We want to make this your source for news about technology, art, and science. We are the new kid on the block and are adapting quickly to satisfy our community's needs, as we look forward to exceeding your expectations and pushing boundaries like never before. Lastly, there will be no changes in format without a general consensus from the community. Thank you for stopping by and enjoy the ride!
(Score: 1) by edIII on Monday February 17 2014, @07:41PM
Yes. We could tone it down a little and perhaps add a few things....
However, let's be very careful going down that road lest we have our heads shoved up our asses and we try to knock off Ars Technica poorly and end up treating ourselves like an audience again ;)
I'm just happy to keep this interface period. There was never anything else quite like the experience of posting on Slashdot, and thankfully now, SoylentNews.
Technically, lunchtime is at any moment. It's just a wave function.