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posted by cmn32480 on Monday July 27 2015, @08:16AM   Printer-friendly
from the dewey-decimal-system dept.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is agitating for a new Librarian of Congress that will loosen restrictions on fair use and appreciate how content use has evolved in the digital age. The current Librarian, Dr. James Billington, has been criticized by EFF and others for failure to modernize the institution, being slow to grant exemptions to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), and reportedly communicating with staff by fax. Now that Billington is retiring, the EFF hopes that a fresh face will speed up digitization of LoC public domain works, do a better job of overseeing the Copyright Office, and improve access to the Congressional Research Service.

Jessamyn West, the librarian whose Librarian of PROgress campaign has become a focal point for this discussion, has been a leading voice on what we can hope for in, to use her term, the #nextLoC. In a post last week, she laid out a wishlist of what she and other members of the library community would like to see.

As she notes, these priorities could certainly match those of somebody who already works in a library—perhaps unsurprisingly, the American Library Association too has advocated that President Obama nominate a professional librarian for the position. But they could also come from somebody who is simply passionate about users rights. Free speech, privacy, and intellectual freedom are core values of both EFF and librarians everywhere, and we can always use another well-placed advocate. We urge the president to choose one.

The Atlantic also has a discussion about the next Librarian of Congress:

"A lot of people are very happy that Billington finally stepped down, so we can get some better technology infrastructure for both the Copyright Office and the Library," said Samuelson. The previous Librarian of Congress did not hire a permanent chief information officer—despite being exhorted to do so by the Government Accountability Office—and has instead churned through five IT chiefs in the last three years alone.

A new Librarian could also shape copyright policy, Band said, just by communicating to libraries that they should take advantage of recent changes to fair use. The 2012 HathiTrust decision, for instance, found that searching ebooks and making them accessible to the disabled is covered by fair use. The Copyright Office "is very troubled by the evolution of fair use," Band told me. "A different Librarian who is more involved with these issues should say, 'No, libraries can take more advantage of fair use than the Copyright Office feels.'"

Original Submission

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  • (Score: 2) by MichaelDavidCrawford on Monday July 27 2015, @09:31AM

    I post this here as I expect many librarians will read this submission.


    The main reason I hang out in cafes rather than libraries is that cafes have music, often quite interesting music.

    While I do understand many spend time at the library so they can enjoy its quiet, dead silence drives me totally round the bend, in part because of tinnitus, that is, loud ringing in my ears.

    I could listen to headphones or earbuds but I dislike them. It's not the same as occupying a public space where everyone is hearing the same music.

    Some libraries are large enough that they could devote a separate room to the music. It need not be loud.

    Public performance of recorded music generally requires payment to the copyright holder, but that is not the case with Creative Commons or public domain recordings.

    Yes I Have No Bananas. []
    Starting Score:    1  point
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    Total Score:   2  
  • (Score: 1, Funny) by Anonymous Coward on Monday July 27 2015, @10:07AM

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday July 27 2015, @10:07AM (#214203)

    Michael David Brotha! I got a solution! Go to your local library with your ghettoblaster laptop and crank up the fucking volume! Make everyone listen to your music! Theres a shitton of music for free on the nternet these days! Play that fucking shit in a public place! The public will thank you! For reals!

  • (Score: 2) by gidds on Tuesday July 28 2015, @01:39PM

    by gidds (589) on Tuesday July 28 2015, @01:39PM (#214830) not what everyone else wants.

    Libraries are one of the few places people can get away from all the noise.  Your condition is rare, and has a perfectly good and considerate solution.  But because you dislike that, you'd be happy to make libraries hellholes for everyone else.

    Doesn't that strike you as a little selfish?

    [sig redacted]