We want to make this your source for news about technology, art, and science. We are the new kid on the block and are adapting quickly to satisfy our community's needs, as we look forward to exceeding your expectations and pushing boundaries like never before. Lastly, there will be no changes in format without a general consensus from the community. Thank you for stopping by and enjoy the ride!
(Score: 1) by cx on Monday February 17 2014, @08:33AM
On a tangential note, it's am[us|az]ing just how many people protesting bugginess/missing functionality of beta are willing to put up with bugginess/missing functionality of $here for the sake of moving away and/or starting afresh. Guess beta was a convenient excuse for something that was brewing much longer.
Personally, I haven't even seen it; and I guess things that annoyed me on
(Score: 1) by ticho on Monday February 17 2014, @09:24AM
The biggest difference, at least for me, is that any complaints and/or bug reports aren't going to be lost in gray corporate indifference, but dealt with (accepted/fixed or rejected) by community. It feels like coming from Windows world to some nice FOSS project with small, but responsive dev team.
Plus, you can always get involved with the fixing yourself!