We want to make this your source for news about technology, art, and science. We are the new kid on the block and are adapting quickly to satisfy our community's needs, as we look forward to exceeding your expectations and pushing boundaries like never before. Lastly, there will be no changes in format without a general consensus from the community. Thank you for stopping by and enjoy the ride!
(Score: 2, Funny) by CmdrTaco on Monday February 17 2014, @06:48AM
Hey guys remember me? Great site you have here.
(Score: 1) by cosurgi on Monday February 17 2014, @08:44AM
sure I remember you! :)
#\ @ ? [adom.de] Colonize Mars [kozicki.pl]
(Score: 1) by zocalo on Monday February 17 2014, @09:22AM
UNIX? They're not even circumcised! Savages!
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday February 17 2014, @01:53PM
You're dead to me, Taco. You sold out.
(Score: 1) by tangomargarine on Monday February 17 2014, @04:06PM
Already I see the possibility that this could be more Slashdot than Slashdot is now, which would be sweet. Although I'm sure it'll have its share of problems.
Time will tell.
"Is that really true?" "I just spent the last hour telling you to think for yourself! Didn't you hear anything I said?"