slowly over a series of cooperative levels spanning Japan, an alien ship, the US, and then outer space they come to terms while kicking both Alien, and 'Otherworldly' trash.
Offering both misogynistic and misoandristic dialogue (Being Lo Wang's daughter has ALL SORTS of possibilities.) it would offer the perfect excuse for sexist male and female viewpoints and with a toggle for straight, bi, homo, nullo you could play through as either character with 'eye-candy' on for both genders, a single gender, or off (so nullo could be 'parental lock mode').
Maybe Gearbox can convince whoever is handling the Shadow Warrior IP now to cooperate on a crossover :)