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(Score: 2, Informative) by unitron on Monday February 17 2014, @06:02PM
It's very simple.
I suggested a boycott. In a thread at Slashdot.
I discovered after having done so that an AC in a different thread had done so a couple of hours earlier, and they suggested the original dates.
I went back and noted that (an unknown) someone had had the idea before I had, and at that time I named it the Slashcott.
I named it, so it's mine, and I'm free to make whatever rules I want to.
And people are free to tell me to get stuffed if they don't want to observe those rules.
(apparently I'm psychic, as I already know what at least one of the replies to this post is going to say : - )
So if you were looking for the official Slashcott Steering Committee, or any of the sub-committees, I'm it. I decide what's official and official news of the status of the boycott is available wherever I can find to post it.
something something Slashcott something something Beta something something